Arena changes no one asked for

did not know this, im still ok with the changes tho and im ok if they change it back, its a change that wasn’t there, but it’s a small change that won’t make a huge difference in overall gameplay experience. just my opinion.

Actually, these AREN’T TBC arenas. They are actively changing the them FROM TBC arenas to something that is NOT TBC arenas.


and you will still be able to. you may have to play 20-30 more games than you would have had to open the season. if that. if they changed this they will prolly change the amount of currency you get for doing it at lower levels.

Grats on being an outlier then. Most people don’t do that.

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This has nothing to do with increasing the amount of rating gated gear.

This has nothing to do with increasing the amount of rating gated gear.

I would argue the opposite. I am less inclined to want to do rated PVP because of the increase in rating gated gear.

Shoulders and weapon + titles already did this.

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have you considered they are maybe trying to make the game not full of people going in to purposely lose a game, so that pvpers who want to play dont have to sit through that?

you asked if it made pvp better, not if it inclined you solely to play it more.

with rating requirements for half the gearset?

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exactly. sounds like he was afraid of losing at 1500

you can get all blue gear with no rating doing what you wanted it to do. (help protect while farming). you dont need full epics to farm. if you do, get better at pvp gear.

they are obviously changing it to make pvp gear harder to get, which is good. you dont deserve pvp gear by losing on purpose.

shadowlands season 1 was popping at the beginning

And that opinion you gave:

Makes PVP worse for me, as it does the opposite of what you are claiming it does.

keyword right here

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How do you know? most people i knew did that lmao. Hitting a string of losses when you play with new players on a new team is hurt on the morale, so it was common to tank everyone’s mmr and start fresh and develop synergy playing with each other moving forward. I’m just saying the mmr doesn’t stop what they intended to stop (high rating players fighting lower rated players).

because they hyped us up telling us they changed a bunch of things, which they did, but they made it worse. and then everyone realized its just a remake of the last 2-3 with the extra powerups that make the game harder to tune. recent seasons was legion, and legion was one of the lowest points, it had no where to go but up.

when gearing was not so gated, everyone had similar gear at the start.

you have already shown you are an outlier to how most play the game.

yea and the rating locked gear burned it to ashes. lol

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it does the more people who play. youre using your retail experience to prove the point but retail is not a good meter due to the low level of players.


How is that?

Seems like in all the PVP related posts on this forum, there are very few who think more rating gated gear is good for the game.