No, just feels like 10 extra talents/ passives I have little choice over that may as well be the same
The big choice of which tree is good except in 9/10 cases only one is competative
So, no
No, just feels like 10 extra talents/ passives I have little choice over that may as well be the same
The big choice of which tree is good except in 9/10 cases only one is competative
So, no
Current dev team seems to hate retail hunters for some reason. Pretty much everyone who isnt a hunter seems to really like the hero talents.
Not even close. One hero tree no one plays because it is too tedious and the other is taking a rather large DPS hit in the next update.
Like most of the game, I think some are inspired and others are dull. I think they mostly mechanically make sense, but the “feel” isn’t always there.
For example when my mage is spellslinger, I really feel like I’m slinging spells. Same with lock soul harvester, at least when I’m AoEing. But my hunter’s dark ranger…? Do I feel like a dark ranger? No. I feel like an orc in a murloc suit (of course that’s that’s because I’m wearing a murloc suit). As a wildstalker druid, I don’t really feel like anything because it’s all passive.
Great concept. Execution needs work.
Balance needs a lot of work. Bunch of specs still have one dead hero spec that they never take under any circumstances.
Aren’t they baking in the Dragonflight S3 tier set into a talent to make aldrachi reaver more appealing?
This will be easier to answer in the next expansion I feel. They still feel under cooked, some of them were/are very under powered.
I dont see the point of hero talents at all, they are just a bunch of passives that wont pass to the next expansion, its better if you bake the talents into the class default.
The ones I’ve played with feel good to play, it’s just a shame the other way gameplay has been dragged like tank/healer nurfs, and the lack of efficacy from some class’ proper play. A shame.
I’m pretty disappointed with them. Just a bunch of passive effects that could have very well just sat in the talent tree, and oftentimes there’s one clear choice over the other.
They also often clash with character identity. Take Guuah, here: He wouldn’t be summoning laser birds, nor would he even touch a bow, let alone learn whatever magic Dark Rangers utilize. I chose Sentinel and pretend the laser bird is a mechanical hatchling that is doing all the fancy Sentinel stuff, lesser of two evils.
I really like the idea, not so much the way it turned out.
The current Voidweaver tree, all they did was take the old Unholy Gargoyle play style and copy and paste that into Voidweaver, ya’know, the Gargoyle build that Unholy players didn’t like.
Now it’s being celebrated and then gutted again. What are we supposed to think about this? It looks like throwing crap at the wall just to see what sticks.
I like the warrior and dk talents. They seem definitive enough and I can “feel” them in action. It’s hard to not feel super bad AF when 4 horsemen emerge or two huge scythes cut down mobs.
Monk on the other hand…shadow pan feels like nothing. No extra action skills, weird animation for our passive, no real change in the way it’s played. I sometimes forget I even have a hero spec as ww.
Yeah with Shadowpan, the flurry burst you get is basically the entire allure. You could replace all the text in Shadowpan with “?” and then just have the flurry and people would still pick it, especially since it blasts.
It’s so so, I hate Priests options.
I love Colossal Arms Warrior and Trickster Outlaw Rogue tho.
Its another set it and forget it for me. Its fine.
Hero talents fail for Rogues in two ways:
Really at this point I made the mistake of playing shaman… Starting to see how truly bad other classes feel in comparison.
Also, why is it Shadow priest feels a need to be redone again… Like what is the deal with spriest constantly being changed and not working well? Seems every video on them is always saying it needs a redesign
Some of them I somewhat enjoy cause it enhances a playstyle I liked while others feel kinda meh and awkward to me and I don’t get how they help the class.
Fel-scared is cool cause I like that I can do more fel damage and dots with it.
Riders of the Apocalypse while cool makes literally zero sense to me how it helps anything. I just don’t get it at all.
Mountain Thane is kinda meh, I shoot lightning out of things and have to use thunder clap for some reason.
No, get this castweaver stuff out of the game. nerf it into dirt. Fistweave is the only fun way to mistweaver. If I wanted to cast in raid, I would go holy priest and press 3 buttons with 1 hand and just drink my coffee infused monster with the other while pumping out 1m+ hps.
Windwalker feels empty now, they got rid of expel harm for chi. They pretty much removed the “clutter” and now my windwalker bars that were full in dragonflight are now empty. It feels like a class with low skill ceiling now. The only thing windwalkers have to worry about is not going below 1 chi and tiger palming between each ability for more. If you do go below 1 chi, make sure you have your WDP ready in that short window your BoK is reducing the RSK. You’re gonna need a free crane kick proc to get back into your motion, or just press TP-BoK-TP. Getting rid of serenity was a major L too. I don’t want to run SEF in low keys if I was helping friends or doing world content.
Admittedly, I was not enthused with them at first, just thought of them as just ‘redone fancy looking’ talents. But, now I do see a lot of potential with it to get into my class fantasy a bit more and have really enjoyed the fun it has brought me.
Being a Druid of the Claw and swapping between bear/cat has been a blast. With Guardian, utilizing arcane magic much more brings me back to the days of being a chicken tank so it’s nice to relive that a bit.
Frostfire is the most fun I’ve had with mage since WotLK. Adding a little color to the spec really did a lot to make it more visually interesting, and coupled with a couple of general class changes that removed stuff I hated, it feels really nice.
Spellslinger’s eh. As far as I can tell, the concept was invented out of nothing so it’s a bit of a joke of a fantasy. The extra arcane orbs are nice but I’m not really fond of Nether Precision and the spec’s built entirely around it, but whatever. Honestly it just makes me wish I could somehow play Frostfire on arcane too, just to see how the game would try to adapt it.
Not interested in Sunfury at all so I haven’t even touched it. I don’t like having pets, even temporary ones, so the phoenix is a turn-off. Same with the blood mage fantasy in general.
Only other class I’ve played so far is evoker and I’m in a similar boat there. I like Chronowarden, but Devastation can’t pick it. I WANT to like Flameshaper, but I don’t enjoy either the setup or being required to take the Living Flame DoT (as the longer cast time option feels better for me). And I don’t vibe with the “army commander” theme of Scalecommander at all but it seems like a spec you just set and forget.