Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

I have yet to see any kicks. So I’m fine with it. Heck with all the crying I think we should all put the post makers on a list to instant kick them until they stop spamming the forums :slight_smile:

Seriously though can we stop spamming the same one topic… Really boring to keep seeing.

that is not how a forum works.

1 - you are lying
2- you are in 4 man.

pick one.

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I literally been spamming dungeons since the early access to now and not a single kick. Plenty of people leave when a trinket doesn’t drop. A kick no. Out of countless spamming runs no. Not a 1

So I choose to not be in your two choice option. I say you’re lying

What you do or what happens to you does not mean it does not happen.

I am a tank, i have more experience than you in seeing what other players do.

How is that related to vote kick ?

If anything why would I lie, you think they cannot see my data ? use your head. You have it for a reason.

Look at the countless threads. this is only going to increase when season open and M0 are on daily lockout and more and more players will want to get into Mythics and show their toxicity in Normal and heroic mode.

You shouldn’t assume a player’s role based on their posting character. That seems very dictator-ish. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but despite your posting character, you can have hundreds of other characters on the exact same battle account.

It’s funny how easily you dismiss someone, in a thread where you don’t feel people should be so easily dismissed. Seems counter-intuitive to me.

But I don’t really feel that your threads or replies are honest or genuine to be fair.


yeah…i dont believe anyone who says this lmao.
They KNOW they see kick votes popping

go on

here is your chance. Show me where i am not Genuine. I have only ever played tank in the last 8 years.

Blizzard is my witness. Show me where i have not been genuine.

Go on. I have seen countless dps and heals as I am a tank.

Then Im very sure youre going to be 100% on board with MY choice to put you in my ignore list for literally no reason at all…just because I dont want to see your posts anymore.
I mean, neither yourself NOR any of your ilk will say a single word about it in response, because…you know…its MY choice not to see anyone I dont want see.

(I got my money on someone from your side not being able to resist whining about me exerting MY right to ignore you for any reason…while you all remind US that its YOUR right not to play with for any reason, LMAO)

That ISNT the problem and YOU KNOW IT lmao.
its getting kicked at the gate and then not being able to run another dungeon for half hour AFTER waiting 20 damned minutes to get into the run in the first place…all because little Johnny LoserTroll thought it would be funny to kick someone for no reason at all and waste their time

welcome to the modern democracy! Feels the same!


Any time the savage masses have the power bad crap happens.

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This is the second time you will conveniently not engage with me as it does not suit you or your logic.

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Makes me laugh that daddy bliz literally gave the deserters some leeway…just wait to the first boss is dead…then bend the innocent player who gets kicked for literally nothing over the coals and penalize them for the entire run if trolls kick them lmao.

do yourself and put that one ignore…how they even get their green status…or keep it, is beyond me…theyre just as much a troll as a long list of others in here

The vote kicking system needs to be completely abolished.


she is already on my ignore. I am just waiting to show the community how weak her defense is.

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That…or severely restricted.
The trolls who ARE ABUSING it are the same ones RUINING the COMMUNITY aspect of this MMO and blizzard are fools for not dealing with it HARSHLY.

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I would not say this in my thread please. I think they need more data to analyze.

What they have untill now is not going to work with so many alts and how easy it is to level alts.

The older system cannot fit in. lets leave it at that and give them suggestions and counter any arguments with logic.

best we can do.

Have caught up on all the new comments, a lot of which are OP and the random forum troll trying to echo chamber themselves, outcome:

Still vote kicking for any minor inconvenience, be it real or imagined.


would you vote kick a new player in normal or heroic mode which is the lowest tier content.

and that new player is physically disabled ? and he cannot do uber dps but he enjoys playing the game ?

Say yes - i know you want to know.

I also read many threads in which physically disabled players are unable to see the candle in the cleft map.

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