Are you satisfied with hero talents?

With hero talents introduced into the game, how happy are you with them? They are here to stay and remember, things being “expansion” specific and left behind is no longer a thing. So the play style with them you are doing now will carry over forever with some minor tweaks I’m sure.

So again are you satisfied with them knowing that they are a core part of your class now moving forward? Or would you rather not have them?


I’m happy with them as a whole. It’s always nice to be able change up play styles a little if you don’t like how the other hero spec plays or if things start to get a little boring.


Still torn by my hate for Sunfury’s intrusive visuals but preference for what it offers over the much classier looking spellslinger.


For some of my characters and specs, yes. Others I mostly don’t notice.


I play BM and MM Hunter, Protection Paladin and Blood DK.

So far pleased with all!
Love Dark Ranger for hunter and was something I’ve wanted for a long time.
Protection Paladin with Lightsmith is amazing. Sword + Toll is a vibe.
Blood DK Sanlayn has a ‘dot’ build that so far feels pretty fun. When I do low keys on it and can get fat Blood is Life bursts it feels amazing.

Hero talents are a great addition. I wouldn’t want them to be expansion specific.


Yeah, but the lack of a “non-hero”/pure spec kinda hurts.
Also, some specs either don’t really have a choice in the matter, or the choices are dull.

In the end, they are just differently framed, spec restricted, shared talents for the bottom of the class tree.

Nothing that grand, new or groundbreaking.

That said, for most classes, I’m rather satisfied with the new talents.
They serve their “gameplay shake up” purpose.


Lol no.

I very much dislike the Hunter ones. Especially once 11.1 comes around.

Hated the Pack Leader changes so much, I’ve swapped to Sentinel.

More changes I didn’t ask for.

Every other class, sure they’re alright.


I like the talent trees, anything is better than was it was prior to trees.

Yes and no. It depends on the class and spec.


Some are fun to play with great visuals. Some are not so great to play and other than reducing the quality of the experience aren’t even noticed.

Kind of 50/50 on hero talents. Needs a ton of work. Decent first draft.


I’m ok with them they are interesting addition to the game imho.

Although I still don’t really like the talent trees they still do look like POE=Path of exile talent trees and I don’t like it xD.

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As a concept - Great.

As an individual application per class - Total miss in some cases. They’re often not competitive with one another, and some classes are just flat out incredible while other classes are a strong shoulder shrug at best.


Some. Some I hardly notice much difference if I’m honest.

I haven’t tried them all though some classes I don’t play or rarely play like Druid rogue demon hunter.

I have a rogue attempt now so maybe I’ll cap and see how it is.

A small thing but I still wish they weren’t called hero talents because I think it’s a gross exaggeration to what they are.

But yeah overall they are ok.


I really don’t like that some Hero talents have required skills. So I either pick a different tree, or have to go back and re-do my trees entirely to find that one skill I didn’t take or use that is now mandatory.

I think that’s the biggest fail. Either make the required skills lower in the tree so it’s very likely to be taken, make it part of the standard kit, or stop putting in prerequisites for the ‘hero’ tree, especially if one went with the ‘starter’ build (which I did on some of my alts out of laziness).


Pretty much same as above. Some are interesting, some aren’t. They definitely need some polish.

Nope , I always had demolish even before but it was rarely being used. So now if you go the colossal route, you just have to take it . Every other talents is more like making it better or for other skills to do more damage .

So what is heroic about heroic talents , exactly ??

If they made it change to a sub class like either tank that specializes with 2 shields , or captain america shield thrower …now you have something amazing

But Blizzard is way more focused on the dophamine addict crowd reskins rehashing, rewards like titles , score , loot and stuff. Increasing rng, then throwing a bone. Making items limited time reward then destroying them via twitch drops :rofl:

Innovation is low


Fine overall. Some are lame, but some are amazing. I’ve made a lot of noise about frostfire, and shall continue to do so. I think it’s amazing. The standard all other trees should live up to. But shoutout also to soul harvester and hellcaller for warlocks. Both are beautiful in theme and gameplay. Stormbringer enhancement as well. Rider of the apocalypse and deathbringer frost are also both great fun. Oh and mountain thane prot. That spec is the king of delves.

At the far other end of the spectrum we have pack leader. Just a real wet noodle of a tree. The new version seems like it will play better, but still has so many annoying elements. Most notably that the pack we are leading isn’t even our own! If ever there was a time for hunters to revel in their overflowing stables it was with this hero tree and they completely flubbed it. Twice!


Frost Mage Spellslinger splinters keep breaking CC. Polymorph is practically useless because of it now. So no, not satisfied.

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BM pack leader is probably the most boring hero tree in the game… I hear blizzard is changing it a bit so that we summon more animal friends to aid us in battle which honestly is the right direction.

How they made a tree about hunters having animals aid them be as boring as watching paint dry is just annoying…