Arthas Horde Reconnections

Hey Yusephi, Dagothloki (UD Rogue). I joined you all late Vanilla and raided with you until mid-TBC, not sure if you remember me (your name sounds familiar).

You playing come Classic?

Morbenth - Undead Priest <Proven/Adelante>

Hey TO Nitroxid, Ginjl, Fonzi, Plunix, - WHERE IS MOGWAI? And KOPTY, there’s a guy I won’t forget.

Kryptified - Some of the best memories I have are healing you going 2V10 in WSG, I’m pretty sure I still owe you a bunch of gold.

Hey Morbenth,

Nice to see you on these forums. I’d like to get a hold of you, can I get your contact info or you can add me on battle net neotrix#1802 or discord neotrix#8658


Hey its mass.

Any old Gimped or TG kicking around add me on bnet. mass#1908

Thisismyalt also claims to be coming back, but he’s married and “busy now”.

yooo <3

debating herod or stalagg :disappointed_relieved:

some legends in this thread


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Hey guys, Kaynin of Thriller & Insanity here!

add me on blizzard chat, Kaynin#1695

Yeah, you can find most of my videos of our kills through BWL, I still have the OG files that i captured with Fraps.

Heres a video that Gepta did from his view.

here is a link to the videos I uploaded; when Thriller broke up I joined Shamanist in making Insanity.

Id like to get a call list, perhaps get a discord going & remaking the guild.

I got some good pix of us. In one of my videos you can see a crossroad pic of us going to kill Hakkar. The group was Me, Flavorflav, saklav, Adryana, Necros, Naraski, Stonehand, Bogar, Lukisxluna and Aioros.

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Looking forward to playing with you again :wink: :yum::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ghstmarauder here Gimped Hunter… haven’t logged on in 12 years.


One of my friends donated some time to get me to actually re-up, so i’ll be slumming it on Fairbanks Alliance for now, but i’ll probably drop a Horde alt if we got a nice group of people playing again.

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All the nostalgia here.

I reached out to Adryana, but it doesn’t sound like he going to play but he might. He has a few kids and a wife now.

Kryptified!!! Where the F is Ekim? Should get the 3 traitor dwarf pallys back together again.

Digby, druid, pyre/proven

Phatoms - Undead Rogue
Looking for any members of The Hated Ones (Mike/Lissa/Vince, etc)
Or anyone who played with me.

Is this king of cux holovic?

holy! its digby . Ekim is around i believe in our discord. Message me Crazyeyes#11805


Gonna wait and see how the severs shake out, sounding like herod will be pretty awful queue-wise.

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Zlorus - Undead Priest
Epicure - Orc Warrior

TG / Aurora

Btag - AgonyScene#11944

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Kryptified I sent you a friend request. I’ll be rolling on Stalagg with Morbenth and the Adelante guys I guess. I’m saying we should all roll on Herod though. Would be sweet to be on the same server with you guys.

Anyone who wants to hit me up add Justblitzed#1937