Arthas Alliance Reconnections

It has to be pvp and i vote eastern. I say either Thalnos or Herod.

I remember Palmer, none of the other names sound familiar.

Thank you for the response. Cheers and Good luck! :smiley:

Sweet Jesus… I remember the ITS HAIRTIME spam very clearly, its like you unlocked a memory in my head.


I remember all you guys from Kingdom! I was Ithyca, NE Hunter.


Name : Borborygmos
Race / Class : Dwarf / Hunter
Guild : Ascended

Anyone else out there, except you Dubious I still keep in touch with you already lol

Khaymen - Human Paladin from the guild TDC.

I have missed a few expansions but my vanilla toon is still around… so is the guild. We are still a close community, but we can’t seem to agree on which game to play, so we just hang out in discord.

friend me at cheesewiz#1276 and I’ll send you our discord information!

Character Name: Wacko
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior
Server: Arthas
Guild: TRI

What’s up you old bastards!

I remember you.

Cianis here. Sorry to here about Morg, he was always great to me, and others. Glad to hear you’re continuing the tradition. Boy those names pull some memories. That hunter still has my most days played. Sent this to Luchbox, he still plays from time to time. Let me know if you hear from anyone else. We would love to reconnect with the old crew.

If it isn’t Ascendeds main tank. How’s it going?

Name: Morel
Race / Class: Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Ascended

ITS HAIRTIME!! We’re back!

Main: Kelaris (Night Elf Hunter) Alt: Velthia (Human Priest)
Guild: Sold Out & Reflection

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Guild: The Knights Templar

Mains: Kaldor (Dwarf Priest) / Kaylis (NE Druid)

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Sup Rii - Frausty/Pimlo here, I still roll hots occasionally too will hit you up

Appocalypse, ret paladin from Fate/Stormraiders/NvM. Hoping to see some familiar faces from the pvp scene around here. No clue what I’m going to play yet, it’s been a minute.

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As long as KB is running it I’m game to come back in. A few pirates never hurt anyone.

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How’s it going Ascended’s main hunter

I guild hopped a bit, but I loved all of these people! LOL. In no particular order:
[Knights Amber]
[Novus Inceptus]
[High Elders]
[Cadre Quietus]

Valcyon - Night Elf Hunter
Valeska - Human Rogue
Vicoden - Night Elf Druid
Verdania - Human Mage
Vallium - Draenei Paladin (ok, so that was TBC)