Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

calling out post flagged

He is doing his best to get on my ignore list as well. Clearly he is baiting.

He is unsuccessful so far with me.

I think they already flagged me but it got revoked. I don’t think they can do it again.

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That’s because we’re friends and I like you

Posts on the forums don’t necessarily translate to accurate in game representation.

There are tons of threads claiming vote kicking is out of control, I’m simply saying after leveling multiple characters I have yet to see this “out of control vote kicking” happen even once

dude telling me Im a liar cuz HE cant handle FACTS lmao.
This forum has been littered with kick threads since TWW dropped
somehow that one and his ilk musta had their eyes closed since then in here lmao

I know why I quit healing so much for these malcontents
TONS of bogus vote kicks I got sick of seeing.
Couldnt care less if theyre in here lying about doing it now lol

Even the ones on the forums don’t happen for no reason, the person who got kicked just usually doesn’t appreciate the reason

Nope, depends on where you’re at, what jursidiction, and it hasn’t been proven anywhere.

It was also a loose analogy, obviously. I knew i should have gone with the “are you over 18” because I should have assumed you’d jump ship on the losing argument to find refuge on overly-semantic island.

but hey i can cut and paste from the internet too

The EULA does not represent a legally binding contract but, instead, an agreement that the end user will adhere to the fundamental usage requirements and specific terms of the EULA. In reality, the consumer is actually renting (or leasing) a license from the app’s creator (or a vendor). After digitally signing the EULA (or hitting the “I accept" button), the customer can then install the app software.

I got this one at

posts on the forum
showing EXACTLY what I see when Im healing
I’ll believe THAT over those in here with every motivation to lie and troll, as they do always.

Yes, this is called selection bias. It’s a very well understood thing.

The 5% of instances where something goes wrong get 95% of the coverage (exact numbers may vary).

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What’s the motivation to lie?

you CANT be serious. lmao.
“yeah, I always kick player for no reason just to be a jerk and ignore the social contract”

just stop posting at me please.

Yeah, nobody’s saying that.

Go lie to someone who will listen to you boy.

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i dunno maybe someone will create a SĂžren Kierkegaard chatbot and you can get to the bottom of it

Again, VTK has nothing to do with Social Contract. You seem to really struggle to grasp that one.

Well actually to be fair there was a poster earlier named Af who said they do this, but they also claimed they want Blizzard to change it to stop them from doing it, so it was weird

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So there isn’t a reason to lie?

In the 20 years give or take I’ve been playing this game, I’ve seen maybe 2, 3 crappy vote kicks for no reason.

None of which has ever happened to myself.

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you certainly werent slow enough to think i didnt know what your joke question was about, Im sure.
Now youre wasting my time trying to troll
join the list with your buddies.

Yeah it’s really an interesting coincidence that certain people seem to encounter the issue of getting kicked “for no reason” repeatedly, while others can go decades without it happening once.

I’m sure it’s an issue with the system.

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This guy is speed running putting everyone on the forums on their ignore list lol

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