Arthas Alliance Reconnections

Bman was in TheVindicate. I don’t remember who his girlfriend might’ve been. I have 2 screenshots of our TV raids from way back though, which he can be seen in. Maybe you’ll see her name or some other familiar names. I can’t post links so you’d have to just copy this into your address bar and put in the . instead of (dot)
Please don’t mind interface… I was like 14 or 15 and liked seeing everyone and everything on my screen lol. Maybe that’ll benefit you in finding some other names though or remembering if you were in this guild!
Xenolith (Lovemuffin) above in this thread seems to have contact with 4-5 people from the guild, and I think Gonflable (Daedric) knows Ceej.

Aimed holy paladin, was part of NVM RET NEXIS SOLD OUT and a few others I can’t remember. Made my way around the server during my years there.
Playing on Herod with a bunch of buddies from back in the day!


damn I did alot of quests with that dude in the wetlands…most of them.

Hooked you on Bnet app !

I remember Bman, but not his GF (though I think I can still hear both of their voices clearly - “OMG BMAN!”).

Ceej isn’t planning a comeback tour, sadly.

EDIT: Pretty sure Bman’s GF was Evalyn

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Dooood! Those screenshots are hilarious. So much memory flooding back.

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Aimed you’re coming with us and therol right? add me bnet jtb4488#1642

Had Knuckles on bnet up until the end of Mists and would talk to him fairly regularly. He had been playing a boss warlock, but I lost touch at some point in the last few years when he stopped playing. I know Megwyn/Necron and Bolvar had him on facebook if I remember correctly, but not sure if they still do.

Yeah, he and I used to talk warlock occasionally. I left a note on his Facebook and tagged a few people in it. So far he hasn’t responded.

I was not in Assault Force, I was in The Butchers.

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YOU SURE WAS!!! Mmmmm ya sexy BIT*%

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Hey folks,

I played Nalas, a human warrior on alliance side. I leveled with Synergy then raided with StormRaiders, and SECURITY.


whatudidntc - NE rogue
Roadrunner- NE druid

Cant for the life of me remember the guild name, I remember a warlock in the guild named asamov that would gamble with me in BWL like crazy.

Gnome Warlock

I think I was in reflection and Fate. Guild leader was called Greatone. I used to duel a lot with a guy from Kuweit called Akel and his Arcanite Reaper. The guild tank was Julianbloom. There is also a few other names I am forgetting.

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Firespawn - Gnome Mage
Feralcat - Night Elf Druid

Was in Crimson for vanilla then The Butchers early TBC.

Akel still plays. I’ll send you his contact.

Warrax! Good to hear from you! I’m with Kaliba right now… she says hello! I’ll be on the PvP servers playing Horde, but maybe see you around Classic!

Good to hear from you, Veleno! Are you playing Classic? Have fun!

hey all. i played a night elf hunter named gygax, a night elf rogue named fenric, a night elf druid named saphirra and a gnome mage named dianavirtue/jenipsycho.

i was in a few guilds in vanilla/bc/wotlk…The Butchers, High Elders, NoMercy, and Nexis to name a few.

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Does anyone from Gods intend on playing?

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