Arena Rating Adjustments Underway - October 22

People feel too comfortable abusing obvious exploits nowadays. :dracthyr_a1: Oh, and anybody who does get actioned knows they can just hop on their secondary or tertiary license and carry on as if nothing happened within the week.


Oh and an awc competitor also abused it on his bm hunter going 30-12 to 2400 yesterday!

I’d assume we want awc competitors to be held to a reasonable standard, right?



OoO I need the lore! I’ve been gone due to irl time restrictions and missed this.

I doubt anyone is getting banned for abusing bugs. Blizzard failed to test them properly and people are getting their rating even faster than intended.

I would argue it’s probably all by design. Anyway they will quietly hotfix it next week and no one will be the wiser.

Enjoy interrupting Cyclone and getting cyclone’d anyway :smiley:

Please deliiver on the feral sp aff nerfs, fix the bugs and this may become a good seaso

I didn’t report anything. I exploited S2 of SL for glad, you are in fact a racist. I didn’t even get a notice about it being deleted, which is weird, I would assume that you get a mod not if you do something sketch.

Weird how much of a hard on you have for me.

Changing your story again, eh? I love me some prior inconsistent statements. Maybe next time you’ll finally tell the truth. :dracthyr_a1:


Exploiting for an SLS2 glad is absolutely INSANE lmao :sob::sob:


If you want to fix mmr, please stop giving healers negative mmr for having an 0-6 dps in their lobby. There is zero reason a healer should get negative mmr for going 3-3.


Playing with someone who is botting is exploiting and a violation of the tos. I’m confused what you think is inconsistent?

So now it’s back to you playing with someone who exploited? A couple hours ago it was you exploiting yourself.

Yes, knowingly playing with someone who is botting is exploiting. Like what are you not understanding? I thought you were in law school, like this isn’t complicated at all dude. Exploiting is a broader term under which many TOS violations fall under. It’s SCOPE is large.

Is your degree online or something?

I did an exploitative action by queuing with someone who was also exploiting the game. Do to the volume of game played, I had to have been aware of it, thus I had broken TOS for exploitative behavior. It’s really not confusing, like how bug abuse is exploiting, and other things. See exploit is a word used to give the TOS some teeth in order to be able to punish a range of actions. It’s like violating a morality clause in a contract, there is more than one way to do it.

There’s an important legal distinction between saying “I did it” and “someone else did it.”

It is not difficult to grasp

Next poster paid for a glad pilot

(Successfully mind controlled irl)

^I didnt^

Can you prove this accusation?

Exploiting for a store mount is wild lol.

Blitz is the only thing people play, lol.

I think that’s the same as dps though, no?

The healer clearly didn’t impact the game and wasn’t able to influence it one way or the other.

By that same token, if a dps goes 6-0, the healer also goes 3-3 and stays neutral.

It’s the exact same for dps; if a healer goes 0-6 and 6-0, the dps also goes 3-3 because they didn’t significantly impact the games either.

It’s definitely frustrating for sure, but it also makes sense and is fair.

I’d be more okay with a 0 rating change. However, losing mmr for going 3-3 is infuriating.


Oh definitely. That’s a matchmaking problem that SHOULDN’T happen, but absolutely sucks when it does.

BUH BUH BUT its a good “learning experience” isnt it? :grinning: :+1: :dracthyr_nod:

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