I’m not so malicious to do so, but some days when I read these threads I get so frustrated with the way people talk constantly parroting “You can kick for any reason at all” Makes me want to create a collation of people tired of this speech so much so that they are willing to go into dungeons and start vote kicking as much as possible for the most dumb reasons. Sometimes a problem can’t be seen until its forced to be seen.
Again I don’t encourage this behavior, nor will I actually do it, this is mere venting and stating how this mentality makes me feel sometimes.
it needs to be said…because BLIZZARD is the ones claiming the kick ‘cant be abused’ to relieve themselves of any responsibility in turning this community loose with a tool they KNOW is being used MORE to troll than for the actual reasons it was designed to deal with.
Just ask the trolls when the kick was created…what was going on…they literally said it in one of these thread in the last 48 hours, lmao
They’ll TELL you that it was made because 'tanks were holding players hostage" lmao.
BOOM…THERE is your REASON…CONTEXT…WHY the kick was created…WHAT it was meant to deal with.
And then daddy blizzard doesnt want deal with the mess THEY helped created by turning kiddies loose with a book of matches looks the other way, pretends the problem doesnt exist…and so the house gets burned down.
And the ‘fool’ aspect of this is that it causing players to HATE GROUP CONTENT in a GROUP CONTENT MMO game lmao.
They need to deal with it…or the foolishness of NOT dealing with it will keep this game being turned into a SOLO game more and more, as it has been for multiple expansions now.
yeah…I call that foolishness as a BUSINESSMAN…their CHOICES at the top in NOT dealing with this kind of thing is THE reason why we’re all in here demanding more SOLO content in a frikkin MMO for god sake.
what would be cool is a blacklist addon.
So youve ignored someone you know is vote kicking for no reason…their name gets added to the addon list.
I know some…mine get added to.
Then you dont ever get grouped with any of them on the addon blacklist.
Thankfulky for me i cant see if someone has a disability, is new (no sprout icons here), or what ever made up factor you mention, so i have no ability to know, and will proceed to treat everyone the same.i also dont run arround assuming because someone does something wrong they are disabled, thats a slippery slope there champ.
If the group agrees, they get the boot, of they dont, we suffer in silence. I am not even going to waste my time typing to the person, high chance itll be someone much like yourself on the other end that will just start swinging and hope something sticks anyway.
Anywayyy still vote kicking, you and the other random can keep echo chambering, i am going to play into yiur fear of abandonment you have shown with the MVP “leaving you on read” and just dip. Yell into the void, am sure blizzard is watching and taking notes that 3 people in this thread want a change. Surely they will do it… right?
I just sometimes imagine what would happen if people started vote kicking people just because they was a blizz employee or related to a blizz employee… Would the stance of any reason still hold? just curious you know.
It’s easy to say it don’t matter when your not the target of the malice.
yeah, my wife brings up this kind of thing a lot…its easy to ignore problems if one isnt the target of them.
didnt our hunter pet specs get stripped because someone at daddy bliz was whining about them in a pvp match or something akin to that? lmao.
I agree 100%…let Ion get vote kicked a few times for no reason all and half hour of HIS time wasted waiting around when HE only has 2 hours to play and yeah…100% this is fixed the next Tuesday update. lol
6 hour CD on vote kicks.
You kick…you dont get to vote again for 6 hours.
That’ll reign a lot of this problem in quick
yeah I mean I don’t quite view it as a negative thing it’s just a human nature thing. It’s difficult to view a perspective and believe in it unless you yourself experience it. I don’t think its an abuse thing on their part or anything its just they don’t know until they know. Literally an ignorance thing.
that is all i needed. What you wrote next holds no weight.
YOu are not accommodating to new players or players who are physically challenged in certain aspects which we don’t know about.
See Blizzard this is your system that has created this demonic beliefs. Where a player unless they are not top gear, top dps or top pulls will not be entertained.
he wants to kick anyone in the lowest tier content.
Then as I said to another poster above…Im 100% positive you are going to have NO response when I perma block you right this second just because I want to.
I dont know if youre disabled…not my job to concern myself with the details…I just feel like I want to put you on my ignore list right now
Im sure your buddies wont have anything to say about it either.
I mean, we wouldnt want to be hypocrites for whining about an ignore for no good reason while we’re cheering on wasting 30 minutes of someone elses time in game with a vote kick timeout, now would we.
Takes 3 to kick.
Takes 1 to ignore.
I respect your choice to kick.
I expect you to respect mine to ignore.
Respecting it means you agree and have NOTHING to retort with…
Go for it, you existing or blocking me has 0 impact on me. I will continue to kick, you continue to block anyone that doesnt echo your thought process.
Look at the gleeful posts in these threads when some of mention kicking for no reason.
Thats not ignorance…thats pure childish petulance.
I didnt just get into this topic recently.
Ive been observing this crowd for years at this point.
I watch them when Im healing…observing behavior…watching the chat box…looking at the reason box when they kick
Pure unbridled malice in MOST cases.
I WISH I could write it off as ignorance…ignorance can be fixed with knowledge…spite and malice is a mental/spiritual issue that has no remedy.
That sort can mask the symptoms…but they CANT change who they are
They are spite filled in real life…and they project that crap out into life…and into the game…just for kicks and giggles.
I honestly wish I didnt know as much as I do now about human behavior…because it DISGUSTS me anymore.
Here is the real issue with the vote kick system though, even though I no longer participate in dungeons because of these issues the problem still exists and blizzard may not be aware or is aware and simply doesn’t care. But systems like vote kick disproportionally affects. Mothers with new born babies, people with disabilities, and people who speak any language other then english. For various reasons out of either malice or simply not understanding these people are kicked out of groups. This openly and willingly allows for discrimination against protected classes. Naturally in most cases this is because it affects performance to a degree however is it fair to these people to be effected so adversely, should there not be more measures in place to ensure these groups are somewhat protected.
notice this one doesnt say “I wish I COULD tell who is disabled”…or maybe needs some “COMMUNITEEEZ” help in this MMO…
No…literally THANKFUL that he doesnt have to know so he can feel obsolved of responsibility when he kicks someone who maybe someone SHOULD have just helped understand the game so they DONT make the same mistake again
THIS guy IS the problem with this “MMO”…and hes one of MANY who have ruined it and why WE all demand more SOLO content.
You already don’t get grouped with people on your Ignore list. It is a very easy way to avoid those you think are unpleasant to run dungeon finder with.