Arena - Reduce Rating Requirements for Items?

then why would it be harder to climb in EU, wouldn’t the more players make the arena spread easier to climb in?

They are both bell curves afterall

how is 1500 the same as 2200 in the us. One of those is like smack dab near the middle of the bell curve for EU players.

The math doesn’t make sense

Is there some concrete evidence out there showing EU is better or something overall? Cause like

the average player should be around 1500 in both EU and US, right?

I just checked and the highest EU 2s player has 3200 while the highest US player has 3000. Meaning there is higher inflation in the EU brackets meaning it would technically be easier to climb there as the average is moved up with the EU brackets.

Like, what am i missing?

I always heard the opposite on guild wars 2, there are less players EU so it is harder to climb in guild wars 2 pvp in EU.

Play both like a ton of ppl do and see for yourself.

oh right so the onus is on me to back up your claim?..

i see i have wasted my time with you, good day

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First 3 google pages on a search for ya

Feel free to find similar stating the opposite, I sure can’t.

Are you legit braindead, did you even watch your own source you listed?

EU education coming in hot for you, you literally clicked the first clickbait title you could find on google and posted it as a source defending your poor argument. Good lord. This was literally 10 mins of venruki just playing 3s in arena, no commentary, no information, just 3 - 3s games. There wasn’t even audio for the latter 3rd of the video due to some copyrighted music.

If you can’t support your own argument, maybe it isn’t one worth having.

All you managed to accomplish here is making yourself look like a click baited clown, that and giving venruki a view on youtube lol.

Great job EU education system!


Is this what Warcraft III eventually resorted to with their system after the numbers fell on participation in the ladder? Trying to remember, but it’s definitely something similar, and I think it’s a good compromise for when the systems Blizzard designed for the heydays of a game no longer have the intended participation. (Can’t go backwards, only up toward the goal, but the goal still requires participation and wins.)

Link me a single counter if you’re so right. Or try and play both regions instead of being so narrow minded.

Hi, so I used a deadly 213 weapon to farm my shoulders & helm, didn’t buy the 1800 weapon because as others have said it’s not very good + a lot of points. I used this 213 weapon to hit 2200 in 2v2 then bought my T2 weapon.

Now if I didn’t have to learn the game inside and out progressing as a team I wouldn’t have gotten that high and nobody else would either. There has to be milestone rewards. Cata fixes your issues by making these rewards cosmetic and that’s a good change.

The fact is there’s a 213 deadly weapon you can use until you learn how to play the game & improve. Improving yourself and your team’s strategy is the entire point of arena and if there was no rewards people wouldn’t push high rating. I am not a Gladiator and don’t intend to push to 2800 etc so my goal was 2.2k. If there was no reward for 2.2k I wouldn’t have bothered.

I don’t raid I don’t have an ulduar weapon to make the climb easier I just had to “git gud”. The 1800 weapon isn’t great, so ideally you’d use an ulduar weapon, but if you don’t raid, like me, then the deadly 213 weapon is all you have access to & its the same for everyone else. I don’t see the point in complaining when this is the game we are playing and has been this way for a very long time. As I said Cata addresses your issue and IMO improves the PVP gearing system, but this is Wotlk and Wotlk has some items behind rating prestige. If you don’t want to go the PVP route of getting good items then there’s always finding a guild and raiding option. Good luck.


what does this mean? it took me 117 matches 0-2200 this season. that’s a few hours total, less time than one ulduar run. my winrate was bad too and had nax10 wep (astral plane)

If you actually played week one you would see the huge impact that early 252 ulduar loot had in arena. It wasn’t a gear disparity from arena gear, especially weps that take 3-4 weeks to even buy, even for the top r1 on the ladder you still have to wait for points rewarded.

i do agree with the rest of your post, i wish there was a PTR-like realm where we could just create arena chars and enjoy the game

Also to the guy talking about EU vs NA why dont you post up on your NA main and tell us your EU char? Until then you are just another guy hiding on an alt stirring the pot. You could be right for all I know, but why would anyone believe you when you won’t post on your main?


The old arena tournament server they did was great for that. They charged $20 gave you access to the server for 3 months and if you made it to phase 2 which was relatively easy like play 100 games be top 30% of teams or something and you get ANOTHER 3 months of arena tournament server. I participated in this every year they offered it which started in season 2 TBC. It had duel heroes, freeforall / big team gurubashi arena battles, and people taking it seriously that wanted into BlizzCon. So I had access to this realm for 6 months out of every year and used it to test all kinds of things and also learned how to play every class because of it. Wish blizzard offered something like this still but now the AT is ran very differently and much much shorter.

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Blizz fell off so hard man. that sounds awesome


Probably because you grinded it from the previous season, and are still as good as a player this season

you do realized the hidden game mmr at the beginning of a season tries to drag you to your last Arena Rating you finished from the previous season, right?

I didn’t know this, maybe my idea would be bad then

I’m just trying to think of ways to encourage more people to arena

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Easiest way to get people to play arena is to remove the rating requirements on gear pieces and buff the ilvl so its comparable to pieces from 10 man hardmodes. So if PvErs want they have an alternative way to get weapons that can be used for progression. All it might take is a few weeks of grinding for a basically guaranteed item. If anyone remembers TBC and how many feral druids did bgs for their bis offpieces, well imagine that on a much larger scale.


lol and? You get +96 for initial games, once you pass ~1200 you have to grind cr just like everyone else. +14 per win even if your hidden mmr is 2500.

And if you lose to a team greatly above you in hidden mmr, you will lose -0. This is true for all levels of the ladder not just low cr’s.

i dont even understand what youre crying about now so w.e. I’d say pick an easier class but cant think of any

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I mean…ele sham is free 2k in 2’s right now.


i only play resto

You play with warlock or feral?

bit of everything but 2200 with 2 ferals yea

The start at 1500 argument is literally so stupid. How is starting at 1500 rating going to help you hit 2k for the shoulders? If you deserve to be a 1200 mmr player, then your rating will regress to the mean of 1200, whether you start at 0 or 1500.

Do you want to start at 1500 so that you can remake the team over and over and eventually go on a lucky win streak and hit 1800 when you don’t really deserve to?

Or do you just not understand statistics?