Are you satisfied with hero talents?


Can’t stand them.

It’s the illusion of choice, where none exists. Definitely a system that needs reworking.

Again. :confused:

I do definitely appreciate the larger talent trees making a come back, as complexity and the ability to customize is paramount, but then it defeats the point when you get forced to put your final points into abilities that are either situational for some classes or just not as good a choice as that non hero talent you came up one point short for.

Not a fan.

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With my destruction warlock when I’m playing, these powerful beings show up and attack what ever I am fighting. I’m trying to think now if I’m mixing up alts but Warlock is my number two class and the Hunter hero talents have to do with some additions to firing your bow.

Ah, I think you’re talking about the demons from the Diabloist spec tree. Yeah, I get what you’re saying now.

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Talents are always an “illusion of choice” unless the content is trivial.

There is always a best option

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Overall I’m glad they added them to the game, but some of them need some serious thematic help.

Archon would be my prime example.

You have a pulsing halo. Cool, but that’s it. Zzzz

They have a talent that makes your cooldowns your “perfected form” but changes literally nothing visually. Turn the priest into like a Kyrian inspired (you know, archons) visual during cooldowns or something.

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No, another minmax to worry about, also they’re nothing to do with lores or immersive gameplay.

I love this, I’ve been hearing this from wow since 2005 with the old talent trees. I guess it will never change.

Don’t know about that. Soul harvester and Diabloist is very lore friendly and kinda alters my gameplay a little.

Scalecommander evoker is way too fun and lore friendly. So I like it, it immersive my game play because now I can use hover more with the deep breath resetting my hover charges

Ret templar is way too fun as well. Using wake of ashes into a hammer of light and keeping up shake the heavens is grand.

I’m mixed on the whole thing.

It’s hard to think of Hero talents as some great innovation when my actual talent tree(s) have nodes with severely under-performing talents and the pathing options in my class tree are almost nil. It’s hard not to see the whole thing as weak and neutered.

For 11 talent slots in Hellcaller I get, Wither and Malevolence and in the Diabolist tree, I get Diabolic Ritual. Malevolence is good, I’ll grant that. 6 talents dedicated to Wither though… lol. The rest are slight QoL offensive/defensive throughput(s) that arguably should be in the class or spec trees by default. Soul-Etched Circles is a nice example but should be baseline, not a specific Hero Talent relegated to one Hero spec. Diabolic Ritual’s cycling is too slow post-nerf and is problematic with RoF due to the interaction changes before going live.

Wither and Blackened Soul are doing the majority of my damage in HC. So what do I need my main talent tree for again? The bottom half of my damage output?! It’s sad.

SoulHarvester is… even more “meh” than Diabolist or Hellcaller.

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No lol, I got rng and walking on eggshells for mine

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I enjoy ones that add some bedazzle to our characters. Visuals are important to me.

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Hardly. I am not even satisfied with Race/Class/Faction combos. I would love to race change my Druid to Gnome and then Faction change to Horde just so I can hang with my friends in other cities and content. Sadly, the game is pretty well stuck in 2004’s concept of factions and 2013’s concept of Classes.

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I’ve forgotten they exist


I love para and rop as cc! I’m glad it’s use that way pushes me outside of rando monks :stuck_out_tongue:

I think they’re mostly good. Some might need some tuning and revisions to their fantasy. But overall, they’re a good addition.

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I haven’t played much with it. (My dh isn’t even max level yet) But isn’t aldrachi reacer about throwing a glaive periodically, and the talent does it automatically? Unless it doesnt throw the special glaive in which case that’s dumb.

It uses a special version called Reavers Glaive after you consume 6 soul fragments, this is the gateway into it’s power dynamic. The new talent will not cause that to occur, which is a good thing as you don’t want to hold BD as you are approaching a DPS window out of fear your talent will trigger it early.

So this new talent will have no real impact upon how AR plays out. Matter of fact this version is actually going to be worse than season 3/4 of DF due to the removal of AMN. Our mastery will be much less valuable and the bonus Immo damage that burning wounds would cause will be pretty worthless as immo will be fire and thus no mastery damage boost at all.

Hell the only change they did make to AR in wounded quarry doesn’t work correct as it only seems to fire off from auto attacks (instead of all physical damage) and it is supposed to be chaos damage (so a minor DPS boost from mastery) but it is being treated as physical damage instead.

And even the talent we are discussing is bugged. Unlike in DF if you take the furious glaive talent to get the extra glaive thrown, it will charge you an extra 25 fury. Not only did it not do this in DF but it doesn’t do it if you actually have less than the 60 fury it doesn’t try charging you the extra 25.

Right now Havoc is a mess on the PRT server.

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Nah, souls harvester as affliction is so great. Everything just synergizes together. Freaking love the gameplay.

Are you sure?
It seems to me that Hero talents will be another thing shoehorned into gameplay in the future much like covenant abilities are now. They may or may not be there, probably only the favored talents will be seen in later expansions.


No, they are pretty bland. I’d say they are better than the regular talent trees though, which are inferior to even the original classic trees.