Are you picking Covenant for Aesthetic or "What's Best"?

Going for whichever happens to be the most amusing at the time that particular character is making the choice.

Aesthetics I guess. I am picking them based on the characterā€™s back story and what they would align with.


im going based off what class i plan to choose and aesthetic/lore i guess.

im likely going to either play my mage or my horde shaman. problem is i invested years on my mage as for shaman i just leveled it up. so its pretty bare i havenā€™t played retail in a long time either waiting for SL didnā€™t like BfA myself.

Mage idk what covenant i will be maybe maldraxxus idk yet. i feel like so many people will be in maldraxxus though. as for the shaman that is an easy night fae. mage prolly night fae too i like the whole woodsy/druid feel of them as irl i like animals and nature in general

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Iā€™ll be picking for aesthetic even if itā€™s the worst choice for performance. I know people are up in arms about it all but I think Iā€™ll be justa fine. Besides, whatā€™s best for your class may not be a month or two into the expac.

TBH I donā€™t even know whatā€™s ā€˜bestā€™ for my BM hunter. I have always loved angelic themes though so she will probably be going kyrian.

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Honestly whatā€™s best unless itā€™s fairys. Then Iā€™m going to probably reroll get very angry and hope it doesnā€™t happen again. I donā€™t want to be a fairy who can transform into a furry. I refuse to play that game.

Whatever is best for Mythic+ and decent for raiding.

I would much rather go with Night Fae but I donā€™t to pick something thatā€™s going to make my end game life anymore difficult that it already is.

Stupid dog Blizzard.

Depending on what character I play, I choose it based on aesthetic. Like this mage is going Venthyr because they look the most interesting in terms of both aesthetics and lore. My UD DK? Bone City of course. Hunter with the plant people and my paladin with the Blue Men group.

Tuning should be all over the place anyway.

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Maybe a bit of both? Kyrian looks like a pretty good package for Prot, and I like the aesthetics.

I was going to go Night Fae on my DH, even with the choice being weaker. But just a couple of minutes ago, they nerfed itā€™s ability. Itā€™s now not even useful in pvp situations. Looks like they pay no attention to the survey asking which covenants feel good and which ones donā€™t. Almost every single DH post Iā€™ve seen regarding it, says Venthyr is by far the best choice in every situation, with Night Fae really only being useful in pvp. Now itā€™s not even useful there. Guess Iā€™m going to be forced to be a skyrim vampire lacky, or be behind in dps by leaps and bounds.

Mixture, I think. I play on an RP server and thus filter a lot of in game decisions through weighing what makes sense for my character story-wise along with aesthetics, etc. Iā€™m not really a min-max kind of guy though, so probably just whichever story fits best to me after Iā€™ve had some hands-on experience with all of them.

I was going for aesthetics at first, but since they all look great I decided to go for performance, not necessarily raw damage Iā€™m taking utility into account as well. For example: Iā€™m picking Kyrian on my Paladin because Divine Toll is an amazing tool as Protection for both damage and mitigation, but Iā€™m going Night Fae or Venthyr on my DK for the additional mobility.

Aesthetic. /10 char

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Iā€™m picking it for aesthetics. It kind of makes me sad that I will just have to take whatever abilities comes with it, but Iā€™m not spending an expansion in a dark cave or collecting more ugly transmog.

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Aesthetic. I donā€™t care about some minor DPS increase and I find it ridiculous that others do.


Going Maldraxxas for the armor. If I had to pick a location for the zone itself, I would definitely go either Bastion or Night Fae. I love those zones aesthetics so much, but their plate armor set is literal garbage tbh

100% Aesthetic. Maldraxxus was the choice when I saw its existence. Kelā€™Thuzad is there. Draka is important. I get an abomination that I can ride on their shoulders while they wear a tophat. Donā€™t actually care for any of the covenant armor, but Necrolords are my JAM!

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Going for what i like & what fits the character Iā€™m playing. Getting too busy with irl stuff to really take this game seriously any more since this game really isnā€™t important to me.

Neither honestly, for me itā€™s more about which Covenant resonates personally with me. Aesthetically I liked Maldraxxus when I first saw them, but donā€™t really believe in their whole ā€œmight is rightā€ mentality.

Gonna hold my decision until I play through the zones, but so far Iā€™m leaning Night Fae, will have to wait and see if that remains though.

I just follow the crowd, so always whatā€™s best, even if it has no effect on my play. lol