Are you satisfied with hero talents?

I just don’t want talents to go back to the dark ages of WoD-SL where we just see stuff get shuffled around every expansion but no actual expansions to the system. As long as we’ve well and truly left borrowed power behind and core systems like talents continue to grow with each expansion, I’ll be satisfied.


Yeah, it hits hard. I wish they had an optional node to turn flurry into an action button where we can choose when to unleash it. Maybe at some cost or something. We already have a lot of buttons, but I’d make an exception for this.

I know we can sort of plan it out now, but that’s really clunky I’ve found.

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windwalker does not have alot of buttons lol.

In comparison to fdk it feels like a lot! Lol. Besides ww has so many nifty niche buttons. But yes general rotation you’re right, I’m sure some other specs have a butt load more – I haven’t played them all :slight_smile:

No. They’re just bloated talent tree choice nodes.

When the idea of Hero Powers shared between 2 specs was announced I was picturing something like, Desturction Warlocks but with Agony, Affliction Warlocks with Incinerate, maybe Desto with the Fel Guard Demo Pet.
A bit of marriage between the shared specs.

Instead it’s just ok yay now your main filler is stronger or yay now your main spender is stronger.


Hero talents are just worse version of rental systems from previous expansions.

The claim is that these will carry forward into midnight as evergreen systems, but I am not seeing it so far.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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It is open to both hero trees and as AR doesn’t have any special affinity with throw glaive, it’s not a bigger benefit to that hero tree than it is for the other. The issue with AR right now is it’s play style just isn’t fun or rewarding and it’s focus upon tunneling a target hurts it too much when you have to target swap or break engagement to do mechanics. None of which has changed, matter of fact the one change they did make is actually bugged.

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Most monks use 3 CD buttons + trinket, maybe 1 defensive button because they dont know what do, 2 CC’s (para’s never used by rando monks) and 7 damage buttons. If you’re lucky you may get 2 interrupts out of them while they’re reading the descrption of 18 different passives. lmao. Also good riddance faeline stomp. Nobody likes you faeline stomp.

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I like the fact they are all passive and did not result in other buttons to push.

As a whole? Yes

Theres a few id like to tweak but overall fairly content

Not at all.

I was a fan of the streamlined talent trees. 8 to 10 choices. It definitely made it easier after big patches, or expacs, when I have to redo all the talents on all my characters.

Now it’s like 50 little nodes to fill in on every character every time they do a tuning pass.

It’s ridiculous.

Then they just added another layer of talents on top?

I hate it.

But other people like pretending they have choices, even though they end up doing the cookie cutter min max builds.


I’m happy with the idea of them overall. Some specs I would have been happier with a different theme and I dislike some visual effects.

I’d like to play around with Sunfury mage more but I can’t stand the fire balls above my head, they don’t even disappear out of combat.

I agree with this somewhat. I didn’t mind the really basic talents we had back in legion, maybe 7 choices? Quick, less messing around.

But I do like having more choice when picking my utilities in TWW.
Sometimes I like to over simplify my bars and pick all passives, which I couldn’t do with the old trees.
But the right tree is pretty much cookie cutter for sure, it’s the bulk of my damage which I just follow a guide and it never changes.


As a monk main, I am content, but not happy.

Conduit of the Celestials is fine. It has some neat visuals and you FEEL the hero spec.

Shado-Pan should be called Fist of Kang. It has nothing to do with the shado-pan and shado-pan are not a monk-exclusive organization.

Master of Harmony is completely meh.

If we’re gonna be stuck with this moving forward, I would like for more revisions of these hero specs. They just don’t pop like they should.

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Overall, I am happy with them. Some aren’t that great but overall I think they did good.

Love the play style of templar on my ret paladin. It is so much fun for me to keep shake the heavens up.

The Warlock talent is strange, where suddenly this god comes along and crushes who ever you are fighting. It’s kind of funny the way they come along at the wrong time:

“Thanks for helping me crush that squirrel but quick suggestion; maybe you could have helped out the last time Zekvir showed up in Fungal Folly.”


Of the classes I’ve played so far:

  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Shaman
  • Priest
  • Druid

I think they’re overall okay. Some are a bit lackluster (current Pack Leader) and others are neat and thematic (Mountain King and Stormbringer). I think my only real complaint are the ones that force players to take specific capstone talents to function (e.g. Farseer requiring Primordial Wave and Ancestral Swiftness).

The system itself is a nice way for them to introduce concepts and themes that aren’t quite fleshed out enough to be a full class by themselves. Like, Dark Ranger and Sentinel just weren’t enough of a concept to be a full class, so being able to have them be a sub-spec (aka Hero Spec) of Hunter made sense.


Current devs still trying to find a way to make pets not part of the hunter play style, which is never going to work. It is way too baked into the coding of the class. Them trying to get rid of pets with MM kinda broke it in other specs and adding them back broke it yet again.

What they need to do is add another range class that uses bows and guns and keep hunters the pet version.


To be fair, as a elemental shaman, you should be taking those talents anyways. They’re way too good for you not to get them.

What god you’re talking about?