Are you picking Covenant for Aesthetic or "What's Best"?

goin for aesthetic; Night fae just happens to probably be the best covenant for balance.

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A mix of aesthetic and what’s considered “best” for me.

It would be extremely difficult to pass up Night Fae on my druid, regardless of covenant abilities.

Struggling with paladin choice. Apparently Kyrian isn’t ideal, but those back wing mogs…I need them.

There is enough complexity in the system that I am going to go Aesthetic first and then if a few months down the line there really is a huge bonus to switching to a different one then i’ll consider switching.

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Whether or not I like the Covenant’s theme and aesthetic.

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Going Night Fae for cosmetic appeal no doubt. All their abilities are pretty spectacular.

As a Hunter it is rather annoying, as all 4 of our covenant abilities are decent, but all 4 of them are good in different parts of the game.

So i’m giving up a good PvE or PvP ability for a nice general use ability.

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What’s best probably, but I’ll see what my situation is like by the time the expansion comes and might end up going with aesthetic if I’m not doing any serious endgame content.

What’s best for my class. Venthyr won over Night Fae.

Yep. Gunna pick what I like and still out preform most folks. :yum:

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If your picking a covenant just for RP plz don’t expect to be invited to groups. Your not getting into mine without the optimal covenant and I’ll say it over and over again

I’m simply picking the covenant I like best Kyrian for most of my characters. I have 13 120’s so I will try the other 3 covenants 1 alt goes to each.

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Lucky for me the one i like aesthetic wise is the best “all rounder” for Hunters.

Which is Necrolords.

Until the ripcord gets pulled (I’m betting on 9.2 or 9.3 in an attempt to pull all the people that left back in), my mains are going for whatever Covenant is “2nd best” because I’m expecting the “best” to get nerfed shortly after release unless “best” is so far above the other 3 they’d have to remove it to make the others better (see: rogue). Alts can go for aesthetics. So far it’s looking like my pick for my Monk fits the aesthetic I want for him anyway.

Mostly aesthetics and lore. I really, really don’t like the night fae aesthetics at all, despite the theorycrafters already determining that it’s best for DKs.

I don’t anticipate doing anything over +15 M+ though so no biggie.

I have exactly 4 120 alts, 1 for each so I can experience it all.

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Aesthetic. Ardenweald looks so awesome.

(Yes I know this is Leelinn I have been very busy. The reason I have this weird outfit on is because I was in the trial of style and I forgot to change it.)


Style and fun over numbers any day.


I want to play affliction with drain again. I miss legion and malefic grasp.

The necrolord ability decimating bolt is so strong for affliction + drain that it overshadows everything else.

I wish I could play venthyr, but I need all the help I can get, so necrolord it is…

Call me CRAZY, but this is the first expansion where I want the mail armor sets more than the plate/cloth, i want my hunter to join maldraxxus to tame undead beasts and rock that sick mog. I don’t even kno if it’s the meta choice but i honestly don’t care

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Definitely going for function over form on my characters. I see no reason to strap cement blocks to my feet no matter how pretty they may be.

My friends and guildmates will invite me no matter what covenant I pick. I don’t pug as it is so I am not worried in the least.


Both. Love the look of venthyr and they seem to have awesome abilities too