Arena - Reduce Rating Requirements for Items?

I haven’t set foot inside arena all this season because of Blizzard’s gross mishandling of the rating locks.

I saw that they won’t release the current numbers for rating distributions which makes me wonder where everything ended up after their MMR bonus patch.


Day 2 of ULD patch in 3v3, we saw a 5k GS warrior with dark edge in 3v3. He was absolutely destroying everyone. Gear disparity is always a thing in wow. pvpers weren’t crying on the forum for free Dark Edge weps so they could compete. we had to wait 3-4 weeks just for the points to get our weps at all.

Also offhand/shield classes get shafted, there is no 2200 offhand or shield. it favours 2h classes


Blizzard made changes that made the gear disparity between Deadly and Furious worse than in the original, and the same with Ulduar gear being an even bigger gap than it was. Hardly an “always been that way” situation and certainly not faithful to the original WotLK.


I’m trying to find him a path that’s reasonable without asking for changes to the game… you’d think an orange dreamsickle would know that? :man_shrugging:t2:

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I can’t speak for Mispeled, but for myself:

Changes were already made to the game.

I’m all for wiping the slate clean and going back to the true WotLK, but if not…more changes it is.

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That’s fine… I guess the two of you have some letters to write… Meanwhile he’s hard stuck at 1700 and can’t get his weapon. See if you can get into a Ulduar run and let them know ur after a weapon. People can be helpful if you look for them.

My guild brings in pugs all the time and helps them.

Sorry, I don’t buy gold so I don’t think I’d be able to afford your guild’s help.

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We don’t run GDKP… nice try…

Not GDKP. It’s just guild officers reserving and selling an item to a single buyer without bids for a set price agreed on beforehand. It’s been happening since classic started and people selling things like Rag’s necklace since it was BiS for several phases.

If your guild is reserving a weapon and forbidding guildies from rolling on Dark Edge for a random pug then that’s nice for the pug but I would not expect OP to find a deal like that just out in the wild.

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yea i dont support that either but pve gear is way more of a problem in arena than 2200 gear is

People with weps are not stomping beginners in 1000 mmr. If they do ever encounter each other, the lower team will lose -0 for the loss

Also the weps are 13 ilvls higher than original wotlk, but the furious 5set is only 6ilvl higher. PVE offers 252 loot for any slot you want, it’s far more raw stats than any furious piece. And again, 3 pieces of furious can drop in VOA so the rating lock is really only helm shoulders and wep


Blizz should have never released Arena the way they did. It needed to be rebalanced. Sub Rogues ruined TBC just like Ele/Hpal/Arms ruins Wotlk.

Wotlk is so close to something incredibly fun, but anytime I push above 2k+ it’s the exact same 2-3 comps, and those comps are not fun to play against.


I always thought a good compromise would be wins in a season

this would still force people to play in arena, keeping the player pool up instead of it resorting to the same top 20% just playing on alts and boosting people for gold to 2.2k

Maybe 500 wins in a season for the 2.2k items
400 wins for the 1800 items
200 wins for the 1600 items
150 wins for 1500 items
50 wins for 1000 rated items

I just thought this would make people play the game and arena more on alts, especially ones they didn’t intend to play or didn’t think were geared enough to climb.

Essentially arena has kind of dumbed down to the same people in the top 20% stilll playing on alts and boosting others, it is a weird recycling of the arena population and pool.

I feel this way players would have a tangible and measurable form of progression in their arena career.

Also better players would hit those marks sooner anyway. Saw one dude with over 3k games already this season.


incorrect kiddo

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Honestly I think this is a stellar idea. Ive always hated the intense gating of PvP gear, and have always felt that high ratings should only yield like cosmetics and mounts and titles and stuff.

That said, having high wins before purchasing is a great middle ground to ensure people keep the ladders pumping

Listing disc/feral as the bane of your problems tells me you’re more than likely playing Preg/Dk. I’ll just let that irony go.

You are correct that rating requirements, especially in this current game, are terrible.

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You should try the EU bracket.

2k rating on US is like playing 1550 on EU

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“Why should good players that earn the good gear have an advantage over less skilled players who can’t earn the skill-locked gear?”

You sound like you’re on welfare, begging for good gear that you ARE. NOT. GOOD. ENOUGH. TO. EARN.

That is the point of arena gear. To award skilled players. If you have a problem with that, stop playing arena or get good.

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You don’t have to be upset.

I think people want the spirit of arena to be more balanced. A lot of people like Guild Wars 2 approach to gearing in pvp. In that they give specific pvp sets and items and you pick which ones you want so everyone is on an even playing field ilevel wise, and you still get to pick the stats/gear pieces you want.

It allows for easier balancing as well.

I would love an arena environment where you wore pre-determine pieces of PVP gear that would work only in pvp and in arena and vice versa.

I would love to see a place where skill took prevelance and gear didn’t

there is nothing skillful about no-lifing the game the first week of the season and hitting 2.2k.

Some people have jobs and work for a living, “mr. welfare”


pretty sure this has nothing to do with skill, it is because EU brackets have significantly less players, meaning your arena ratings aren’t as inflated.

BTW who won the last international tourney? Seriously asking - i dont keep up with the stuff

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So EU players or more PvE focused than US players or what do you mean? shows a total of 211k active US players and 237k EU players.