Arena/RSS logs and detailed data. with a fairly large sample size since 10.0.5

Bonk bonk bonk :dracthyr_love_animated: Missing Death Sentence.

my 3s pb is 2586, not sure where you got that lol. i played collectively 1-2 weeks at start of each season of SL til i realized the game sucked

edit, i played nightfae

in 2010 LOL. What even expac was that? TBC?

when r1 was 2700, thats when

Oh yea the game is just totally the same now right? Clown for rating shaming when you can’t break 2.1k in actual 3s since 2010.

Embarrassing homie.

Also looks like you played every…single…season of Shadowlands so the “yea I quit dumb game” logic doesn’t jive.
Season 1: Duelist (nice condemn abuse)
Season 2: Challenger 1 (ouch)
Season 3: Rival 1 (did slightly better)
Season 4: Challenger 1 (ouchies)

What’s funny though, you’re career Rival at 2.5k shuffle. Sounds like the DHs everyone made fun of at the start of the Expac…“2.8k exp DH looking for 1.7k CR 3s”


lol ive broke 2100 exceedingly any season i played more than 100 games, playing for 1-2 days a season and quitting does not reflect real rating. S1 DF is the only season ive played more than a week since cata, all my wow friends quit and played with randoms for a week and unsubbed, ya its not hard to believe, many people quit and have come back to arena. Theres lots more games than wow

and tbh, DF arena is closer to wrath meta/style than any other expansion, they’ve even said so on stream / awc recently.

sounds like u really mad about something

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Nice excuse for the solid Challengers, you’re just as trash as me…maybe even worse since you think your Solo shuffle rating represents your actual skill now lol.

Watching people argue about what issues arms has is exhausting.

The burst damage is stupid.
But it’s not in any way unique to warriors. Like half the specs in this game do explosive damage right now.
It’s essentially our one trick though. We don’t have rogue levels of control. Our mobility is in no way unique (hi demon hunters and monks). Everyone has a healing debuff, and healing debuffs are far less potent.
The frustrating thing is that the spec has been so thoroughly gutted of depth that it leans too heavily on damage output. They either do way too much damage and skirt by with a 50% win rate, shining in lower brackets and becoming far less common as you climb beyond 2k, or they don’t do enough damage and have absolutely no place in pvp.

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dont waste your breath, arms is ridiculously overpowered, overtuned, oppressive, and the best spec in the game. its stronger than DH pre nerf. It has the most damage, most mobility, highest burst, best survivability, and best team toolkit and utility of any class in DF.

I’d be fine with the burst if defensives were buffed.

Not a false statement.

Absolutely fried, Warrior mobility is just as good if not better than classes you just listed.

A lot of classes still do not have a healing debuff. And they are even more potent in solo shuffle due to damp ramping immediately from 10%.

Lower the burst, substitute it with sustain damage (give it the Ret treatment) and see where Warrior sits.

Now whos crying?

ret has # 2 burst of all specs still

Nice, so nerfing Arms burst shouldn’t hurt too bad. Don’t cry about being pre-nerfed. It’s like the Rets who were complaining and trying to rationalize their damage before the nerfs rolled in.

With Arms representation right now, the nerfs are coming…Assass rogue nerfs are coming, Arms nerfs are coming, probably more Arcane tuning, Ele nerfs are coming. This is just inevitable. They were waiting to see how tier went for most people and how it affected damage.

why would u nerf the #14th burst? derp

Because you can one shot someone…I mean is this too difficult for you Mr Rival?

anyone can 1 shot someone if they line up their cds properly, using 6 globals with 2 lucky crits

Sure, and I listed those specs that could who will also probably get nerfs. Pretty simple keep up.

you have to refuse to understand the game to believe this i think

dk mobility doesn’t really end with their own movement cooldowns-part of the package is how annoying their grip and chains make it to try to get away from them. 17 second cooldown on a 3.whatever second root from warbringer is similar; warrior is much more punishing to try to kite than dh or ww. the effect a warrior has on keeping the other members of their team in play against a kiting target is near top of class

yeah this is just wrong
warrior has great tools right now, “it’s just damage” is wildly off base

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So if a feral is a discount rogue, and bleed arms is a discount feral… :thinking: I’ve got nothing after that.

You seem like quite the hypocrite, sitting in the forums all day isnt gonna get you first duelist after 10+ years of playing…

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