Are you picking Covenant for Aesthetic or "What's Best"?

I’ll be joining the Necrolords because of their aesthetic and currently-established lore.



I’m picking what will be most fun for me to see and experience, so aesthetics. I’m too casual to worry about what is best.


Based on what’s best for the most situations. When you do the content I do that’s the only correct answer.

Unless the rumors about the ripcord having been pulled already (alongside many, many abilities being taken off the GCD) are true. I suppose we’ll find out today or tomorrow!

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I am picking Kyrian because I like the style and aesthetics and the ability seems…not awful, so that’s a plus.

I am not a meta slave so I don’t care what “the good one is” since I am capable of independent thought and actually playing the game.


I will be choosing what is best for my combat gameplay. I don’t necessarily mean the flat out best performance, but a middle ground of that and rotational fun.

I would love if I could also be in a covenant for 2 years that I enjoyed the lore and aesthetics of. But as is we have to choose between one or the other, and gameplay has a higher priority for me.

Fingers crossed.

Seriously, stat cooldowns on the gcd :nauseated_face:

“What’s best” because I plan on leveling a bunch of alts in SL. I really want Night Fae mounts but its apparently the worst choice for this hunter. Necrolord, my second favorite turned out to be the second best choice for hunters so…It’s a toss up between Kyrian and Necrolord for this toon.

Ideally, I want one alt for each covenant leveled.

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Aesthetic because I’m not a dork.


Going for aesthetic. Already talked it over with my raid lead, and he’s fine as long as I don’t pick the worst out of the four :joy:

But ain’t it kinda… funky letting a graph tell you what to do? A covenant ability might be 3-5% difference, but a well co-ordinated tmog gives a solid 10% bonus.


I will ALWAYS play the way I want to play so I will choose the covenant I like aesthetically for all my toons while also choosing 1 of each overall just so I can farm all the rewards each have with at least 4 of my toons.


theotar the mad duke and his transmog covered

I’m casual, but I would rather be able to choose a faction I like AND an ability that feels good. In the current iteration, it is statistically unlikely to happen, so I (and most others) will be stuck with something we resent.

Cosmetics don’t keep you employed in a raid, it also doesn’t help you DPS wise . Pretty simple choice at least for me, but the game has many different play styles and if role play and fantasy is your thing do what’s pleasing …no judgment here

I think I’m going to go with aesthetic.

I probably would go for most powerful, but I don’t want to be changing covenants several times as Blizzard buffs/nerfs certain abilities throughout the expansion because of the inevitable imbalances that will occur.

I don’t trust that what is best now will be best in 1 year, or even 2 months.


I picking it based on lore , so it necrolords for me :+1:

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Honestly, I haven’t even really given it any thought yet. I will once we get closer to launch date and things become more “firm” with them and class changes.

Whatever does the most damage or help the most I will take, I do not care at all about appearence.

Of course there is always some limit, for example I would never EVER go for Night Fea even if its ability was doing 90% of my DPS, I still have minimum standards.

Aesthetics mostly.

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Whats better, I am trying to join my raids cutting edge team. I would also like to get glad in shadowlands so I’ll probably be rolling multiple toons.

If power and aesthetic is disconnected I’d choose nightfae since you can customize the vulpine and remain in it indefinitely in rest areas.


Let’s face it, I’ll be the maw walker, champion of the shadow lands

The only thing I get from picking the theme I like is a better looking zone to hearth into to turn in quests

The transmogs are ugly, I’ve got better mounts and the story will likely be the same anyways so what’s it matter