Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

Liolang certainly has criteria for ignoring people.

It seems to be adjusted every time someone gets on the list though.

Disagreeing with you, isn’t derailing a thread.

You derail a thread by changing the subject, then everyone talks about that subject instead.

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yeah…it really burns their noodles that they get ignored lmao

Its OK for THEM to ruin someones game time for NO REASON AT ALL…but they whine and toss tantrums when I DONT ruin an hour of their game time trying to get into a dungeon, then have to sit out another 30 minutes because of the malcontents kicking for no good reason…AS THEY ADMIT THEY DO right here in this thread…literally brag about it…all Im doing is refusing to listen to their trolling posts.

its pretty ironic…laughable, actually.

THEY say they can kick for NO REASON AT ALL…brag about it in here…boast about having done it…

Then THEY whine and moan and toss fits, railing on for DAYS at times…hanging onto it for TWO YEARS as Ive seen in many cases…that I ignored them in here and DIDNT actually cause them to lose any time investment.

The abject hypocrisy of this sort is vomitous.
They ruin someone elses game for NO VALID reason…by THEIR own admission…
Then toss tantrums that I dont want to read their garbage trolling in here…

doesnt get any more duplicitous than that.

Also they dont like it when we point out that vote kicking is out of hand, they sort of want to completely ignore it.

They dont even want to find a solution, if the intention is to remove the toxic player. We understand, but once we say that players who are not doing anything are getting kicked. They go all bazooka on you.

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Guilt is a funny thing.
The guilty know they ARE guilty…but they dont like being told they are…even if theyve already defended the behavior their guilty of. lol
Ive seen this behavior so many times over the years its just expected.
Human psychology is laughably ridiculous.

btw…just put the trolling sorts on ignore…and flag any actual forum violations made.

I may’ve been kicked recently, but, I’m actually glad, the group was weird. I love the vote kicking system, me and my group number 4 so, that one pug guy is always outnumbered.

This is exactly how we encourage dictatorship mentality.

You think this is fair ?


Right, like in the decade plus run I’ve had with WoW as an active player, I can count on one hand the number of times where a VTK went out in an abusive manner, and those were all within the first week of VTK existing

But let’s take a step back and consider what “an abusive manner” means here. When I say this, I’m saying that someone had a VTK open up against them for an unjustified/non-game play reason.

For example, if a VTK went out on a warlock player as “being a warlock”, that’s an abuse of the system. The same group, a VTK against the same player as “Player is bad” is NOT an abuse of the system, but why it exists in the first place.

“Dies too often”
“Dies to stupid”
“Butt pulls”
“Too far back”

All great reasons to VTK someone, and that is the social standard being created/enforced.

A four player stack VTKing the 5th player is only abuse if the group is doing it for the lols. Rather, consider that for this situation to ever matter, it must first be a situation where 3 of the four players at random wouldn’t have hit “yes”. But often, guild stacks aren’t randomly VTKing people for sake of, but because that 5th player is slowing them down or making their experience worse; that’s what VTK is intended to address.

And at that point, the question becomes whether a random four kicking for those reasons vs a static four kicking for those reasons differs meaningfully, but they do not.

Like CAN the system be abused? Yes, as can EVERY system that isn’t air tight and stop gapped.

But in order to abuse the existing VTK system, the bar is fairly high. You basically need:

  1. The player being kicked to legitimately have not done anything that hinders the rest of the group’s method of play

  2. Someone in the group to care enough to open a VTK in the first place.

  3. That said VTK is for a reason that isn’t actually connected to the game play itself

  4. That at least two other players agree with it

  5. And in the case of premades, that this VTK decision would NOT occur with a random 4 players

In practice, that bar is HARD to clear. Content where VTK is enabled CONSTANTLY has low performing players in groups that never get kicked because having a low performing body who just doesn’t actively hinder the group is faster to complete than to refill and catch up in 99% of cases.

But like, consider this from a purely statistical angle instead for a moment.


  1. 1 in 10 dungeon groups abuse a VTK against a player, one time per run. That is, 10% of all dungeon runs will ALWAYS use VTK to troll, once per dungeon.

  2. We would expect then that the number of reported instances of VTK abuse would converge towards that 10% value over time, across the ENTIRE population. If we had 3 million active players, we would thus expect to observe 300k players encountering such abuse, exactly once (simplified to avoid hypergeometrics math).

  3. Even among that figure, and assuming each individual instead has the same number of abused VTKs against them, then that’s 150k people ever encountering this twice, and 100k ever encountering it thrice. 60k people ever encountering it a handful of times. Basically, at 10% rate of event, the number of people who COULD experience this VTK abuse at any noticeable level of occurrences is going to be very VERY small.

  4. But also at 10% rate, we should be seeing far FAR more reports of it than we do in the forums. Even if just 500 people were reporting it, which is many times more than it’s been reported, that figure would suggest that those players are experiencing this VTK “abuse” as outliers

  5. Which then brings us to one of two outcomes. Either the people reporting it are legitimately experiencing that abuse at insane outlier rates, which is bound to happen to a few players OR that they are seeing a greater than chance occurrence of event, which suggests the event isn’t actually abuse

Would this apply to the lowest tier content that is normal and heroic modes ? And is mostly filled with new players who are learning.

