Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

Then why is there a kick timer? At the point you’ve kicked six or seven or 11,984 people, you are then “forced” to run with the next one, and that’s bad, right?

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It’s been thread spam for at least 3 days now.


So here’s the thing apparently all the DPS dont understand. I KNOW how much my character can pull and survive. if its 4-5 groups of mobs its 4-5 groups of mobs. which is not “unacceptable”. If i was pulling 1 group or single mobs at a time. i could see people getting annoyed. this isn’t Mythic + we aren’t on a timer, im pulling 4-5 groups of mobs (or more) consistently. but i also know, that the mobs that stack sunder, or stun, or chain fear. i don’t want 10 packs of those… and i know my armor/limitations. so when DPS decide “5 packs isn’t enough let me pull 8 more” i end up dying, or someone ends up dying and then the vote kick abuse starts. You can’t be that dense to not see how your statement is wildly wrong/not how things should be.

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if the ret pally wanted to tank. f’king queue as tank then. that’s why there are ROLES to queue as. me pulling 4-5 packs at time is more than “fast” enough especially if the DPS stick to their jobs and actually DPS rather than running around 6 miles away gathering mobs.

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Kinda sounds like you guys could have handled his pulls if you didn’t choose to let him die, so it still seems like it’s on you here

Doesn’t sound like he wanted to tank, sounds like he wanted to do a ton of AoE DPS to kill everything faster and finish the dungeon sooner

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We are all on a timer… the internal body clock will get us all in the end.

Just for reference, i don’t just play ret, the pull you are talking about i know i can pull pretty much the whole first area, up the stairs, back to wall, and face tank it. Wait for the general, grab them, whole left side (or ignore and fight boss with generals if my group has thumbs and a pulse).

Again, the majority of the group had fsith you could do more, when you showed you didnt, it broke their spirits and the onky option they could see was to remove you to boost moral again.

Mini tyrants raging people oust them via democracy.


or, they could be halfway decent human beings and endure the oh so painful extra 3 minutes this would’ve added and finish the dungeon rather than kicking me in the middle of the 3rd boss fight when the boss was at 22% health.

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Either you are ignoranrt or full of yourself.

There a multiple physically disable player who play this game. You are joke with this thinking.

Trying to control the lowest tier content just so you can have some kind of gratification.

How hard is it for you just gg go next. You have 20 years of expierence ? You Can’t finish the dungeon ? See your system is flawed and only feeding the dictators.

Sure but none of you have actually told us what is unacceptable behaviour. I would like to see and read that against why that does not fall in social contract.

You don’t even know who owns blizzard.

Here is a joke for you - blizzard is under a public traded company called Microsoft and they made 6 billion in profits last quarter.

Now you are telling me you know how a social contract works ?

So basically you don’t know why we should report players.

Good luck with your toxic behaviour. We will let the countless threads speak for ourselves.

So why do we have threads of healers crying tanks pulling fast ?

He was doing only 3 or 4 pulls. That is what he was comfortable with.

Not like you will do anymore.

Tell me who do we kick in stonevault ?

Tell me who do we kick in ship in Dawnbreaker. You aren’t any better. That is why defending the lowest tier content. He was pulling 4 mobs. That is enough ?

Well each group can kick or not kick whoever they want for whatever reason, that’s kind of the point. Whether they’re going too fast, too slow, not doing enough DPS, not healing enough, or playing a Demon Hunter, they’re all valid reasons if the majority of the group want them kicked for it.

your group was willing to keep you. the players in each group vary from group to group, which means what will fly in each group is different from group to group.

but I don’t see what that has to do with this conversation. it should not be a surprise to you that each player has different reasons for kicking someone.

the point of the vote kick isn’t to help the community. it’s to help the dungeon group get rid of problem players.

that’s what reporting is for, and if the reason you’re kicking someone is reportable, you should do both.

you do not get to decide what is and isn’t a “kicking offense”. Blizzard has said that any reason to kick is valid. why to kick any player from the group is up to whoever is in the group at the time. if you are not in my dungeon group, you do not get to decide when, or why I decide to kick someone, and you also do not get to police why I, or any other players vote to kick anyone. Only Blizzard can. you are not Blizzard.

Vote kicks also require a majority “yes” vote, so any vote that goes through was because 3 of the 5 players agreed with whoever initiated the kick to begin with. if the other players in your group think you are not pulling your weight, it is totally fair for them to kick you, and replace you with someone who will. you cannot force other players to play with you. come prepared, and don’t be a jerk and you will not be kicked from dungeons.

if any player, new or old, is repeatedly making the dungeon harder for the rest of the group, whether that is by not being able to keep up with the group, having too low healing as a healer, getting lost, or not knowing Boss mechanics that wipe us, then I have no problems with that player being kicked.

personally if you wipe us once, that’s fine, but when you’re repeatedly wiping the group, or getting lost over and over it becomes a problem because now no one can progress through the dungeon. if you’re willing to learn and take tips from the rest of the group there’s no problem. if not, you’re out. simple as that.

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Honestly, i don’t care i was kicked. screw it. what is stupid about this system is that I GET KICKED for stupid crap, and I GET STUCK WITH THE TIMER?! So now i can’t queue for 18 minutes because of some babies in the group… that’s where my issue is TBH

For no reason you say? Press X to doubt.

The vote kick system is fine, just be less insufferable.


If you would have gotten deserter before the changes, you get deserter for getting kicked.

Why? because people would abuse the lack of this to dodge deserter, rendering it ineffective back in Wrath.


This thread will get derailed from those who support this type of behavior and are reporting threads to take it down. People on the forums would defend this nonsensical behavior of vote kicking anyone.

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Join us then, honestly. If you feel like you arent doing anything wrong, and the ret pally has made your list, vote kick him first (i also recommend all DH’s). You have seen now, now join the fight, dont bother asking them to stop, they have heard it before, give them the boot on the throat, and finish their run early. Its up to you who makes your list, who passes your vibe check, you dont owe anyone anything. If they dont pass your vibe check, they dont get to play with you. Give in, join us.

I’m fine with it for the most part, I’d change the amount of party member votes to all 4 required for a kick.

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Should be 2 tbh, those damn 3 stacks get in the way. THIS IS A JOKE

And you believe them?

i’ve seen ONE vtk this entire expansion. One.

I’ve been solo queuing since the 23rd.

I’ve seen 1 vtk. And it was because the healer had DCed.

You’ve been here long enough to know GD is the most melodramatic place on the internet, not even r/wow or twitter is this deranged.