Argh picking a class

Anyone else having a hard time picking a class? I pick one then look at another test it out and boom I’m on that bandwagon :crazy_face:

I’m the opposite. No problem picking the class. Faction, race, sex, and appearance for that class? Forget about it.

Not me. I spent so much time on retail Vanilla and private servers. I’ve tried everything, and I’m 100% a Hunter. Though I do remember in the early days of Vanilla it took quite awhile before I found my true calling.

The only thing I have to decide is my character’s hair color. I love green and blue!

Man every class in classic is dope.

But I’m set on mine, alt though… Is another story

For me personally I’ve known for years exactly what class/race my main was going to be. Even before the announcement of classic servers, just as a hypothetical because it was something I wanted so badly lol. My first alt on the other hand… I am in the same boat and can’t make up my mind between hunter and shaman.

It’s in between hunter, rogue, priest, or possibly warlock for me.

I just can’t make up my mind. Professions that’s another one I just can’t decide on.

ive More gone on the path of cancelling out classes I’m down to priest mage hunter Druid warrior sigh atleast I have ample time

Bard for sure.

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Start and play a new class until level 10 or until you stop wanting to play another class. Then you found your class.

I’m picking druid so that I can tank or heal our leveling groups as needed.


I played a Warlock in vanilla, and added a Paladin in TBC and loved them both. But that was before I really had any clue about what I was doing, or what other classes offered.

Now that so much time has passed and I’ve learned how to play, and now that I’ve levelled every class to 100+, it’s a much different thought process on choosing what to play.

Although, deep down, I feel it’ll be a Paladin. It’s what I feel most comfortable playing, and I really just love the class.

I’ll probably also play a Warlock again, just for nostalgia.

At a steady efficient pace, you can get to 60 in EASILY 1-2 months. Why decide on 1 class? Just play them all.

Hunter, Paladin, Priest, in that order for me. Night Elf, Human and probably Human (cause I am not impressed with being squat).

This is my Vanilla character. I plan to do it again.

I’m stuck between 3 myself. Rebuild this guy (he was my Vanilla-Wrath main until I swapped mains in Cata). Build a warrior tank (because tanking is always fun) or build a healer of some kind because I love to pvp as healer (class I’m still kind of stuck on with that, but most likely paladin). I’m the kind of person that I will just take forever to hit 60 and will probably level all 3 of them together. Just level mage first, then sit him in an inn to get rested xp and build warrior, then do the same, then paladin, then just cycle between the 3 of them with rested xp until I eventually hit 60 with one of them.

Gotta play a Paladin of course :smiley:

If you would like to make a Paladin alt we are forming a Paladin guild and will assist you in reaching 60 + gearing

THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome

I’ve been bouncing around between rogue, mage and warrior a lot this week.

Mage, because they can aoe grind stuff, including certain dungeons, which seems ridiculously fun, which I got to do a little of back in BC. They excell in pvp. But…casting frostbolt endlessly and drinking like a sad irish poet are not fun for me and makes me second-guess rolling the class…

Rogue, because I love stealth, am sometimes amuzed by gank wpvp in short bursts, love being able to disengage from a bad situation and I like all the extra minigame elements of lockpicking, pickpocketing and being sneaky. But…I have a hard time with the idea of being lost in a sea of other rogues and I worry that I will have a hard time finding groups, which is not fun for me and makes me second-guess rolling the class…

Warriors, because historically I have loved tanking, I really enjoy the angry wrecking ball role in bg pvp, I like the idea of being a big unstoppable monster if I manage to get good gear down the road and I like that I essentially can choose tanking or dps and be in a good spot with either. But…warriors in classic (I am assuming) will be very overpopulated, I will suck at a lot of things without a grouo, levelling will be slow and, with my schedule I worry that I will never reach the gear level required to be a scary warrior in pvp…which is not fun for me and makes me second-guess rolling the class…

I had a harder time thinking up personal cons to playing a rogue just now…maybe that helped me get a little closer to picking the right class for me, come august. Cheers.

i was thinking to play rogue. Now i’ll think i’ll be priest and heal. Still 3 months

Dwarf Warrior main, Dwarf Priest 1st alt, 2nd alt will either be a dwarf rouge or Hunter, or paladin.

It’s a tough decision, but i’ve narrowed it down to Paladin, Shaman, Warlock, Rogue, Hunter, Warrior, Priest, Druid or Mage.

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