Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

Kinda of a contradiction with Loilang, because when there post get flagged, they’ll delete there post, then claim it is false flagging, but exactly what are they doing right now, especially when none of your post are even breaching the Code of Conduct, where a couple of theirs are?

derailing…ad hominems…flags incoming

Given how often Lio breaks the CoC, I don’t know how they are still allowed to post here.


Yup, must be really hard not understanding why the big Luubs posts and hers gets flagged but others continues to stay unflagged. Guess its just another system that is working as inteded but somehow at the time being abused.

Hell if any of the forum mods want to log back in whilst they have some down time on Space Marines 2, ill take a temp if they do too.

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Good idea, lets start with your post, shall we?

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Makes me question how as well.

yes…lets…ive done a long list of them myself. :+1:

If anything, it should matter because the Forum CoC tells you not to create duplicate threads.

Getting BACK to the TOPIC that the trolls are derailing from with personal attacks…

yeah…its been going on since tWW dropped
WAY too many threads about it at this rate.

the kick needs fixed.

  • 6 hour CD…no votes till your 6 hours are up

That will KILL the vote kick abuse the same day while still allowing them to get rid of that player they CLAIM they never see kicked WHILE admitting they kick for no reason and its 'not against the rules"


My suggestion is to go all in on Delves. People are no longer forced into group content at all… The more people play Delves the more resources they will be given the better they get.

If people play the way they want and stop trying to play content they have a bad experience with Blizzard will eventually respond accordingly as they already have…albeit very slowly at times.

If group content causes frustration due to vote kick…stop participating.

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1000% agree!
I dont know why good folk subject themselves to the sorts in these threads who ADMIT and even brag about kicking players for no good reason…while then lying and saying it never happens.

I ignore them in here. Id hope others would to. Dont interact with trouble makers…then one can enjoy the forum…and the game.

Just use delves and follower dungeons…the gear it all drops is more than enough for solo content anyway

I think they want to, but M+ is blizzard’s golden boy, and must therefore always be the best way to get high quantities of gear, which is what players want.

I’ve never been kicked. So yes. I’m good with the system.

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Until Branns AI has enough and starts VTKing… one could dream.

Tank is a repeat offender - he should be kicked and eventually he will earn the debuff.

Clearly you have no defense. Good luck !

I gave you the respect to engage, you are a baiter. For now, say hi to my ignore list. Lets see if your attitude improves in a month.

As i said - i have already proved multiple points in this thread which cannot be countered and which are more in tune with the players we have now.

Going forward would be look at a reworked vote system. Many games, have this same system that works on a DR.

We all have signed a social contract, now we have to see how we can address toxic players who chose to be repeat offenders after multiple debuffs.

If Blizzard is going to allow more alts - that is more people using the LFD - so can they use the same vote kick ? Clearly not.

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Give everyone a kick.

No vtk just let anyone kick.

its amazing blizzard even bothers with that given how they allow abusive players to stay in this game anyway

Just put a 6 hour CD on the kick.
That alone will make them SAVE it for when they NEED it…or NOT have it when they do…
A 6 hour CD and they’ll guard it like a gold bar instead of abusing it.

And if they aren’t? Imagine this, they spent the morning on the forums, got themselves in a bad mood, went to work at the pizza shop, had nothing but bad actors, on their break checked their phone to see they are getting ratiod, back to work, boss yells at them, they drive home with My Chemical Romance blaring, they get home and log onto wow just to find out their level 1 herbs didnt sell and queue up, angry, hurt from the world…

Why assume they are a repeat offender?

Every point you have made has been discredited by multiple people… what?

Thankfully blizz wont listen to the 3 people that are complaining about a stand alone system that is working.

Again, VTK does not apply to the Social Contract, and VTKing someone for any reason is not toxic just because it hurts your feelings.

All the above are things you have been told multiple times, from multiple people, over multiple days now. Nothing is going to change, noone from Blizzard is going to see the 3 main advocates for changing the WORKING SYSTEM and change it.

I unfortunantly am insanley bored, at this point its like pistol whipping a blind kid, and has lost its charm. Fairwell big Luubs and the random panda that pretends to ignore. I would say i will miss you both, but your existance was no weight on my life :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Agreed but we still need to address the issue of wrongfully kicked players.

Why do they need to sit through the abuse of being kicked and a timer.

Most have agreed on this very post that they would gladly kick anyone for any reason.

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Think the majority of the fuss is the fact the debuff is called “deserter” lol would honestly think if the debuff was like 5mins with the name re branded as “majority disapprove” or something this would be fine… can go and craft, or kill a few mobs in 5 mins no major loss even if its by trolling or accident…but i don’t think locking out vote kick after one is a good idea seeing as if you DO vote kick a bad player and then get a toxic one to replace that one (extremely rare BUT it happens just had it happen today with 2 healers XD) you stuck now with said person.

They should call it “you’ve been a very naughty boy”