Arena/RSS logs and detailed data. with a fairly large sample size since 10.0.5

Ur a gem please never leave these forums. We’d lose the war without you

clearly he shoulve popped blur or nether… lul

@sodachuggerx aff is actually #5 burst spec in game, maybe u cant read. arms is 14th. /braindead

If you feel the need to defend your spec on a public forum like a simp, you’re spec is overtuned.

How many survival hunters do you see making threads trying to convince people their spec isnt OP? How about fire mages? Frost dks?

No, its always by the same OTP losers who just got their spec gigabuffed. First it was guardian druids, then it was demon hunters, then it was ret paladins now its warriors.

i wish there was a laugh react for some of you clowns.

Theres no trying to defend a spec, theres hard evidence of solo shuffle logs, statistics dont lie.

If you look at the 3v3 section, the results are the same

The people saying arms is overtuned, are the people that are stuck in low mmr shlt lobbies getting globaled by arms, because they don’t know how to counter them.

Theres concrete evidence in front of your face, but you will argue arms is overtuned until you are blue in the face and make a fool of yourself.

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It’s almost like the point of MMR is get you to the point where you’re getting 50% win ratio, average.

Stats above 1800:

  1. DH - 4340 (19.55%)
  2. UHDK - 3506 (15.79%)
  3. Arms Warr - 3068 (13.82%)

Seems pretty faceroll to me

except theres 11 specs with higher than 50% win rate


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1800? lol. now i know you’re trolling. no one compares RSS 1800 anything, thats like saying 1500 in 3s is an accomplishment

is 2100+ better?

  1. DH: 1278 (20.56%)
  2. UHDK 974 (15.67%)
  3. Arms Warr - 865 (13.92%)

Or maybe you want 2400+:

  1. DH: 440 (19.38%)
  2. UHDK: 336 (14.8%)
  3. Arms Warr: 308 (13.57%)

Yea seems pretty faceroll to me lol.

Yeah that’s why I play arms. To be a discount feral druid

ur showing representation. Arms has the MOST popularity of any spec currently, so if arms was overtuned, it would be higher than DH 2400+, lacking some comprehension here.

Popularity does not equal overtuned/best spec.

You’re literally arguing with yourself here, the win ratio and overall stats show severely otherwise.

I wonder why it’s so popular? Maybe because it’s faceroll and overtuned in shuffles? I mean nooooo that couldn’t be.

Arms wasn’t so popular before the buffs…what changed…did a bunch of rerollers swap to Arms and push 2100+ rating within like a week easily? Noooo couldn’t be lol.

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Because it’s fun and versatile.

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he doesnt understand math or statistics, no point in trying to enlighten him.

I just realized this guy is in my guild, guild note says 1900. lul

For anyone just joining, allow me to sum up the thread.

ThOsE nUmBeRs DoNt ReFlEcT mY fEeLiNgS sO tHeY dOnT cOuNt

Meanwhile theyre so busy crying about arms that assassination is killing people at will through defensives.

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you went over their head with this one, too hard to comprehend

To be fair I think Rogue generally underperforms at low-mid mmr so it makes sense.

Did placements on alt Warr and the Warlock didn’t know he could gate spear.

Awkward, your highest rating was Shadowlands S1 during Condemn Warrior…you’re hardstuck Rival other than that. :cold_face:

Rogue in shuffle is just an easy kill target. In actual 3s? Rogue is grossly overtuned.