Hey Yusephi, Dagothloki (UD Rogue). I joined you all late Vanilla and raided with you until mid-TBC, not sure if you remember me (your name sounds familiar).
You playing come Classic?
Hey Yusephi, Dagothloki (UD Rogue). I joined you all late Vanilla and raided with you until mid-TBC, not sure if you remember me (your name sounds familiar).
You playing come Classic?
Morbenth - Undead Priest <Proven/Adelante>
Hey TO Nitroxid, Ginjl, Fonzi, Plunix, - WHERE IS MOGWAI? And KOPTY, there’s a guy I won’t forget.
Kryptified - Some of the best memories I have are healing you going 2V10 in WSG, I’m pretty sure I still owe you a bunch of gold.
Hey Morbenth,
Nice to see you on these forums. I’d like to get a hold of you, can I get your contact info or you can add me on battle net neotrix#1802 or discord neotrix#8658
Hey its mass.
Any old Gimped or TG kicking around add me on bnet. mass#1908
Thisismyalt also claims to be coming back, but he’s married and “busy now”.
yooo <3
debating herod or stalagg
some legends in this thread
Hey guys, Kaynin of Thriller & Insanity here!
add me on blizzard chat, Kaynin#1695
Yeah, you can find most of my videos of our kills through BWL, I still have the OG files that i captured with Fraps.
Heres a video that Gepta did from his view.
here is a link to the videos I uploaded; when Thriller broke up I joined Shamanist in making Insanity.
Id like to get a call list, perhaps get a discord going & remaking the guild.
I got some good pix of us. In one of my videos you can see a crossroad pic of us going to kill Hakkar. The group was Me, Flavorflav, saklav, Adryana, Necros, Naraski, Stonehand, Bogar, Lukisxluna and Aioros.
Looking forward to playing with you again
Ghstmarauder here Gimped Hunter… haven’t logged on in 12 years.
One of my friends donated some time to get me to actually re-up, so i’ll be slumming it on Fairbanks Alliance for now, but i’ll probably drop a Horde alt if we got a nice group of people playing again.
All the nostalgia here.
I reached out to Adryana, but it doesn’t sound like he going to play but he might. He has a few kids and a wife now.
Kryptified!!! Where the F is Ekim? Should get the 3 traitor dwarf pallys back together again.
Digby, druid, pyre/proven
Phatoms - Undead Rogue
Looking for any members of The Hated Ones (Mike/Lissa/Vince, etc)
Or anyone who played with me.
Is this king of cux holovic?
holy! its digby . Ekim is around i believe in our discord. Message me Crazyeyes#11805
Gonna wait and see how the severs shake out, sounding like herod will be pretty awful queue-wise.
Zlorus - Undead Priest
Epicure - Orc Warrior
TG / Aurora
Btag - AgonyScene#11944
Kryptified I sent you a friend request. I’ll be rolling on Stalagg with Morbenth and the Adelante guys I guess. I’m saying we should all roll on Herod though. Would be sweet to be on the same server with you guys.
Anyone who wants to hit me up add Justblitzed#1937