Title. Kinda curious. Are you choosing your covenant based on the aesthetic you like, or because it gives the best skill for your spec?
I personally am going Night Fae for aesthetic reasons, even though Venthyr/Necrolord are better, dps wise for Survival.
I’m going for a little mix.
For this Druid, I would say its Aesthetic but also power since Night Fae is apparently the one for Balance druid…But also having a covenant of druids is quite nice for the class aesthetic.
Same with how The Light and Kyrian sort of mix and Priests/Paladins will flock to that for their class aesthetic.
I enjoy the idea of being locked to a covenant as linking your soul to one would be an amazing story idea.
Yet i also see the point on a gameplay perspective that people want it to be unlocked.
Assuming they don’t pull ripcord I will be joining the best covenant on my main and probably aesthetic ones on alts but idk.
Might see if it’s viable to do the story I want on a character and then switch to a useful covenant and then switch back when a new patch comes out etc.
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I’d prefer to go for aesthetics but Night Fae is still looking the best for paladin because of Blessing of Seasons. I’d much prefer to go Necrolord just for the armor. But it depends on how things are going to work. Like if I cap renown with a covenant and unlock all their rewards, can I move to another covenant and unlock all of theirs?
Me too 
I’m choosing Venthyr for both my characters (monk/demon hunter). My primary appeal is aesthetics - the swords at the back. The abilities are also quite good for their class, I believe.
I’m going for “what looks fun that I’m not already leveling someone in?”
Horde will be venthyr and necrolords
Alliance will be the other two.
Aesthetic here. I’m picking what I enjoy. I don’t play at the level that requires me to sacrifice enjoyment.
4 out of the 5 toons i plan to play this expansion are going Necrolord. No. I don’t like necrolord. Actually it’s my least favorite zone and armor and look. With that being said you can take a guess why.
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Separating by faction?
Haven’t heard of people doing that yet
Going with best ability. I’m curious to see how many different covenants I have someone in, given that I’ll only have 3 different classes at max level.
aesthetic and the theme of the ability
like, I really like the hunt for DH
I’ve heard it’s garbage on pve
but I still find it really cool
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I’m going for what will contribute best to my character power for what content I’m doing, nice aesthetics and compelling story comes second to having gameplay that feels good to play.
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Almost no one complaining about Covenants does, tbh
I want to join the Kyrian, because I really like the looks and it fits with my character. Luckily, it seems the ability might also be one of the best for my Mage. If it weren’t, I would join a different covenant, even if I don’t like the aesthetics
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whatever one is best for veng tanking…
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personally I’d like to pick whatever feels the best giving the rotation I prefer. Problem is eventually anyone can get use to a rotation given so many times to practice. But if a spell feels so out of place I don’t pick it even if it sims higher. If it feels out of place I usually do better with a lower sim skill.
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Depends, but probably a mixture of both. Because I’d like to be competitive with this monk, I will pick the best option for PvP or whichever abilities best shore up MW weaknesses. Other characters where I’m not as competitive but enjoy them for other reasons, like my NE Resto Druid, will 100% go Ardenweald. I mean, come on. Sometimes the aesthetics and flair will synchronize too well to pass up, and others I would just like to perform better.
This also mirrors my constant struggle with Racials and performance. Sometimes I just wanna play a certain race, ya know? But I also realize that X Race will just give me that smoother edge.
I have two guilds I do things with, one horde and one alliance. So I’ve split things based on my main and alt for each faction.
What’s best. Too big of a performance gap not to.
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I’m picking what’s best for my character’s story.