Arfus pet from Halloween event

Really every day Im doing it on 4 curse hard mode… probably will not see the pet. Heck it took me 47 trys just to get a broom.

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So far between all my 12 toons I have been taking in …I have gotten 15 Magic brooms between all of them…

In the sports world, this is referred to as a sweep.


I stated in other thread about this event how the magic broom is dropping like hot cakes now cause they gave us a perm broom…before this year the magic broom didn’t drop as much as it has like this year…

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i honestly wish i could trade in all these pumpkin pets for Arfas, across my account i swear ive gotten like 25 of them in 35 attempts at the doggo (over 50 attempts now)

i would sacrifice all the pumpkins for Arfas, all of them


LOL me too …they are worthless now …can’t even give them away to anyone…

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got my yesterday. It took me 20 attempts to get it.

I’ve deleted so many pumpkins on my alts but no Arfus. :frowning:


ain’t got nothing but your typical loot as always sinister squashling.

Would you say you squashed them?

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To make pumpkin pie.

For every time the HH doesn’t give me Arfus i’ll turn a squashling into pie.


Dang, I really hope I’m lucky enough to get him! Been doing HH every day with all my characters that I can but not yet :upside_down_face:

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Up to about 200 attempts now.

I hate this, this is not fun, most of all I hate that blizzard keep ADDING rng items to holidays despite everyone complaining.

EDIT: should also add either I am majorly unlucky or those drop chances on wowhead (0.8% for arfus and 2% for the saddle) are wrong because in 200 attempts I should have on average seen the saddle 1-8 times at least by now and I have seen it a big fat ZERO)


For the answer to your question, just look at the top rated comment on the Wowhead entry for this pet:

It’s pretty damning.


I got the Scarlet Key and Arfus on my very first Headless Horsemen run of the year. Was pretty stoked.

Then I vendored an Arfus on an Alt the next day. Can’t cage them.

Update. Still no pet, but I did manage to get the saddle. So at least I know it exists now. Unfortunately… it’s on the ugliest drake :sob:


I would like the helm and Arfus on this character. So far, nada.

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Why did they think this is a good idea to put it behind a slot machine? Can’t we do away with the casino content? Spin the slot machine 50 times a day for two weeks (1 Character per HH boss times 50 Characters.). Why is this fun or considered fun game mechanic to you?

Lets not mention 10-20 minute queues per each 1 character time 50. Then lets add the fact the hardmode debuff slip off of you in mid fight. Losing that bonus drop chance.

There is time I wish Ion would just step down and let someone else have a shot at game director. This is not fun.

This is World of Warcraft not World of Casinocraft. Please do away with let spin the slots content. This is frustrating that everything they add is ether behind a slot machine or behind something else that saps the fun out.

Was it too hard to put stuff in the candy shop? I guess it was.


So I see, just an observation. Isn’t Arfus the same dog model as Sunny the Ukraine pet they recently released? And it was a new model. Kind of a slap to those who bought Sunny.

No drops for me yet, only taking maybe 5-6 alts a day though, the queues are too long and I’m tired of waiting, lol. I’d rather waste my time running alts around for candy bucket XP…which also takes awhile, especially if they don’t have the flight points. Love this holiday but I do wish there was a bit more to do for it…