Or would this apply to save your key when you brought in the wrong player pushing highest tier content ?

Anyone wanting to understand his dissertation report :point_down:

Key points of the discussion:

  1. Abusive Vote-to-Kick (VTK) instances: In over a decade of playing WoW, the writer has seen very few instances of VTK being used abusively, mostly during its early implementation. “Abusive” here refers to unjustified/non-gameplay reasons for kicking a player.

  2. Examples of valid reasons for VTK: Reasons like frequent deaths, AFK, pulling enemies unnecessarily, or generally hindering the group’s progress are considered justified uses of VTK. VTK’s purpose is to improve the group’s experience by addressing such issues.

  3. Guild stack VTKs: It’s not considered abuse when a guild stack kicks a player for slowing them down. The group’s frustration with a poor-performing player is the intended function of the VTK system, regardless of whether it’s a static or random group.

  4. High bar for VTK abuse: Abuse of the VTK system requires multiple unlikely factors to align, such as the player not hindering the group, initiating a VTK for non-gameplay reasons, and at least two other players agreeing. This makes the threshold for abuse high.

  5. Statistical analysis of abuse: Even if 10% of dungeon runs featured VTK abuse, the expected number of reports in forums would be much higher than observed. The relatively few reports suggest that either the abuse rate is extremely low or that most cases do not actually constitute abuse.

Conclusion: The rarity of reports suggests either a few outliers experiencing VTK abuse or players incorrectly identifying legitimate kicks as abuse.

That is why I asked him a simple question. Does this accommodate new players. Let’s see if he answers. His answer most likely has to be no. There is no other way, his theory does not supports new players. As they are more prone to make mistakes.

This isn’t possible to ascertain, because people can kick for whatever reason they want. Literally in the support article.

And there’s already an internal system to keep people from constantly kicking. It’s been in the game since VTK’s inception.

Vote kicking isn’t considered griefing.

You can’t abuse the system. Moderation is for the forums, not the game. They do not police votes. Others have to agree to the vote.

Can you kick a new player for not knowing a mechanic ?

New, old, returning, doesn’t speak, speaks too much…ANY REASON. Blizzard still does not want to hold our hands or hold people to your own rules.


Yes you can. Whether you choose to or not, is up to the group. If the player doesn’t learn the mechanic or doesn’t speak up so people can teach it and it causes issues during the fight, people are allowed to decide if they want to keep that person or not. People can decide to kick for whatever reason they want. Read the support article and blue posts given to you that you continually ignore.

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How many of these involved stretched truths? :dracthyr_love_animated: I was in a group that lobbed a guy for constantly pulling stuff and going afk outside boss rooms with no warning and he angrily whispered my healer demanding to know why we’d remove him, so I think some people don’t even realize they’re being a burden.

I’m not saying one can’t be removed for “no reason” by “trolls”, just that it’s quite rare.

Of course. Same reason that people got removed from raids, guilds, failed guild applications, etc.

New players have more options than ever to LEARN the dungeon and mechanics.

  • Follower Dungeons
  • Guides on websites like Wowhead
  • Videos on sites like Youtube
  • Streams on Twitch

If they don’t learn the mechanic and decide to do group content, they should not expect others to carry them and make up for their mistakes.

Failure to even bother to learn the basics is a great reason for a group to remove someone. Not that they NEED a reason.

One person does not get to force 4 others to put up with them. Democracy!

WoW is not a gym class where they MAKE you keep someone on your team like it or not. You get to pick your team and remove those who can’t play well.


So you would want to vote kick new players who are learning the game and most of the time they don’t even know they are doing a mistake.

Just to be clear we are talking about the lowest tier content that is heroics.

Most seasoned players will justify vote kicking a new player failing at mechanics. That is not really a balanced system.

This further strengthens my point that vote kicking is not friendly towards new players and only caters to dictators.

A total rework is crucial. I have already given my suggestion. Now I am only showing the flaws in this system.

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Heroics are not lowest tier content.

Your false scenarios don’t work. They already DID offer ways for new folks to learn.

Blizzard has the actual statistics of how often Vote Kick is used. If it was an issue they would resolve it. It is not an issue. Getting your feelings hurt because you were kicked is not a problem to be fixed, no matter how many threads or posts you make about it.

Now, if someone unleashes profanity, slurs, etc - THAT is actually abuse and can get a vacation.


Explain to me why the game has never advertised this in this game. This is what you want us to do.

Not the game.

The game specifically says “ be nice to new players - it goes a long way “

Furthermore, Blizzard has showcased that when circumstances demonstrates a new problem that they do react to it. During Wrath it was the debacle of folks refusing to do Oculus, and in TWW it has been a case of too many folks who drop out of dungeons for not getting their item - regardless of the fact that it would be faster to finish the dungeon than to drop out of it to then try to find another group again.

Vote kicks aren’t a problem, precisely as you said, and if things do become a problem… we have both recent and historical precedence that Blizzard work to reactively fix things. So unless there’s been some change I don’t know of, how vote kicks function have been fine for about 14 years.


In your opinion, and your welcome to it. Unless, that is, you can show us where in our agreement with Blizzard, they have put in the restriction you believe exists.