Hey, this is Kiley from The Heroes Alliance, Wisp, NvM, Ruin, Sazor/Trickery’s guild…any of the old Arthas realm forum trolls coming back? I’ve got a few people from the old crew rolling on Mankrik. (I know, PvE, but we don’t have time/patience for PVP these days). Not making any promises on how much we’ll be playing, but IT’S TIME. (Almost)
Founder of the Kiley Cares Organization
I remember the heroes alliance! I was in it till it fell apart, then joined up with Trickery and we got a few people Grand Marshal! Fun times. I don’t really remember my name from back then. I played a NE Hunter and a Human Paladin. Stalaka something?
Basheldon arthas PvP realm someone’s got to remember me
Old Synergy member myself.
Heya. It has been a long time
Bogart: Human Warlock
Felagund: NE Droooood
Reconnect with…hmmmm Anyone that does not remember dueling me before fear had a DR.
EnchanterTim Human Mage
There are some who call me … Tim
Nevermind / NvM
And you sir are a familiar name lol… whats up? It’s Bellaka/Bellaquita.
Good to see ya JB, Thortan of Arthas, we played together all the way to Wrath!
1 Like
sweet man! coming back for classic?!
Thorton!!! What’s up man. Of course I remember you. Add me on real id jtb4488#1642. You know where you’re heading yet/are you raiding? We have a group of about 5-6 of us
For all of you Awesome ppl that raided/party with me hit me up EnchanterTim#1270 I plan to play again in Classic.
Don’t kid yourself, we go back to the beginning in Dark Heart my man. It would be an honor to play with you again.
Myself and a few other legit players I do M+ keys with will be rolling alliance on Herod most likely. I was fortunate enough to lockin the name Ep there yesterday see you in classic brother (and the rest of you wonderful jerks)
Akel - NE Warrior
Reflection Guild
Akel - NE Warrior
Reflection Guild w/ Julianbloom <3
Sadly i am going horde
Yes I am coming back for classic for some raiding and a lot of PVP with Haltorn. Running an Arms War Holy Priest duo for PVP.
We have not picked a server yet. So far we both tried to grab char names. I have saves on Faer, Thalnos and Herod. The only agreement him and I have on is rolling on a PVP server.
I think we are both waiting to see how many past and current friends are playing classic and where. Him and I will iron out details over the weekend probably during raid trash.
Hey bud I am from Kuwait… i couple of RL friends were you with you in Sold Out
Devilheart NE- Rogue
Sorran Dwarf - Warrior
Nightdruider NE - Druid( passed away in car accident).
They wont play classic though
Rii! Do you still have a website? I was listening to some of your mixes a while back and realized I lost a lot of them lol.
EDIT cause I don’t know how these new forums work:
I played a mage called Jedrek. If you remember me, I’m sorry… I was like fifteen, okay?
Where are The Butchers at?!
Good news everyone. After speaking with EnchanterTim and a number of old school ‘NvM,’ ‘Reflection,’ and other top Arthas players, we are bringing back ‘NvM’ for classic!
We have looked through a ton of posts on here and it seems only right to reform a guild primarily comprised of vanilla Arthas players. Would love to speak with all of you looking for a home. Also, still looking for officers.
We plan to be incredibly competitive with our raid team and clear all content efficiently. Most of our core have deep into Naxx experience in true vanilla. However, we recognize that we now have real lives and want to keep it fun/semi-hardcore.
We will be focusing on leveling up as quickly as possible and jumping into dungeons for pre-raid BIS gear. Plan is to get into MC and Onyxia as soon as possible. We do want to stress that we aren’t going for server firsts. This guild is all about minimizing drama and clearing content without burning out.
Happy to take casuals too.
We bring a dynamic loot system incorporating both DKP and Loot Council. Loot Council will be employed for legendaries and select other rare items with the goal being to best benefit the entire guild.
Raid Days:
Tuesday & Wednesday 7:30PM-10:30PM EST with hard stops (will likely add Sunday come AQ)
PVP EST Server: Herod
We also have strong PVPers that will be focusing on ranking on non-raid days. Including a few former Grand Marshal’s.
Currently Recruiting All Classes
Contact Info:
Enchantertim#1270 or Jtb4488#1642