Rogue Fatebound is all RNG. Imagine having to use patch 11.1 RNG set bonuses along with a hero tree like Fatebound that is all about RNG.
Boring and pointless game play that is frustrating to the max.
Rogue Fatebound is all RNG. Imagine having to use patch 11.1 RNG set bonuses along with a hero tree like Fatebound that is all about RNG.
Boring and pointless game play that is frustrating to the max.
I guess they’re OK.
Mileage varies a lot based on your class. Some of them have very clear visions and fantasies, well engrained in the Warcraft universe (or just had some really fun stuff tied in)… others just felt like they were phoned in without much inspiration: “Boss said all classes need 3 hero talent sets… what specs do the class have? Just do Hero Talents based on those.” - pretty sure that’s how Warlocks got there’s since our Hero Talents are basically Not-Affliction (Soul Harvester), Not-Demonology (Diablost) and Not-Destruction (Hellcaller).
“best” is subjective.
Not everyone is a numbers obsessed kill joy.
For me, and also objectively in a game where the point is to have fun, “best” is a matter of what is fun to each player.
I think there are some winners are losers with “class fantasy” and balance. I also feel most of the Hero Talents are just glorified passives more than anything.
The only fear I have going forward is how much the talents will “bloat” the talent trees if they add more talents or abilities.
It depends on the class and spec.
As a concept, I like them. The idea is to give each player two different ways to play any given spec at endgame, but the reality / success of that is variable between specs.
Most of them are passive and do not actually change how anything gets played, amounting to simple power boosts of existing rotations and abilities.
For Restoration Druid, they’re boring if I’m honest.
For my mage, it’s a little more active and interesting.
For my evoker, it’s much more visible and rotation-invasive, making it the most interesting of the three characters I’ve spent time working with in TWW.
So it varies.
I like the concept, and I don’t hate them. It has good potential.
Ok. So what changed?
You can still do that
Totally forgot about “hero” talents. All mine are passive. My character doesn’t look or feel any different with them so I’d them a fail.
Diabolic Ritual is not sudden. You can reduce the buff timer enabling you to get out the demons out much faster via spending Soul Shards. You can decrease the buff duration from 1 to 2 seconds via the Infernal Machine talent.
On topic, I’ve enjoyed all three Warlock specs for the most part. I’d like Soul Harvester to have a bit more to it, but it’s still pretty fun.
Yes change direction on deep breath is godsend
Over all I am content.
Some desperately need more help than others, though
I think they are here to stay since they called them a new evergreen feature but I think they’ll be utilized much like specializations in guild wars 2. We may see new ones in midnight as opposed to just keeping these ones with some adjustments.
For those unfamiliar, we would still have the option to play the current ones but in Midnight for example, we may be able to unlock a new one.
I imagine either we get one new one per class or if they truly go the GW2 route perhaps only some classes will get new ones in midnight etc. I think it could be cool to really lean into the idea - they could introduce shaman tank spec for example using a hero tree (the specs in guild wars 2 are generally FAR more impactful than WoW)
I’m happier now that most have a distinctive visual flair. Hopefully, they’ll keep working on that for all Heroic talents.
As a system, great. The Druid ones kinda suck though.
Sorry, never feel like being a hero with those talents.
They should just not make every spec more complex with those talents, and also they should add more visual impacts to fit the “hero” image.
I like the idea of different flavors of the same spec and many of them are really cool, but I’m currently finding that every hero spec I find most interesting across all of my characters is the suboptimal one for DPS in all situations, and only Blizzard could take a mechanic that should mainly just be about aesthetic and gameplay feel and still have them be disparately unblanced.
no. both hero talent trees for dh need a complete redesign lol.
I leveled many paladins. Templar is not as good as Herald of The Sun. I wanted to go Templar cuz the name is cool and in real life there were knights called Templars and also knights called paladins but so I went as a Templar then as a Herald. Templar was not as good.
I love voidweaver for Shadow priest and san’layn makes my unholy DK feel quite strong, honestly looking forward to trying more of them but I need to find time to play of late. Might try to kill zekvir on the single ? for the quest but chasing that void blimp really soured my fun…or well okay lag spikes and driving myself nuts focusing down on one character soured it so playing my alts is sure to help me enjoy the game again… looking forward to trying Sunfury I think it was or whatever the hero spec for paladins was that’s sun themed
Do you mean “as good” in terms of fun or effectiveness?
Because currently Templar is a straight 15% DPS increase over Herald, so it’s objectively better for doing content, but I personally find Herald more fun and hope that the next balance patch lets me have my sick lasers again without sacrificing a huge chunk of damage.
Yea fun. Thats how I meant it by good. And how it looks in the gameplay.