yeah but blizzard’s solution is solving the issue of requiring more customer support since without votekicks it would just escalate into GM contact.
It is not solving the issue of anything legitimate aside from the occasional AFK or disconnect (both of which should be automated to a degree without requiring a votekick).
What it CLEARLY doesn’t solve is people abusing/weaponizing a system or doing things for the lulz.
Oh, yeah, you mean like Overwatch, Overwatch 2, Heroes of the Storm, all the diablo games, all the warcraft and starcraft games having no votekick?
Overwatch solves AFK by a timer that autokicks. DCs should have a short window and then you’re out. Don’t waste my time with promises your cousin’s uncle is coming right back just be 7 minutes. And then punish me for being forced to wait because someone can block the vote because they’re changing baby’s diaper.
But nah, rather than automate AFK and DC with a trivial amount of code, Blizz relies on “votekick” for the two most common uses and allows trolls who have clearly been votekicked before to now weaponize it for lulz.
Weird, they’re defending system they built as non-abusive. So weird!
Yet they don’t have it in any of their other games because it would be abusive. Wwwwweeeeeirrrrrrdddddd.
Also “voting to kick someone isn’t abuse” is so strangely worded. The problem isn’t the actual vote, it’s how the votes are initiated the gang-up mentality, and the “idc kick whatever.”
I’ve been a part of far more groups where someone SHOULD HAVE been kicked, but wasn’t, because either impossible due to group or someone erring on politeness.
As-in literal AFK people who did nothing for 1/2 the dungeon not getting kicked… with no clear friend/guild tie in group.