Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

im not sure what you mean? they can disband but they can not do that dungeon again that day, there is very little incentive to not finishing

Also it is easier to play with like minded gamers

I think we should revisit this post in a week or two.

I have done well over a few hundred, runs of Heroic dungeons and not once has any one used the vote kick system. Where are you running into this ?

The has already been answered.

If 4 out of 5 people in a group think you are doing something wrong, you are doing something wrong.

That being said, maybe a throttle on how often someone can initiate a VK each week would be a good option.

I agree. Let’s let the topic rest for a few weeks and see what happens.

Yes. We will make sure to show how flawed the kick system is.

By end of TWW we will make sure it is reworked and inclusive of new players and all the players.

That is what the social contract says.

Yes I agree that time will show that it is inclusive of everyone and works well

I dont know if I said this in an another thread of yours but I will say it anyways, OP.

Blizzard has been hands off since Wrath, is still is hands off and will continue to be hands off with the Vote kick system.

While yes it does suck to get randomly kicked from a group by the 4 stack that is in the same guild but at the same time, Blizzard is not going to do anything about them, either you deal with it or dont.

Causing problems intentionally such as repeatedly wiping the group is a vote kicking offense.

Then how do you do that when you encountered some few bad apples?

Give me 1 scenario where this applies in TWW dungeons.

All of TWW content is easily smashable. These are no ways near to Cata heroics to be judged with the same rule.

Even if 3 die on dawnbreaker first boss. The two can still complete it mechanics are applied.

maybe you should get votekicked if you’re in a dungeon for 30 minutes

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Is your alt in my ignore list ?

Why are you twisting my words ?

I said the person who was wrongly kicked has wasted 30 min of time.

But the issue with your point is there is nobody who is “wrongly kicked” as you posit.

I was kicked for taking a left turn while the group took the right stairs of ara Kara.

Define wrongly.

I will define patience and team work.

I was kick as soon as it was 5 min.

My kick would also fall under the toxic behaviour of the social contract.

That group decided it didn’t want you in the group anymore. That’s not a wrongful kick.

I get that you wish there was more patience and teamwork in dungeons, but that does not mean it’s required from those people.

No it wouldn’t, because the point of the VtK system is that it’s there for any group to kick any person regardless of reason. It’s not toxic behavior as described in the social contract, because it was used exactly as Blizzard intended it to be used.

Using the system exactly how and why it’s intended can inherently be neither abuse of the system or a violation of the social contract.

that’s not correct or even remotely logical.

It’s called an Ad Populum fallacy. “More people think so therefore it’s correct.”

No. Nope. Noooooooo. Newp. Uh-uh.

I got votekicked trying an aug evoker, grossly undergeared, bug zone.

Tank ran forward, body pulling everything to first spider.
Healer had to run with tank.

Dps night elf hunter, spawns new mobs/eggs bridge webs, aggros mobs the tank didn’t aggro. shadowmeld/feign.
mobs aggro on to me, I’m wrecked, can’t get away.

I die, nobody else does, zero damage done because I didn’t want to make it harder for the tank.

Release, run back. All mobs still there, tank has moved on to 2nd and 3rd spider in that time with pocket healbot training them.

I try some flappy and CC to get to the group, nope.avi, die again.

Tank types in chat “what is going on?”

And before I had a chance to type anything (like it’s hard to tell what’s going on in WoW) I was votekicked out with a deserter buff.

I could blame blizzard for this ridiculous OP “dungeon spazz” meta, I could blame the healer for autofollowing a tank to do mediocre/useless dps, i could blame the hunter for not getting their pet to aggro because effort, I could blame the tank for, you know, not actually having any awareness whatsoever and actually ensuring all mobs are on them (the fact that he probably couldn’t even tell that he didn’t have aggro on everything is evident. And finally, yes, I’m responsible for being low geared and doing the activity that blizzard allows me to do with their convenient interface.

But kick me and I can’t play for 30 minutes? Uhhhhhh nah.

TIL groups can’t be “wrong”


At this point you are just supporting your toxic behaviour on the back of a flawed system which is not how the game designed it to work.

No one is arguing that you kicked me. Sure let’s go with the kick.

But why give me a 30 min timer ?

My left turn wasn’t going to break the game. We did not even get to the boss.

The fact that they waited 5 min to be under the kickable threshold indicates they knew exactly what they were doing.

Also - when I took the left and they went right. I even said please don’t kick. I will document this.

It was that obvious.

Wrong as it pertains to using the VtK system? Correct, they can’t be.

You can disagree with their reason for the kick until the sun goes out, but they still used the system to its exact intent. Four people didn’t want you in the group anymore, you don’t get to be in the group anymore. Simple as.

No one is arguing the vote kick should be completely removed.

But I am arguing that it needs a rework.

At this point manipulators have completely figured out the corners where they can exploit it.

That is where the toxic behaviour is stemming from and leaving a bad taste in mouth if good players.