They are aware otherwise theyd never have needed to say the kick cant be abused to relieve themselves of THEIR responsibility to deal with it.
Clearly there arent enough employees at bliz to deal with the tickets IF they say vote kick abuse is actionable…and where is the line anyway?
It would be impossible to set hard rules as to what is and isnt a justified vote kick.
What they NEED to do is ENFORCE the Social Contract more strictly.
IF the find someone participates in an abnormal number of vote kicks over the course of a month, that persons account needs to be looked at.
Outside of that, the 6 hour CD I have mentioned a number of times WILL help curtail the problem…and make it account wide so they cant just hop on an alt to abuse it again.
IF Im a vote kick abuser and I know I only get ONE vote per 6 hours, Im guarding that one vote like its a bar of 999 fine gold lol.
This would nearly eliminate the problem of kicks for now good reason because now I want that kick waiting for the REAL problem…that tank holding the group hostage…as the kick was supposedly created for.
I’m still on your side, just want to correct you on this part as it is something I experienced and know what their talking about first hand. The tank holding groups hostage wasn’t why votekick was created. It’s why the debuff was attached to it. It was an issue that came up fairly early in wrath of the lich king. It happened during The Oculus dungeon and it was a very big problem. Adding the deserter to kicks is very much needed although I do think there is a method inwhich they could of made it so this didn’t happen the very first time you got kicked. As it’s part of the issue with the kick system as it stands currently. It should imho take repeated kicks before you start getting the deserter.
I as a tank, could care less if we have low dps. My job is to tank. Most dps would be on the same page once they have gear. Hell, every wow player would openly help anyone once they are geared.
It is a very small minority community that is holding is us.
That is why i wanted everyone to see players like this and their demonic ideologies which does not cater to anyone but themselves.
he wants to demonize players in the lowest tier content, he has not even set foot in a single key.
I take what that player says with a grain of salt to be honest. I have no way of knowing how they act in the game itself but from what I’m reading from there posts here on the forums. I have assessed that they are a forum troll. Likely bored and trying to stir the pot simply because the lack of content in game. It’s fairly likely they are not as edgey as they say they are in the game itself.
I’d be perfectly fine with the vote kick system if it didn’t also give you a 30m deserter debuff. I’ve received a vote kick a few times, and each time it was malicious. And when you’re just trying to level your alt from 60-70 that debuff hurts.
Blizzard, can you please 86 the deserter debuff from the vote kick system?
He thinks we are here to get our Forum account ban
for a reason no one is defending this BS, as we cut their non sense out.
We will make sure to submit as much as possible. We need a change which is inclusive of all the players - Physically disabled, bad players who are learning their class, low geared players anyone who is truthfull needs to be protected.
the system we haev now was good for when we had no LFD - times changes, we don’t need this backward system or gatekeepers.
YOu dont need to dominate me in the lowest tier content. We have all signed a social contact and we need to adhere to that.
Its pretty simple - you come across toxic players who is ruining the game on purpose make sure to report and move on.
Obviously the sort who thinks its funny to abuse players and its “not against the rules” arent the ones actually trying to follow the social contract.
More likely they skirt by doing just as much as they can get away with in game without getting banned.
they whine the game is dying, then pretend they arent the cause of it.
They can define griefing however they like, and abuse of a vote-kicking system is by definition conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others.
Yes, you can. Easily.
Weird talking to those mods in-game, then.
They choose not to, because there isn’t a current need to. If it becomes one, they can.
Disruptive gameplay conducted by a group is still disruptive gameplay.
It isn’t. Blizz is not going to sit down with each player and ask them why someone was kicked.
And VTK is not part of it, as already stated by the support article and blue post.
Nope. There is an internal system that does not allow for constant kicking and vote kicking isn’t considered against rules.
Those are not moderators. They’re GMs and you don’t talk to them in game and haven’t been able to in like a decade.
There is no way to determine how people felt in the situation to police their decisions. VTK is meant to give player agency to a random group.
Is not the VTK system.
Again, there is an internal system that does not allow people to constantly kick. You are given a cooldown. It’s been in existence since the inception of the system.
I have been playing since launch and I have been kicked twice and seen a vote called (out side of LFR where honestly half the raid should be kicked) less than a dozen times.