Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

What are you talking about? I didn’t ask for you to reply at all. You’re choosing to.

You haven’t asked tough questions. You’ve shown you gave no clue what you’re talking about and then want me to make sense of it. Nobody can do that.

I see you’re still confused about the social contract is ok. That’s unfortunate. If you need help with it, the CS forum blues can help sged some light on it for you.


OP is the kinda guy who’d join a D&D game or something and then try and force everyone to play their way.

literally just yesterday I saw somebody try and vote kick a rogue because “they have the tmog i want”.
They were dead serious, they private messaged me to ask me to vote becaue they only had one friend to vote with them.

People are LITERALLY intentionally vote kicking people out of groups for actually no valid reason. A lot. Hell, I’ve been kicked out as a healer just because the tanks gf, one of the dps, got mad that I was outperforming her alt healer while she is on an alt…
I only know because one of their guild members felt terrible and messaged me to explain that I didn’t do anything wrong…

People be petty, pathetic, childish, selfish, and most of all sad.
I have always been against the vote kick system because of how easy it is to abuse.
However, you are partly correct. It is pretty rare in the grand scheme.
The solution is out there somewhere, but I sure don’t have it lol


If the main intention is to kick a person because the group is not happy with them.

Sure then a revamped kick where the players is removed from the group but he does not incur a timer until a debuff stacks.

This should do exactly what you need.

There is no need to punish good players like me because we take a left turn and you in team go right.

Toxic players will incur a timer if they kicked multiple times.

There is ways to rework the primitive system into more modern ways.

No reason for you dictators to act like this.

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You keep saying this, but you clearly don’t know what it means. Democracy - people vote and the majority win. YAY!

I honestly feel like you are intentionally wasting everyone’s time just to get reactions. Spin people up and get replies. Possibly on multiple characters.

I still think the best post on all this was

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while I agree with you, that would actually open people up to more server-based abuse. Because then the guild groups you mentioned that go around intentionally kicking people to inconvenience them…Imagine what happens when they keep abusing it and make it so a person literally can’t queue for dungeons ever because they just keep getting voted out often enough.
The reports aren’t being read, literally ever. I know from experience. Literally make a post about being an all knowing magic conch, and suddenly the hundreds of people having fun and making jokes just go poof all because three people got a bee in their bonnet over other people having fun. literally went from a month long suspension to “sorry, we messed up and you actually didn’t do anything” with just one person reason what was said.

So keep that in mind. nobody is reading the kick reasons, its automated. Blizzard has no way of knowing that the reason is valid or not.

AGain, I wan’t a solution too but maybe thats what you can do! Go work it out. Come up with a solution, come back and write it out. Nice and neat and with bullet points and stuff.
But as the resto druid hero talent choices prove, blizzard doesn’t always listen to feedback, even when its really well written and correct in every single way.

That was added because Tanks would get a Dungeon they didn’t want and refuse to move until they got kicked so they could queue again.

I haven’t seen one kick for a non-AFK player this whole x-pac.

GLad you brought this up.

We can cap kicks every person can issue to 2 only

Yes, toxic players in wow will kick anyone then, so we should keep the cooldown and debuff stack to a daily refresh.

If I got two stack yesterday at 8.00 pm - it should refresh today after daily reset.

Game should always look towards new beginnings and corrections.

Debuff stack should answer to this. If you are getting kicked from multiple instances you get kicked.

3 would be a good start ?

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Keep that up. Solutions.

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lmao…and you OBVIOUSLY have made the offending parties mad so they flag bombed your OP here.
Kinda makes me think a particular discord group in here might have some connection to the vote kick abuse too since they love to abuse the flag in here…


I ain’t scared. THey think i am troll when I am addressing a serious issue.

I am also working towards giving them solutions, they cannot just say Kick was justified when we have multiple threads on this issue.

They can come at me harder if they like. They will witness my ignore list with open arms.

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That or put a 6 hour CD on your ability to kick.
That would reduce the abuse directly and also make it so we use them more wisely…less abusively.

Blizzard INVITES this raunchy UNsocial behavior…literally ENCOURAGES it…both here in game by telling the malcontents that the features “cant be abused”.

They CAN and ARE…and that is conclusive FACT…UNLESS moderation HERE and Blues or whoever THERE…literally want to TELL US that the vote kick was DESIGNED to censor anything I dont LIKE rather than real infractions or abusive behavior.

I dont like your mog choices…kick
I dont like your racial choices…kick
I dont like the question you asked in here…flag bomb

So either blizzard is admitting to perpetuating and encouraging this ANTI SOCIAL behavior in this “MMO”…or they arent.
IF they arent they need to retract previous statements about the features being UNabusable and just admit they ARE being abused out side their :point_right: INTENDED purposes :point_left: and that they have no control over it.

That would at least allow me to have some semblance of respect for them.
They arent gods, they cant control foul malcontent sorts behavior.
But they SHOULDNT then also cover for their behavior by telling us theyre doing nothing wrong in this “MMO” when they kick someone over their damned mogs…

I wish we had a vote kick system on the forums to get op out of here. you’ve literally gotten your question answered by many people on multiple threads. idk why you haven’t gotten silenced for thread spamming

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They don’t need a valid reason. They don’t need a reason at all.

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we do…its called the ‘ignore’…and welcome to mine…

Is this your alt that i need to ignore now ?

Stop making it personal. YOu are being wired.

Tell me what is the issue with this option :point_down:

I just wanted to welcome you to the club.

It’s not very exclusive though.

I’m fairly sure Liolang has everyone on ignore now.

To be honest, wasn’t even talking about liolang lmao I really meant the op but whatever :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

She has the correct ones on ignore. She is doing most certainly the right thing.

If you need to get your point across on forums, you need to stay clear of few players.

That is for sure, they will come and derail your thread if you get involved with them.


likely…just ignore…you have a lot of ignore slots. Ive ignored 1/4 of this forum, Id bet, lol