Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

You literally said it over nothing earlier.

I’ve literally NEVER seen it and been playing for a long long time. So keep calling people kneck beards and keep getting kicked :+1::+1:

You don’t see me wishing I had the power to suspend players on here.

Any feedback is still feedback whether it is vitriol or not.

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Said it to who ?

Never seen it does not mean never happened. Vote kicks are happening.

The other day they kicked a guy for getting dcd.

He came back within 2 min but was kicked. We were literally steam rolling the dungeon.

What was the need for a kick. I am 588 tank what was the need for a kick ? Like were we going to wipe to a trash pack.

The players with toxic mentality just want to kick so they get a deserter.

Ret was helping you with tags.

You only have 1 neuron firing at all times do you? If the DPS is getting p*ssy that the tank isn’t pulling fast enough, that said dps proceeds to go pull a hundred mobs, and busts their invuln bubble so that they can try to aggro dump, that is Griefing, which is a punishable act, and also the very definition of wrong. The tank pulls unless it’s agreed upon prior. There is no other way about it. Any dps or heal that pulls more than the tank did, without the express agreement that it’s gonna happen at the start, is wrong. You need to get off forums. Being rude to MVP who was factually telling you why the system is the way it is, but you wanna be a troglodyte and say she has no right to post because she stopped doing group content. And then you ignore everything, and gaslight people who are telling you the same crap, acting like they’re the ones with the problems when you’re the one that started this thread complaining and whining.

I politely told her. Her opinion is insignificant as she herself confirmed she does not do any kind of group content.

So realistically her opinions will be biased. As she has not been in any our situations.

I think my response was fair.

Here take this ignore. And read my response below to her. This is rude ? I made sure to stand my ground while giving her the respect. Use your head next time.

You’re crying about stupid crap that doesn’t effect you. Then you go and think YOU have any right to say someones opinions are invalid. She said herself, she played the game for 20 years. She has done group content for a vast majority of the games entire life. She is more qualified to speak on this than you are. Grifter ah "I’m a god and should be the only one stating opinions. All else are “invalid” or “insignificant” head ah

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They have reasons, you just don’t agree with them. Which is fine; you don’t need to.

how many of those threads are from individual accounts?

ooops, can’t tell, because they’re all from classic alts who have nothing better to do than troll.


Atleast 45 of them are from Luuba as himself.


In your opinion. And you are welcome to it.

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Now get ignored in this one as well.
You had to log on this alt to post.

Glad you did not post in memes.

Follower dungeon is for completing questings or learning the map.

Not for doing content or getting gear or xp.

We cannot all run and hide in follow me dungeon because of bite kicks.

Ngl i would probably kick you if you spoke in chat. Half the things you say are unintelligible due to your poor syntax.

Edit: and you don’t have the excuse of phone auto correct on a keyboard.

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Nobody cares if you pretend to ignore them. Furthermore, accusing others of posting from alts on a 58 dk is hilarious.

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Nobody cares if you’re posting on a level 80 or a level 20. It’s changing toons to evade ignores that he’s accusing you of.

No dog in this fight. Just saying that’s what he’s talking about.

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Right… I’m posting on a character with the same number of posts as him, yet evading ignores :rofl:

This guy is a looney tunes.

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If vote kick cannot be removed or revamped.

They need to look into the debuff timer and remove it .

If a players gets kicked multiple times, the kick needs to stack and he should earn a debuff.

This way good players don’t get caught while with toxic groups.

Eventually toxic players who are getting kicked will earn a timer.

You can fix this broken system. There are ways.

Nope. Terrible idea and you clearly weren’t there when the system launched.

The timer was added because it was 100% needed and we’re not going back to groups being held hostage by people like you who demand they keep you and play by your own made up rules.

This already exists and is invoked faster when it’s a party of 3 who join a LFD or LFR queue.

This has been explained several times in your many threads and replies.


Sorry - you can’t just barge in and expect me to answer to you.

Last time i indulged myself into a conversation with you.

You just said bye and left when I asked you tough questions.

Hopefully this time you have read what the social contract does.

That would be the 8 th time we are talking about this now.

I think on this he wants the KICKED player to have no debuff to start with when kicked, then gradually build up to a debuff if they get kicked a lot.

Which puts us right back to the original issue of people TRYING to get kicked so they can get a random Dungeon they like more. It would take quite a few kicks to penalize that player for holding a group hostage.

I have no idea why this person keeps going on this. Like, do they think they are going to change how WoW works and is this a game or something? Personal challenge?

Just make their own group or use Follower dungeons. Delves also give decent gear and you can’t get kicked.

Yes, well all have. It has NOTHING to do with group finder kicks. Nothing. It is a recap of rules we have had for 20 years.

It does not allow one person to hold 4 people hostage to their style of running a dungeon. Kick does not violate the social contract no matter how many times you try to say that.

Which is why everyone keeps telling you the two are not related!

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