Arena/RSS logs and detailed data. with a fairly large sample size since 10.0.5

Arena logs with a fairly large sample size since 10.0.5

“Arms is broken, nerf now”
“their defensives are out of control”
“their damage and burst is out of control”
“warriors are so oppressive”
“i see nothing but warriors in every lobby (this is partially true because warrior has the highest popularity currently because people came back for ignore pain)”

proof is in the pudding.

https ://

Arms has 50% win ratio, average

Highest participation

Mid-low avg damage

mid-low survivability

mid-low burst

low self heals

read and weep
plz cry more

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Your knowledge of the game astounds me

Where is the data to reflect this


your reading skills not up to par? link in the post

No I’m on mobile I know that link is an ip grabber you won’t fool me

you think wrong, its been linked in multiple other posts

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Saw Mvq get hit a 123k Spear and a 177k MS last night and get erased in the opener but okay.


I see now, woulda been crazy for me to think you put any thought into understanding these numbers

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crit? 25 and 35% chance, effectively 20% chance for both to crit. with every modifier applied, stars align. that doesnt happen often, unless ur bad. if u get c smashed and see warrior pop avatar with spear off cd stacking overpowers and sudden death buffs, what do u think is coming next?

The “burst damage” shows that that clearly doesnt happen often. devokers, rets, mages, locks, wws, rogues have highest burst in that order

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So you acknowledge it’s possible to do that damage but are still out here saying their damage and burst is mid to low lmao okay

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Some egoladen meathead feeling like a big man cuz he pressed his little turn based quick time event prompt just the way the streamer told him to so he could make his skill number go up

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yes, its preventable. warriors get cced when they pop avatar and c smash, people run, kite, disarm. plenty of ways to shut a warrior down from their burst, thats why the overall burst is middle of pack. its not hard to understand. good players know how to avoid it, or else warrior burst would be higher if the chance of it happening was more probable.

Why is it everytime someone literally tells you they’ve been one shot by 160k+ MS plus 100k+ spears you literally say “Stars align”…like how many stars aligning need to happen before you think it’s actually a common thing.

I thought Bladestorm you couldn’t CC them?

statistics show that it clearly happens less than other specs burst. unless you cant read a chart

Bro multiple people in here have been hit or seen someone getting hit by these types of hits. In solo shuffles this literally happens once a game and ends up in an instant round loss. Like it’s not some “Stars Align” crap, this is common hits that happen on the reg.

Anyone who complains about warrior has yet to realize that BM hunter, warlock of any spec, UHDK, monk, and literally any variation of “here’s my free damage barfed out AI wad of units!” reduces their damage to literally almost zero.

Pets eat unhinged, reduce damage on spear drastically, reduce bladestorm damage, eat sweeps, chew through ignore pain, and are just free fire-and-forget damage.

Pets as a metric need to be drastically towned down before we start nerfing anything atm. It’s insane that UHDK pet zerg instantly drops aoe burst abilities by 40%. Just because I pressed Apoc/Abom/Garg with a ghoul out - you now deal 40% less to me, and all your aoe is drowned in pets that don’t have realistic death thresholds.

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Multi r1 DH isn’t good, got it


Whats funny is Pikaboo streams these one shots almost every night on his Warrior (who is number one arms in Solo shuffle atm). Like the damage is readily seen, Warriors are literally coping so hard.

I could see them shifting a bit of damage out of mortal strike and/or crit modifiers and into bleeds but that just makes one wonder why they’re neglecting to make changes to certain other specs instead of rebalancing Arms for the xth time.

I think aff needs a 200% dmg buff because it’s bursting for the same total dps as arms (mid-low burst btw) but it’s spread between 3 targets so in reality it’s only 20k burst