Arthas Alliance Reconnections

I have fond memories of Morg, was always up for whatever and always helpful.

Big hi to the FaTE people, Shazza here!

Can’t believe it

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Name: Azumie
Guild: Sold Out

I played horde at first under the name Crixalis (60 Shaman) then eventually went Alliance and joined SO.

Looking for peeps who were in SO when we transferred to Mal’Ganis!

I remember you! I was in Sold Out but had Ret friends like Nico, Namhcir, Tiff.

Scope - I was in SO a bit later but i remember all those folks. Especially Medalla lol

Add me!


Hi Nalas!

I remember you from SECURITY. I was Kyril (Druid) raided 40 man all of Vanilla. :slight_smile:

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Yea you do :smiley:

Whatsup buddy ol pal,

Original Name: Thorabear, Hunter
Guilds: High Elders, Assault force, Ashen

We doin this thing again son?


Honored to see that anyone remembers me.

Tolo, myself and a couple of others that also spent some time in FaTE are rolling Alliance on Atiesh.

Feel free to add me on bnet, shaggy#1440, unless you hoarded dkp for Ashkandi instead of tank gear; never forgive, never forget.


Hey there, I certainly remember Morg, and very sorry to hear this. It’s good to see so many old friends. Crimson – I was just doing the elite ogre quests in Loch Modan and it reminded me of meeting you in open beta, and Chak I of course remember the race to 60 and our random adventures killing named elites before we knew anything about the game.

Oops Gizagundam is Toloran btw. Apparently I don’t know how to use the forums.


I remember Morg from the FaTE days. I’m sorry to hear about his passing. I joined from the merge with Pantheon Circle with the likes of Shaggy, Petry, Onponmon, and Locate.

I still have great memories when we were progressing through BWL. Some of the best moments I’ve had in WoW were during those times.

This thread is a little bit of a blast from the past, eh?

Treachery here btw :slight_smile:

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StormRaiders, hooooooooo!

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I remember that!

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Hi Nanas, I’m Pinkee.

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Was too busy to play until now (school has been starting up and I’m a teacher), but I’m starting up now. No concrete plans on my server. Did you stick with Herod or go somewhere lower pop?


We are still on Herod!

Lol I tried making a toon and it was a 4 hr wait. I’ll get on at some point though for sure.

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The queue has been starting later and later in the day, today it was after 2 pm.