Arfus is massively disrespectful towards your players and their time

I’m not a dog person so don’t really care about Arfus but grinding for the dragon armour I noticed that the helmet keeps dropping on my non plate chars and the sword on my priest. They’re not even bind on account which is depressing and confirms Blizzard is lazy and doesn’t care about your time.


I’ll just say…pet battling and pet collecting is the MAIN reason I play WoW. I’ve done HH hard mode 5+ times a day, everyday. And I haven’t got Arfus, nor have I seen anyone else in my groups get it. Obviously, I only have so many attempts left before it’s over…it has made me pretty sad, tbh. Spending all the time and effort for something, only to be denied. My only hope now (barring a miracle in the next couple days) is that Arfus will still be available in next year’s Halloween, so I can continue to put in the time and effort until the game deems me worthy.



@_@ no one made you do anythin…


ive got arfus 3d ago. but i want the mount armor more… the only thing i need this event XD

Hah I got the mount armor and all I want is Arfus.


RNG can suck, but if everyone has the items, there’s nothing to do it for, then no one will run the event.

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really wish arfus could be traded if you looted it in the same group. ive gotten 2 extra arfus on my alts and theres no need for me to hold onto them, i wanted to give them to some people in my group but oddly its not a tradeable item.


I’m sorry, but are you seriously suggesting that we’re somewhat responsible for the current situation simply because we enjoyed Timeless Isle… as if we have any control over what Blizzard does when it comes to planning such events lol

There are countless situations in which the community has been almost universally vocal about how much they dislike something and Blizzard goes and does it anyway, and you can count the amount of times we managed to actually influence their process on one hand. It’s just such a silly thing to say, as if you were the one that could see it coming and now we’re all suffering the consequences because we naively liked something? :joy:


In part, absolutely. If people had avoided timeless isle like the Idiotic Design Failure that it was, they wouldn’t have tried again.

Do I blame the dev team for creating Timeless Isle? Certainly.
Do I blame the dev team for using the Timeless Isle model on everything, foreverafter? Hell yes.
Do I blame the players for cheerleading Timeless Isle, which encouraged the above? Yep.


I agree, that is probably the reason for the small drop.

Solution = add new things. A new appearance for the mount, for example. Perhaps a spooky green ghosty version, a red flaming version, year on, year off, rotate them over say 5 different types, with a decently improved drop chance. So that means we’d be coming back for those for a long, long time because of the variety of choice.

It’s easily done, really it is, for a team prepared to put in a little effort.


Have you not seen how arrogantly Ion will push with something regardless or whether or not it works or is popular? You can’t blame the player base for the Arfus situation, it’s just an utterly ridiculous thing to say.


Let’s remember this post when a Reward Dev reply showing some understanding and then proceeded to do the same…with a daily boost attempt…Stop this RNG non sense, let us have a side bad luck mechanic like a vendor.

Add all of those rewards in a vendor + more gear pieces as catch up, xp potions and other evergreen goodies, then focus in gameplay with better replayability: Add Holiday WQs, Holiday PvP Brawls and Holiday World Events for Tricky Treats.

So, each year players can grind currency for those evergreen items or old/new cosmetics via PVP and PVE gameplay…

Instead, We got some new candy buckets and a Hardmode boss for RNG loot…

I wonder how many players grind Exquisite Costume Set: “Xavius”, “Grommash”…etc that cost 200 for just 50 charges…there’s flavor around candy buckets being a source but there’s not gameplay in order to grind that kind of items that are just temporal rewards.


Ion is facilitated by morons who applaud his stupid choices.

Covenants in Shadowlands are a great example. You had nearly unanimous feedback that the covenant restrictions were stupid, and pretty much ruined the expansion experience (which they did).

But because you had like THREE PEOPLE who kept talking about “meaningful choices are wonderful”, the devs latched on to them as their human shield.

In fact, it was those people who came up with the “meaningful choices” phrasing that the devs used to defend the design, afterwards.


That’s just SOP for Blizzard, implement a feature that’s incredibly grindy, alt unfriendly and super restrictive, then slowly dial it back a little bit at a time until the last leg of the expansion they undo all of the stupid crap and allow the feature to exist as it should have from the start. We have no control over that.

On the subject of people supporting Ion’s crap, there will always be the odd idiot here or there that will praise Blizzard no matter how bad the decision is, and the devs will always be willing to cling to that small group that sees it their way as opposed to listening to the deafening mass of critics, that’s more of a PR move and some type of adult version of a child putting their fingers into their ears and going “La la laa laaaa laaa laa la” so they can’t hear the thing they don’t want to hear lol


I don’t think the covenant thing was designed to be grindy.

I think somebody read the outline for Bastion, which was the first zone designed, and at the end saw that Maldraxxus was attacking, and then they had it in their head that “the covenants are at war with each other” and that was that.

And because nobody at Blizzard ever talks to anybody else at Blizzard, it got left in and never changed.

I don’t think the developers are malicious, I just think they’re phenomenally stupid and bad at their jobs.

Oh and arrogant. Like Little Jack Horner. They stick in their thumb, and pull out a plumb, and post on twitter ‘what a good boy am i’.


For me, it’s the drake glyph. I got Arfus, but I don’t really care much about him. I want the halloween glyph, though. We only have a couple days left of the event, have still yet to get it.

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I think that Blizzard is great at making good content, but they always screw up the execution. They can design a great feature, but then utterly ruin it to the point we actually hate it, simply because Blizzard is trying to get as much engagement out of us as humanly possible for said piece of content.

I wish they’d just focus on making a fun game instead of constantly being obsessed with forcing participation, grinds, regular log-ins and such. This Arfus thing could have been just another cool pet to add to the event if it had a drop rate like the other pet, or if it could be caged, or if it could be purchased with currency… but instead they turned it into this crap, the players are not to blame for that in any way, shape or form.


If Arfus dropped as much as the Squashling, nobody would care nor want it.


I would, he looks cute.


I whole heartly agree. I think Blizzard needs to apologize. Because they could have put this pet on the vendor and not waste our time with this RNG. This is a pet not a mount -WHY- is it being treated like a love rocket?

3 more days to the event. I’m already disgusted.