Arthas Alliance Reconnections

Holy hell, Nalas. Been ages - Lucifii from StormRaiders

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Looking for old members of Cadre Quietus, Hidden, and Storm Raiders, rolled horde on Benediction

ahhh mamehe, from the 49 gulch days

At your service and down for another 49 twink lol.

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Sup Folks.
I was Darkseeker Holy Paladin of Guild NvM.

“Pally sh*t never drops”

Lego here. Where those Stormraiders at?

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Yo, Lego! Been a while man! Lucifii <>


Jugar! Remember me?

Human Warlock?

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Blacktonight, played in TheVindicate in vanilla and SECURITY & Explicit in TBC

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Stonewall here, we’re on Sulfuras.

I was a night elf hunter named Carina that pulled for my guild called Wreckage on Arthas. I remember there being a member named Barbie and I think the Guild leader was named CosmoKramer. Please let me know if you used to raid with me!

I was on Arthas until end MOP. Mostly played Kamacausey NE priest in vanilla and BC. I remember being in TAO, and Novus Inceptus during Vanilla and then The Vindicate, NVM, during BC. I’m recognizing quite a few names. I also played SilkyJ NE warrior but that was during BC. On Herod with Rifpyre, RL pally friend if anyone wants to add. SilkyJ#1914.


NvM is on Herod Alliance with a bunch of old Arthas players from NvM and different Arthas raiding guilds.
I was in TheVindicate but left Arthas when TBC was about to be released so just missed you!
I’ll add you to our Battlenet chat and you can see if you recognize anyone or wanna chat with officers

Im pretty sure thats me tanking.

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Alex the human priest here! Couldn’t get Alex this time around. :frowning: A few of us are on Incendius. I’m Apocalex here.
Also on Incendius:

Stonewall! I always wondered how you were and doing! Hope all is well!

Whiteleaf, Arthas US. Still… around? Like, still playing. Still this character! I’m crazy.

SECURITY operates on the Horde side of the server now, and I’m the custodian for the defunct Alliance side guild… mostly just casually working my way to 30k in cheevs.

Life is good. I’m a video game professor now! Still playing hockey in my free time. Zeldacat is still napping in sunbeams and eating spiders at 15, happy as ever.

We’re also a few years into running a fun little side project on YouTube, Winterion Game Studios, where we do let’s plays, reviews, and panel lectures. I’ve gotten to meet some really great folks, write for a few books, and bring educational game lectures to a number of conventions in the US.

You were in SEC? Very cool.
Chicken and Sapphire are both doing very well on the real side of the keyboard. :slight_smile:

There’s a new Rii album? Details, man!
Also, hello!

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Hey, seeing some familiar names… just found out this thread was a thing.

Megwyn - Human Paladin

Was in Assault Force for most of my early days.

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