Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

Great another flaw the blizzard internal system.

Is blizzard is using the metrics which are already flawed ?

Such as kicking new players for whatever reason , kicking players for their hair colour ( this you have confirmed in multiple posts)

So these are the metrics ?

Give me a break.

Blizzard has also confirmed multiple times that they cannot get everything right. This is where we need to come as as community and discuss.

Your issue is with kicking a toxic player.

I gave you the suggestion. Kick them but remove the timer.

If a toxic player does get kicked again, let him eat a debuff after say 3 kicks.

Groups players who are kicking constantly should have a cooldown.

DR should reset every day.

Seems like we both sides are getting what we need.

One tool tip on loading screens the text actually suggests that if players are stuck on a quest or have a question about the game that they should check the forums and “fan sites like wowhead” for more information

If majority of the ppl don’t want to play with you ,why do you want to play with them ??

If they are so as you put blindly vote kicking why do you want to play with blind ppl when the game requires you to have some vision? :smiley:

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Sure no problem. Then the person being kicked should not have the debuff.

It is only fair.

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No , I don’t think you were there in Wotlk but that led to tanks and healers holding their group hostage because LFD didn’t give them the dungeon they want and would demand a kick .

If you think leaving after the first boss was bad because No trinket , this is waaaay worse

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Glad you brought this up.

Firstly we are not in WOTLk. Blizzard is more than capable now to catch this behaviour.

Here is my suggestion that helps everyone :

Vote kick a player - the kicked player should not earn a debuff.

If a toxic player reques - and earn another kick, let’s say 3 kicks. He earn the timer.

If tanks/ any Role are leaving the dungeon - he right away eats the timer. Nothing should change.

Groups kicking should have a cooldown. Every player kicking anyone should have a cooldown. This way kicks are being issued on the most needed ones.

Players getting kicked and warning debuff should have their debuff reset the next day.

I thought of one more point to protect new players : new players need to do a dungeon atleast let’s say 5 times before they fall into the kick threshold.

This way we have given them enough time to understand the dungeon.

Tell me what is wrong with this. Since we are talking about the lowest tier content. This will be great for the community and new players can learn without any stress.

This above suggestion is more inclusive and modern approach toward tackling toxic behaviour.

Toxic person is removed right away.

Good players don’t earn debuff

Toxic players will eventually eat the timer.

New players are protected. This will encourage them to learn.

Both side have a middle ground where no side is winning.

you don’t get gear or exp if you do followers?

Vote kicking is used far too often to harm players, but then groups would have no recourse when botters inevitably start using LFG to level due to lack of it.

Botting is not player responsibility.

That is what the game needs to catch.

Groups still have the power to vote out. Eventually if a botter reques. He will get caught once again. And eventually earn the debuff.

We cannot punish players for any and every reason we can think off.

I agree, but Blizzard disagrees.

Moderation is a cost center they don’t want to pay for.

Unlike the social contract system. The vote kick is being used correctly as it is based on the majority of players you are currently interacting with. In vanilla, players policed the community, just like the vote kick system.

You mean dictators who would kick anyone that did not adhere to their customs?

Lubba, this hero i am on. I joined classic server when WOTLK was out.

I went and started a DK, and typed in the chat - lets go guys !!

I got insta reported and received a notification.

I logged out and never went back to Classic.

Blizzard can cross check this, just so they know the mentality of dictator’s.

Is this what you mean by policing?

No one needs to be policed, we all signed the social contract. We don’t need you to tell us how it should be. We can judge it for ourselves and take full responsibility.

Your so called Vanilla policing does not favor :point_down:

New players,

Players who dont know the map,

Players who dont have gear,

Players who die,

Players who ninja pull without knowing the mechanics,

It only serves to the Elites who are pros. That is not how you play low tier content. That is for learning and getting gear so they can move forward.

You keep purposely ignoring what everyone is saying, cutting off quotes, being willfully obtuse to troll and it’s getting tiresome.

Stop twisting what’s being said. Stop making stuff up. And start reading actual information.


:point_up_2: This. Very much this.

This person wants to impose their own rules in “fairness” and force entire groups to have to play with others that the majority wants removed, because they prefer to be intentionally obtuse to why the system is in place.

Their idea of removing vote to kick is a terrible one.

Removing the deserter debuff…terrible.

They pretend like this is hurting new players as an act. It’s all made up to bolster their own bad ideas.

Thankfully, Blizzard isn’t stupid. They’re not going back to how it was before the debuff.


There is always a reason. You just don’t want to hear it.

If you resort to name-calling, I can easily add you back to the ignore list. Please don’t call me “obtuse” when I’m engaging with you respectfully in a community discussion.

What I’m proposing is straightforward, and I’m not going to accept you repeatedly telling me that the current system works fine. I have multiple threads that show otherwise, and this thread alone is proof that change is needed. How many people have reported this thread?

Feel free to review my suggestion. If you have any ideas on how to improve it, let me know where we can make adjustments.

My proposal still allows for vote kicks, protects players who were wrongfully kicked, safeguards new players, and targets toxic individuals who might abuse the system.

No one called you names.

The way you are acting is ridiculous. You’re refusing to read what people are saying and twisting everything. You’re the one calling people dictators. You’re the one pulling drama when you asked all of us how we felt about the system and then turned around and started insulting us, twisting what we said and acting like we’re the worst people in existence while trying to play victim.

So don’t come at me as if you’re innocent here.

Then don’t post a thread asking for our opinion. Just send your feedback to Blizzard through the in game feedback section.

So basically you did not want to accept the suggestion which still allows to vote kick,

but you wanted a player to have the 30 min debuff.

Seems like a malicious intent.

This is why you can’t be taken seriously. You twist everything for drama.

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Idk worst i have seen is…

A: Having 2 of the same class in a group one gets kicked (dps wise duh)

B: Being kicked AFTER the final boss is over and sometimes before you even get the final boss loot.

And finally C: When it is a group of 4 and youre the fifth wheel…

other than that its kinda rare but its not NON existent…