Arena changes no one asked for

I didn’t say it was dying in Cata. In fact it was a golden age of pvp participation. By comparison, season 4 was a ghost town and WotLK never had numbers like season 1-2 and Cata through Legion. It wasn’t even close. Rating was added back in BFA and SL, and participation is tanking once again and they are hemorrhaging subs. So yeah, that was absolutely it, and absolutely the problem.


this isnt retail. no one is going to have pvp gear.
anyone with gear will shoot up the ladder. when you play 80% of your games will be against those with the same gear. or they will be better players with less gear.

mmr will help fix this.

its broken because of player numbers. player numbers in tbc will fix it

On paper, yes. But in reality? No. These pve players playing for points are functionally the same as level 1 alts from aforementioned pool parties. Let’s take Challenger (top 35%) as an example and do some math shall we?

Assume that rating requirements don’t exist, which incentivizes more people to play! Say for this example, 1000 PvPers that were going to play anyway, and an additional 500 PvEers who want weapons. By and large, these PvE players suck. They are no where NEAR the challenger cutoff. But they still count for participation. At the end of the season, 525 players are eligible for challenger or above.

HOWEVER, if rating requirements stay, those 500 players won’t play arena at all. Suddenly the pool is now 33% smaller, and only 350 players are eligible for challenger or above.

Does that make sense?

but if you remove casuals from the queue then there will not be any “player numbers in tbc” lol…


if people are less incentivized to play because of a 1800 rating requirement, its not going to affect the game much. plenty will still be playing and those below 1800 will be such a large number youll never notice

No it isn’t.

X to doubt

If history has shown us anything, is that when PvE players can gain an advantage by dabbling in PvP, the season is more lively than ever (See: early SL). But when there is no incentive for raiders to try to rank, all that remains are a select few of extremely good players that make ranking for a newbie impossibly hard ( See: all of Legion)


Until people do.

The beginning of SL was great for PvP. Then the rating locked gear started to permeate the scene.

I do not understand why the devs are so hell bent on adding rating gates to PVP gear.

My hunch is that it impacts PVE somehow.

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in a row, playing against someone 0 rating and experience its going to use mmr from retail so its very quickly. it is not 10 wins no. but it is not many. its being blown out of proportion by people imo who cant get past 1800. not making fun just saying a fact. within a couple weeks the best players will be past 1800 and 2000 and so on and the brackets and mmr will push everyone to their actual skill pvp rating soon enough and the gear will proportionally be given out

ok so people get pvp gear. if they have gear and are still 1300, you should be winning against them without gear. they have no skill. if you cant beat someone 1300 rating with gear, keep playing.

Or when there is little to no rating gating. E.g. MoP and WoD.

Is this what you think is happening on retail right now?

Some magical bell curve where all players find their true MMR?


if you read what ive already wrote, retail mmr is broken because of the playerbase. theres no one playing arena on retail right now, or havent been since legion. maybe even wod. the mmr hasnt worked well since the numbers broke.

on tbc everyone and their cousin will be qing making the system better.

not to mention every single season is different.

ive been 2400 in rbgs. but i dont have hero of the alliance.
some people have only been 2170 cr, but have hero of the alliance.

thats why ratings are such a big a deal as the end of season achievement.

Pretty sure these changes will put a damper on that prediction.

Did you see the Venruki video I posted above?

If he can’t do it, how could I?


Let’s discuss again when season 1 is half way through and we’ll see how easy 2400 rating is.

I’m sure everyone will easily access it.



2400 isnt supposed to be easy, and the gear isn’t supposed to be free to everyone thats why they have requirements.

Let me ask you this: how does adding more rating requirements to PVP gear make PVP better?

again, im retyping stuff now. read what ive said.

the largest percent of the player base in arena is 1800 or less.

that means these changes may make a very few people less likely to q, even if half the people who would have played dont, so many will still be playing you wont notice the difference.

if 3 million people do something. and 1.5 million quit, (im HIGH balling the amount who this change will effect)
you will never see the difference.

so when almost no one can access the gear for the introductory pvp period, thus putting themselves at a stark disadvantage that will only get worse…why enter the arena at all?