Ghoriar - Nelf Druid
Mostly Hidden but also THA, Explicit, Kelly Clarkson Fan Club, Ownage Factory, Thug Pug
Yo! It’s good. Despite having significantly less time to play the game, I’m gonna give classic a shot.
Was going through this chat thinking i wouldn’t recognize anyone, yet I see Rii
Herod seems the way to go to avoid streamers
Oh crap and we were all about to go Faerlina lol.
Actually, I have a question, why do we want to avoid streamers? lol
Let’s decide! I’m gonna reserve my characters in 2.5 hours?
• Kirla, Nightelf Hunter.
• Highlords of Illuminati
Hoping to hear from some fellow friends from back in the day!
OK so I did some research. The Streamer thing makes sense.
I say Herod it is for any of us Alliance Arthas Originals.
Actually, I think I may start a guild called “Arthas Originals” or something along those lines lol.
Saniella HU Priest. Was in Ruin NVM The Butchers Knuckle Sandwich. Going to be back for classic. Among others, but In particular, hoping to get in touch with Cokie/Cokestar.
Dellwind- NE hunter in Ashen.
Did a lot of pvp, to where i had a few rap songs i made for it.
When not raiding, i also ran with some guys from Lets go Burgling.
I played with these guys as a Human Paladin (Chroes at the time). I remember most of the names you all listed as well. Sorry to hear about Morg . I’m fairly certain I then server transferred when TBC was released (maybe later, not sure) and unfortunately didn’t stay in contact with much of anyone.
You are welcome, Dellwind.
Crimson here - I was the original creator of FaTE back in the day. Nice to see some names here I haven’t seen in over a decade. Good times.
Hahah ty! Seejarvis
So Herod? I already made three on Faerlina.
Did you ever get an epic mount Dellwind?
I still call 60% mounts “Dellwind mounts”
I remember Morg. Sorry to hear about your dad.
What up Chak! Been a long, long time.
lol!!! i did!! it took awhile, but i finally got one. good to see you!
I played lara and dusted back in classic. once was enough for me for pvp servers lol.
My man! Its Dacon(paladin) from back in the day! How you been?