Illegitimate Gladiator Titles

Someone said something a moment ago (link at bottom of this post) that actually sparked a decent question in my mind. We all know people illegitimately get titles one way or another, but which method is actually the worst of them?

How would people on these forums rank the following in terms of the general scumbaggery required to engage in the behavior? Again, this is only in regard to means that violate the terms of service, FOTM rerolling is not at play here.

Knowingly playing with bug exploiters.

Knowingly exploiting bugs yourself.


Purchasing (Self-play) for ego purposes

Purchase (Pilot) for ego purposes

Gladiator win cheesing

Personally, I’d have to rank as follows from most to least scumbag.

  1. Knowingly exploiting bugs
  2. Knowingly playing with someone exploiting bugs
  3. Buying (Pilot)
  4. Buying (Selfplay)
  5. Wintrading
  6. Cheesing MMR for low MMR free glad wins.

Thank god i never got glad playing double vesper in SL… cant have an illegitimate glad if you never hit it in the first place.

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Yo same bestie

Cheating of any kind is a big no to me, so exploiting known bugs would be top of the list with playing with a cheater next. Then piloting because you had someone else play, win trading, cheesing free wins, then self play because even though you paid you’re at least playing the character.


I see 4-5 on the same level of being a clown and 6 slightly below them.

I pretty much agree on the tiering of “scum bagness” I just think 4-5 are just all equally trash so having one before the other is rough.

Not to mention 4-5 normally go hand in hand.


Respectable opinion. I just think paid carries are higher because you’re adversely effecting others by intentionally impeding their progress. I guess my 5 and 6 should be reversed.

Wintrading doesn’t actually impede anyone else until we’re talking about R1.

Self plays also wintrade with other boosters to keep the weak parties mmr/cr up and they cheese mmr… bc they on average shouldn’t be where they are playing.

The problem is once you get past the top 2 using exploits… all the rest goes hand in hand.

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Nobody cares about Glad anymore. The highest skilled players get Legend titles.

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Kickbots/combat routines should be on that list somewhere as well. Dunno how big it is now though

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Purchasing of any kind (gold or rmt) and exploiting/cheating through external programs of any kind are miles ahead of everything else.

I find it hard to be mad at players for “normal” bug exploits unless the bug takes a LOT of set up to do. I’m more angry with Blizzard for that. There’s a 0% chance these current bugs would make it to live if they even remotely tested arena beforehand.

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Yet another DH cheating their way to glad? What is it with this class?


Reaching R1 should be you proving yourself you can do it, a challenge you place for yourself.

If you reach it, you won’t bother coming here saying other people are bad or that they didn’t get theirs legitimately.

Those who bother coming here QQ about fake R1’s are just too pissed they don’t get to be R1 or even high rated for that matter.

Same with the people that say SoloQ requires no skill and their rank is meaningless because 2.4 in SoloQ is same as 1600 in 3v3. Yet can’t reach 1800 in it.

Same with people in PVE that complain about their class is unbalanced to be accepted in keys, yet they try to apply to a +10, while their highest is a +6 on that same dungeon.

Just excuses to cover their own failures.

Whats the point of trying to figure out whats the worst way to get R1?

The legitimate are satisfied.
The illegitimate are fooling themselves and they know it.

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I blame the lack of time zoomers spent within religious institutions

It’s really crazy though not even joking anymore. Just endless DH’s buying/cheating their way to glad then exposing themselves on the forums.


I think it’s because DH is literally the most hand-hold spec in the game. Also it fulfills people’s cringey, edgy, satanic desires.

They’re all the same to me.

I thought this was going to be more in the lines of MoP BM hunters or DF Rets or anything from Shadowlands. :popcorn:

Funny enough, if I had to rank the lowest in that list, it’s the people that buy the pilots. MOST of them barely have any interaction with us. Lots of these people are just mount or achievement collectors. Just go to worldofdata and look at the top achievement ranks. I can guarantee you most of those people have never stepped in arena.

Just looking up anything about wow floods your feed with Boosting website advertisements… They would not exist if they were not making profits.

I think Blizzard cleaning up the Integrity of their game makes you high end players look better… In this age of RMT, no matter how hard you worked, or good you are, most will think you paid someone.

I never get boosting site ads from looking up wow things lol what?


I personally don’t see the difference between this, and if Pikaboo/Xaryu suddenly decided I was cool to hang out with and wanted to help me get a drake.

The rest are pretty lame.