Are you working on getting the AH mount?

Sadly no. I was slowly saving here and there. Got to half a million and then they announced the removal.

So I bought some heirloom upgrades and my kids got several boe mounts and pets for Christmas off the AH.


The spider mount is creepy though. I was in AV one night and a pair of them came running past me while I was guarding a flag and even though they were both on my team they startled me a bit.


It’s great for when you wanna post greens for 80k but don’t wanna go to town.

Not working towards it. I have an auction house alt parked in her garrison to handle all that. I don’t need a mount. I just need a mailbox.

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Working on it. Climbing in gold slowly.

I use this for a mailbox, is nice for all your alts. :slight_smile:

For OPs question, I was considering trying to raise up rest for mount, but think it’s probably unlikely I’ll have enough.

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I can literally use that gold to buy my siblings all the other blizz games we ever want to play for the next 20 years. I will pass.


The cost in actual dollars is what five or six hundred dollars? I don’t know about you guys but I can make that a lot faster than farming up the gold in game. Most of us have probably also spent money on dumber things too so I don’t see a problem with either method for obtaining it.

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Eh, no. If I’m going to drop 5 million gold on a mount it will be something that I think is much cooler than the long boi.

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yeah…I know…but man…after that strider thing, I honestly dont trust them with anything now. There are some grinds I was intending on doing but now I just aint willing to put the time in for anything more than maybe a weeks worth. Not knowing they can rip anything away that Ive worked for at any time they deem it a threat.

Ive got a second WoW account running on a second monitor with my AH character standing there banging the cancel scan while Im doing other crap on my main account. Works pretty good.

I’m too stingy to drop 100k on MoP’s vendor mount, let alone save up 5 mil and go broke for that dino.

My Traveler’s Mammoth is good enough for me.


Not that into the AH myself. I just relog once a day, list my auctions, then check them the next day.

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I’m debating it… On the one hand I don’t want to wipe out my Savings, but it’s not like I can just go over to the dealership and get a loan for it and just make steady payments for a couple years and then pay it off later if the next expansion’s big gold mount isn’t as useful.

Thinking about it.

If it was (a) bigger, or (b) cooler/more interesting (to me), i woulda bought it long ago.

No interest in it at all, and I could buy it now if I wanted. Just don’t care about it.

Not a chance in hell. I am at a little over 3 million but I sure wouldn’t spend that much on an AH mount.

And for those who don’t make millions of gold (most players) and want the mount (most players) Blizzard offers gold for cash. Removing the mount is just a way for them to sell tokens to players who want the mount but don’t know how to make gold ingame. There’s no other reason to remove it.

laughs heartily I could see where this might go…

No, of course not. I don’t have any intention of attempting to acquire 5m for any reason, let alone a mount whose sole benefit is having a portable AH. The only people I can remotely see that benefiting are serious AH players, and much of what they’re doing is add-on driven anyway.