Sielas - Human Warrior
1% wipes - RIP
How was military school when you left your boy Nomerblue and Reflection behind? XD.
Eldith the Night Elf Druid
I just discovered this thread, what a trip down memory lane. My character was Eldith. I was the GM of Reign, which was formed from Icon and some other guild. I left and joined Retribution during BWL. I’ll be on Stallag Horde (trying the other side) for Classic. Crazy to see these names and people!
If you know me and want my BTag --> johnwayne#1844
bonjour sir
hahahaha. it was boarding school…typical new england. not military. are you coming back?
Jugar the Dwarf Priest
Guilds: Archon, Risen, Pulse
What up Sielas! A few of us are rolling Alliance on Faerlina if you want to meet up with us there.
3 of us that I know of are talking about Synergy which existed at release before the Mal’Ganis transfer opened.
Well it has been a loooonnnnng time friend!
Class: Rogue
Name: Zaradye
Guild: NvM
Race: Night Elf
Played a Rogue back in the day on Arthas
Name: Zaradye
Class: Rogue
Guild: The Republic , NvM
Race: Night Elf
would be cool to get back in touch with some old friends!
Zaradye here… Good to see some old names!
My name was Nexxus on Arthas, Paladin. My friend Tony got me playing - he was a co-worker. His character names were Ribeyes, Wan2Live, Tubesteak, or something silly like that.
I also played alot with my IRL friend, Faydrianna.
Ribeyes helped me get my epic mount - so I’ll forever be grateful to him and his guild for that one!
Kamelore - Human mage in MTD, then Sold Out before moving to Mal Ganis. Hit me up old friends!
Sup man, Kamelore here if ya remember me xD
This queue, it is really taking me back, man.
Took me a few hours to get in on my gnome I have two accounts though and one was connected in Kalimdor so was able to play through the Eastern Kingdoms crash/queue on Horde side at least instead of queue killing my night. Working today then off until Tuesday so should be able to make up for it and more. Can’t wait!
I was waiting on the character selection screen, got right into Herod, super lagfest as everyone was spawning in the starting zone. Killed enough boars and nightsabers to get to level 2, as soon as I dinged I got DC’ed. Followed by being stuck at logging in to game server, then thrown into queue. Took from around 6:30 until just after 11 to get down to 2700ish in queue when the eastern kingdom crashed and bam, I got in. Leveled to 5 and went to bed.
WOW, level 60 already?!?