If they don’t have classic servers and tbc servers then people have no choice but to go back to p servers for vanilla. Blizzard won’t do that.
I think TBC was the best, some people hate how flying and resilience impacted world PvP, easy rep farms via dungeons, dailies for easy gold, easy BG purples, lots of “welfare mechanics” as they are referred to.
I don’t have a problem with any of that. Flying was the reason that I quit retail to begin with due to the massive timegate of Pathfinder part 2 this last time around. Waiting almost a year to get it back was beyond asinine. Having to grind two more factions for reputation to get it also??? Fck you Blizz
UH, it’s an entirely subjective thing. You either want TBC, or you don’t. No “facts” about it. personal preference.
They probably will add TBC servers, and hopefully a vanilla server migration afterwards to keep populations proper. both groups get what they want…I see no downside to this.
It’s defintely your martini.
There is a lot of people that want TBC servers.
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No thanks. TBC was the beginning of the end. WoW no longer felt like Warcraft.
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Fortunately, you aren’t the one making decisions.
If they split servers they will almost definitely allow free transfers to TBC servers, then they will consolidate Classic servers. Population issues should be minimal, if any exist at all (Remulos will be S.O.L because it’s the ONE PvE server for Oceania).
If they force a TBC rollout to all servers instead of splitting they risk alienating players and losing revenue.
So… guaranteed income (possibly increased income) with relatively little work or guaranteed revenue loss? Decisions, decisions…
God forbid we ask for real improvements in a game that shows it’s age. If we want any kind of small improvements or fixes it means we want retail.
People some time are so stupid. Even in classic.
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I understand that. I also wouldn’t mind TBC servers, but I prefer the classic+ option to be honest. My argument with shocktstic isn’t about tbc. It is about the way he carries himself.
Like I said, if he would just say, “my opinion is xyz…” I wouldn’t antagonize him so much, but instead he chooses the, “I am a part of this SUPER important group of people that DESERVE classic to be EXACTLY the way I think it should be and if blizzard doesn’t give in to my demands OOOOOOOh BOYYYYYY will my army of nerds descend upon them!”
Rhetoric like that is getting very tired on these forums.
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So… You realise what Classic is, right?
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If new content is added (over the stuff that was originally planned for vanilla), lets just skip to dealing with Arthas.
TBC had:
16 dungeons all with heroic difficulties that scaled up to max level.
9 raid instances with Karazhan being one of them which was ran every single week even when sunwell was out.
The amount of end game content in tbc was vast and considerably more challenging than vanilla wow end game content.
Blizzard cannot make anything good anymore. They are lazy. TBC will happen because most of the work is already done.
You do realize that the group you’re referencing is the total opposite right? #Nochanges means exactly what it says… We want Classic to remain the way it is… This isn’t Burger King… You can’t have it your way.
The statement that you made applies to the Classic+ group far more than it does anyone else, and the blatant display of entitlement that you guys exude amongst yourselves is appalling.
None of you can even agree on what it is that Classic+ is supposed to entail specifically other than vague notions and concepts, and you people expect Blizzard to get it right how exactly?? As someone else once put it, it’s like throwing darts at a dartboard blindfolded and hoping that one of them will hit the mark. It would be a foolish undertaking for them to even attempt it.
This would be a non-starter for me. I play an RPG to progress my character through gaining levels and advancing skills. I’ve always lost interest once becoming capped and just started a new character or quit altogether.
Having so much additional content after the level cap would be useless in my eyes, any new content requires more levels, or something like the artifact system as alternate progression WITHOUT the ability to get all the traits that you had in legion.
Man I hate repeating myself. I am talking about YOU specifically. Me and you are conversing in this forum. Stop trying to turn this into some imaginary faction warfare thing.
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Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, The Classic WoW community is split on this issue and lines have been drawn a long time ago. If you want to keep your blinders on and pretend it’s only you and me talking about the subject when there are countless other people posting about it in countless other threads that’s fine, but it just makes you look foolish to believe otherwise.
Just love how you hand waved my reply to you aside and didn’t even bother to address what I said to you to begin with. It’s pretty sad when you can’t even admit that you were wrong and at the same time very hypocritical in stating that about the #Nochanges community when it couldn’t be more further from the truth.
That statement describes the Classic+ crowd to a T…
Nobody else.
I’m not going to argue against it, but I’m also not going to play it if it ever comes out.
Your reply didn’t make any sense. I said, “I don’t like how shocktastic says XYZ” your reply is," HEUHUEHUEHE FOOLISH MORTAL! Do you even know which collective hivemind you are even referencing? Let me ENLIGHTEN you to the might of my massive E-POWER!"
Like dude, get over yourself. If you cannot distinguish between your own identity and the identity of a collective, there is no point in talking. I don’t respect you. I am done.
Then maybe the next time you go to jump into a conversation about something, you should actually know what you are talking about before you put in your 2 cents on it.
Opinionated statements are fine to have when you make it known that it’s your opinion, but you must choose your words carefully. The way that you worded that statement made it look as though you were stating facts, and I knew you were wrong, so I called you out on it.
What I did is no different than what anyone else does in this forum when people state misinformation. If you don’t have the facts to back up what you are saying, then nobody’s going to take what you have to say seriously.
If what I said to you bothers you that much, then maybe posting in the forums isn’t such a good idea for you. I said nothing offensive or demeaning to you whatsoever. I think you need to grow a thicker skin
This is pure narrativising on your part. The Classic community is the one that got the game on the table and then convinced Blizzard to make it happen. You and others are cuckoo’s that have jumped into another’s nest and are now trying to push all the other birds who belong there out. Well, you don’t get to do that. You got your wishes with Retail and now that you are tired of living in your own stink over there you want to drag the same mess over here. Not today.