Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

Your rework has even more flaws than the current system. Your proposed rework was how it was before they reworked it into how it is now. Your rework is more flawed than the current setup.

No one is manipulating. No one is kicking you specifically to give you a debuff. They’re kicking you because they don’t want you in their group.

Yes, groups can be wrong.

Yes, any system can be abused.

Yes, you have a right to be ticked off (based on the story you posted).

All that said, the VTK nonsense some (not all) are experiencing will largely go away after this next lockout.

It’s going to be okay.

Which is why you were voted off the island.

You didn’t work with the team… you worked against the team. You got voted off the island by the team. Is this really a hard concept to understand?

Nope. It doesn’t.

Tell me where.

Proposed rework :point_down:

Just, immediately, right here, before I even read the rest of it

And what is wrong with this ? Your intention was to remove the player and you succeeded.

This should cover repeat offenders.

You are not the police here. Blizzard is. They can decide what to do with toxic players. We need to take some power away from the community and give it back to blizzard.

Yall are abusing it.

So now a toxic player can ruin 12 other peoples dungeons before he gets a single 30 minute debuff?

You’re valuing the toxic players time over 12 non-toxic players. That’s a massive problem

Blizzard has already decided how to handle this, and the current system is it. You are the one that has an issue with it, you can’t tell me I’m the problem.

How have you come to this conclusion that every player that is kicked is toxic.

You yourself said you did dawn breaker for the first time today and died twice.

I can say that is toxic as you held the group back with multiple deaths which added to slowing the groups pace.

Do you consider that toxic ?

Blizzard has also said they do not get everything right.

I don’t expect them to get everything right. The model was built on cata dungeons which were extremely difficult. We cannot apply it here.

The vote kick is still there but what we have today needs a rework.

I told them in advance I had never been there, if they wanted to kick me they could have and I would have understood. They chose not to.

That doesn’t mean they should be required to keep me. And in fact, a vast majority of groups will go the same way mine did. To be clear, I wasn’t the only one that died through the course of the dungeon either.

The point of the VtK system is to give groups the option to remove a player they don’t want to play with. That group decided they were fine with keeping me.

When I sign up for a dungeon I’ve never done before, I know that I won’t necessarily know all the mechanics or routes, and that I’m opening myself up to the potential of getting kicked. Is it toxic of me? Some could consider it that way, sure. Would it have been toxic of them or abuse of the system had they kicked me? No.

yeah but blizzard’s solution is solving the issue of requiring more customer support since without votekicks it would just escalate into GM contact.

It is not solving the issue of anything legitimate aside from the occasional AFK or disconnect (both of which should be automated to a degree without requiring a votekick).

What it CLEARLY doesn’t solve is people abusing/weaponizing a system or doing things for the lulz.

Oh, yeah, you mean like Overwatch, Overwatch 2, Heroes of the Storm, all the diablo games, all the warcraft and starcraft games having no votekick?

Overwatch solves AFK by a timer that autokicks. DCs should have a short window and then you’re out. Don’t waste my time with promises your cousin’s uncle is coming right back just be 7 minutes. And then punish me for being forced to wait because someone can block the vote because they’re changing baby’s diaper.

But nah, rather than automate AFK and DC with a trivial amount of code, Blizz relies on “votekick” for the two most common uses and allows trolls who have clearly been votekicked before to now weaponize it for lulz.

Weird, they’re defending system they built as non-abusive. So weird!

Yet they don’t have it in any of their other games because it would be abusive. Wwwwweeeeeirrrrrrdddddd.

Also “voting to kick someone isn’t abuse” is so strangely worded. The problem isn’t the actual vote, it’s how the votes are initiated the gang-up mentality, and the “idc kick whatever.”

I’ve been a part of far more groups where someone SHOULD HAVE been kicked, but wasn’t, because either impossible due to group or someone erring on politeness.

As-in literal AFK people who did nothing for 1/2 the dungeon not getting kicked… with no clear friend/guild tie in group.

All these supposed “new players” that keep getting kicked should just do follower dungeons to learn how to play.

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So we’re building systems based on the fantasy that there’s a SeRiAl ToXiC PlAyEr on the loose just queueing for dungeons and TROLLIN’ & LOLLIN’?

So explain why tanks can intentionally leave dungeons with no 30 minute debuff, but someone doesn’t do something an ignorant, aggro rage gamer prefers and they get kicked and a 30 minute debuff?

Again, it’s all just about customer support costs. their garbage votekick system saves more money than if they didn’t have it, and fixing it costs more than it’s worth to revamp it.

Pretending that it’s this well thought out system when AFKs and DCs don’t get autokicked and a literal group can hold the entire group hostage because neither can be kicked is hilarious.

If this system was so good then why can a DUO evade any votekick? Because why, 2 people never troll in a duo? C’mon now.

I can literally queue with a healer on my tank, and rush to the boss without aggroing anything or explaining anything, and don’t care if the dps dies, and we win. They can’t votekick this which you’d agree is toxic behavior. All they can do is literally leave with a deserter debuff. Yay, great system. No idea why you’re defending it.

They cannot.

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Yeah, lets remove the vote to kick mechanic so players can hold groups hostage! I can’t wait!

You are being a hypocrite here.

Yesterday you were quick to judge the player who was 329 and she said to the heal please pocket me. You said she should not have qued.

Today since it is you - we need to judge you with a different scale ? You should not have qued and done follower instead.

That was toxic behaviour in your part since you very well knew that you would need a carry

I am just showing you how you are using the vote kick to suit your needs.

You are trying to justify a vote kick system that is broken.

Your answer itself is weak. Tomorrow you will twist your answer to suit your current need.

Vote kick a player no worries. Remove the timer.

Well depending on when they leave, they do. And soon, they always will no matter when they leave.

One person can’t kick you friend, it takes at least 3, or 4 if there’s a group in your dungeon. That means it wasn’t just one person who didn’t want you there, it was all of them.

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yes they can.

Yeah, but one person initiates the votes and 3 followers “go along with it” sometimes for the luls, sometimes not.

“I have never rejected a votekick because it’s funny to me” - most wow players

I’m not being anything close to a hypocrite.

Yesterday I defended the ilvl 329 player and said Blizzard needs to either make dungeons completable at that ilvl, or put an ilvl requirement on the dungeons so that someone who queues for one is able to do it.

That said, the group still has the right to kick. That’s entirely consistent with what I’m saying here in my situation. The group had the right to kick me and I would have been understanding and okay with it. The group yesterday with the 329 tank chose to kick, mine chose not to kick. That’s all.

Please don’t put words in my mouth.

So where’s the problem? Players are allowed to votekick for ANY reason.