This. No class should be in the dumpster.
The MS buff is pretty big. I think 15% on execute is alright, probably still mostly poo for arms, but MS is gonna hit so hard now. The 5% dmg reduction in D stance looks small, but thats pretty significant for those that swap stances on the go. 10% to 15% is good change. They also reverted some 10% nerf on BS.
That’s a good point and I agree so probably their survivability then. I haven’t played mine yet this xpac so I am not entirely sure what’s making them so durable but they are much harder to kill now and it’s not from kiting in my experience.
Over the course of a match I haven’t noticed feral healing more than any other dps tbh.
Ofc there’s more we got
Look at these feral nerfs
lol I missed that. Whew hope they’re still viable after these go through!
maybe because of the cyclone catastrophe that was dflight actually made them realise how utterly busted your spec can truely be. welcome to the z teir bro hope you like your stay
I think these changes were pretty spot on all around
What do you mean by BS? oh, BladeStorm nvm
Maybe all the unholy and fury will reroll back to dh?
That’s because the smart players left to go play better PVP games
There was a cyclone catastrophe? Must’ve happened on 1500 rating because actual decent players never had an issue with it
From a chores perspective? No.
From a lore perspective? No, I don’t think anything will top lands lore. Worst writing outside of Amazon/Netflix.
But the burst meta in general was much more interesting. S1 DF before the ret buffs was probably the best time in the game from a raw gameplay, everything being viable perspective, in modern WoW.
But as we dipped into a damp meta, culminating with sin/affliction in S4, DF was horribad. Patches of massive imbalances with no tunings.
TWW is waaaay too early to call but it’s not impressing me any.
i started as warrior in DF, i played hunter shadowlands.
they literally nerfed arms with one hand and buffed with other hand.
makes me go down a step and then brags about allowing me to go up the step again?
6-1 = 5
5+1 =6
arms great again
Not really, they just reroll ret/assa/dk/bm.
Unnerf all previous arms nerfs and we can be friends
You must have your status message pop ups turned off, I have no idea what that is actually called btw.