Should we create an Alliance Arthas community so we can easily find each other once its released?
Hello Arthas! Been a while!
Played this game way too much, in many guilds and many servers. But my most notable characters on Arthas were:
Galaxos (Human Mage) in guild NvM
Fabella (Dwarf Priest) in guild Explicit
Raided with Nevermind and NvM before starting up new guilds on Gorgonnash.
I remember you! Good old days lol
I remember Morgasius as well as the others you mentioned. I played this priest as well as my NE Hunter Chak from day 1 of FaTE up though the split into LGB and Victory. I had pretty much quit raiding by the time the guild split but went to Victory after the split because thats where my son Caris ended up. I have fond memories of that time in WOW. Toloron and I had a friendly leveling race to be the 1st FaTE member to Level 60 (He beat me by a few hours) and I remember Morg, and Comp And Mesto as we were some of the main priest corps back in the MC days.
FaTE actually still exits on Arthas. Maranos, if you remember him, has control of the guild but he hasnt been online in a while. I actually just recently moved my last alts off of Arthas and out of the guild to follow my son after he server transfered.
What’s up buddy. Add me jtb4488#1642
Russell Human Priest
Ashrah Night Elf Rogue
Guilds: Ashen, Lux Legis. TBC - Knuckle Sandwich, WHOLESOME GUYS
Might remember me dueling outside IF for 8 hours/day.
Amazing how many names I recognize here. Can’t believe it was 15 years ago. Definitely don’t have the same time to play I used to, but won’t stop me from getting in a few hundred WSGs.
Human Paladin- Reath
Guild was Fatal Exception/ tried out for RET back in the day
Hey! It’s going good, how about yourself?
Ready for some duels! Not gonna have the time or gear I used to as Appocalypse haha.
Haha, I just need my trusty Barman Shanker!
Please not ret pally
Whaaatttt… No love for your old boy Chef Sol?
Went ahead and created a Bnet group for everyone. The invite ID is gP2dmYoi2yk
Faerlina is PvP and Eastern too. Its the only one I see mentioned in this thread. Good points by Seejarvis and Anatomica above
Is that going to be where everyone is going? Loving seeing all of these names and guilds again. I hope we can get a lot of us on the same server.
Yea, Thalnos is going to be the Brazilian server apparently and Herod looks to be the streamer server from what I heard.
I think Faerlina is the way to go.
So much memories here! Haha.
Name : Joex
Race/class : Gnome mage
Guild : i don’t remember it. But one of the officer was a gnome mage named Bushdoctor. Cool guy.
Also, a Dwarf warrior Named Maxe. He was really good and he had Thunderfury!
We were Raiding Mc and Bwl. RET was the best guild of our server if i remember correctly.
I think i’ll go for Faerlina too!
Deveraux here, Mage, raided with Kingdom. I know Issues is going to come back, haven’t talked to Ciar in awhile. After Kingdom in TBC me, Rodenn, Tiocrash started IKON.
Been scouring my memory bank for names I remember back in the day that haven’t popped up yet. How about:
Boxcarhobo (undercover Mute)
Are you interested in coming back to Kingdom? add me if so bbbd77#1999
Azariah - Human Paladin. Most of my time was in Hidden but helped get the FaTE 40 man raids going before that.
Was a little obnoxious back then but who wasn’t? Hope to see more familiar names/faces.