Arena Rating is harsh

Season 1 didn’t have the requirements.

That’s the only difference. 1400 now gets you the same pts it got you in TBC.

Low rated players just go from 0-1100 instead of from 1500-1100

No. You’re just wrong I’m sorry. Reread what you wrote and tell me how any of what you said makes sense with how arena points are currently awarded.

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thanks for clarifying

did they say why?

on the surface it’s terrible… aside from the lower amount of points , it’s a much longer climb to make

Almost as if it was intended to make arenas more grindy and unfun :thinking:

Actually, blizzard made lower rated players get more pts than they did in original tbc.

if you are 1400 now, you get more weekly pts than when you were 1400 in tbc.

Guy. What you are saying doesn’t matter even if it was true which it isn’t. You STARTED at 1500 rating. Which means you got more points which means gearing is harder now.

Only that you started at 1500 in TBC and only needed 10 games per week.

That said, when they posted that new arena system (the retail one) to be used for TBC people warned that it would lead to players quitting cause it was too bad to play for the casuals and arena would starve long term

You already have queue issues from what i can tell.

And now a lot of folks make the pikachu face

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No they haven’t. My best guess, they imported the retail client and making arenas work like original tbc would have taken some time and cost money so instead they just left it like retail.

what are you talking about dude
you got more arena pts only for as long as you stayed 1500. the amount of pts at 1500 then vs 1500 now are the same.

blizzard buffed the arena pts for ratings below 1500. they made it easier. not by a lot, but you get more pts than original tbc under 1500.

You have to be the most painful person in a room. If you just remade the team you started at 1500 every week. Meaning for the average player you got more points.

and for the above average player who isn’t sitting at 1500 nothing has changed.

if you want more pts get a higher rating.

I’m going to assume you’re trolling because this is what I’ve been talking about. If you’re not trolling then go to school.

for everyone who ended the week under 1500 rating, its easier now because you get more pts and you dont have to remake team. you have to get 10 wins to get pts anyway so the people that are remaking teams are probably not staying at 1500 after the games.

that clear enough for you champ?

You get less points and you don’t have the option to remake and get more points. Now I’m going to put you on ignore because arguing with stupid people is a waste of time.

omg youre so dense. you dont get less pts. if you end the week with a lower rating then you would have in tbc, you lose points. blizzard buffed them for low rated players, here are the receipts:

what youre crying about is people don’t get free rating anymore every week just for existing. the answer to that is get gud.

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how many points are players getting on average when they’re below 1000?

the OP was saying they’re only getting 12-15 a win at 1300 … yikes :woozy_face:

The points you climb per game depends on win streaks and mmr for you and the enemy team. You can get those same point gains from each game throughout your entire climb. The points you get per week for your low 1000ish rating will be less than what you got in TBC because you started at 1500.

the pts you gain/lose are based on your rating/mmr vs the people you’re playing.

if they are way higher than you, and you lose, you wont lose a lot, but youll win a lot.
if they are way lower than you, and you lose, you will lose a lot but if you win you wont get much.

12-15 a win at 1300 means they are facing 1300 mmr teams, if you are 1300 rated you gain 30 less points than if u were 1500, its barely different, 1500 players never got any gear fast and neither should they

it’s not less than tbc it’s buffed. stop giving him bad info. i just posted the receipts.