Are you going to fix the PAY TO WIN?

Nope because glaives can be reasonably acquired without buying them(with RL money).

The whole reason p2w was coined as a term was because those kinds of games are specifically designed so that there are things you cannot possibly do without actually paying.

It literally doesn’t matter who coined the term and what it came from.

Paying for boosts is paying to “win.” The expectation when you pay is to do nothing but pay and receive the achievement, status, PvP rating, or item. Usually it’s not gold you earned either. It’s good you bought with wow tokens or through a third party as well, or through account sharing. That is paying to win right there.

You’re not doing the work yourself.

You’re not working for anything that was intended in the game (like socializing, joining a guild, performing well enough for a long period of time and having an impact big enough to make the guild actually want to give you glaives)

You can call it what you want. You can buy all the boosts you want and I literally don’t care… but when you skip all the actual work that goes into earning something, you’re “paying to win”

brb, “reasonably acquiring” glaives on a fresh 70 rogue char (LOL)

Pro combat rogue in muhh prebis LF guild, can open lockboxes

Sorry but p2w has a very specific meaning which i explained and it’s not “someone doing something I don’t like”

If the only way to get glaives or level up was through dollars you’d be correct but it’s not.

Okay genius let’s call it something different so you’re not triggered with all the boosts you buy in the future so you can feel better ¯_(ツ)_/¯

What would you like to call it? Because it’s not how normal people would earn something like war glaives

There are tons of phrases that came from different backgrounds that we use for new meanings by the way… Not everything has a literal background. An easy example is how people in the US say “cool,” as in “awesome.” It’s weird and doesn’t make a lot of sense when you think about it, but if you sat there and corrected me about it and every other word or phrase I used that didn’t have a perfect literal translation, I’d probably slap you for being annoying. You’re not dull enough to not understand what we’re talking about here I’m sure.

Whatever makes you feel better. Like I said, I don’t care that you pay to win. You’re not shorting my experience when it comes to earning something. Call it what you want, but we call it paying to win.

/shrug if you want to come up with a better term go for it. But in the context of gaming p2w has a very specific meaning and nothing in WoW qualifies.


Factually incorrect. You can start your own guild.

Easy they bought gold or they bought the wow token on retail then traded for classic gold.

Just because you are bad at making money doesn’t make it anything pay to win.

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Glaives are for warriors.

I mean, if you’re not good at making gold you can just say that. You don’t have to label everyone who has more gold then you a gold buyer lol

The reason it sounds dumb is because of this.

You are saying you “earned” it by killing the same boss THEY KILLED but they ddint “earn” it because they used a different loot setting, yours may of been won in a roll or a loot council but you were still there for the kill JUST like them.

Pay to win refers to items you cant be there for, they are specifically bought on a shop which is why what youre saying sounds so dumb.

At the end of the day they were there for a raid boss kill and that boss drops loot, the loot gets distributed any number of ways, gold just happens to be a loot method you may not like, that isnt pay to win tho.


Where I part ways with most is I don’t give the gold buyers a pass. They’re definitely part of the problem and Blizz cant fix stupid. Laying this all in their lap isnt grasping the problem in its totality.

Blizz should nuke their bnet accounts into dust permanently no questions asked but they’re just not that serious about it and why should they be? No one else cares.

Gdkps would still exist, it would just have smaller prices and payouts.

Having glaives won’t magically make a garbage rogue be a better rogue. The guy who understands his class more will still do more damage.

Let us not forget that guy who bought a full t6 2x glaive rogue in tbc and got caught immediately because he was so trash that it was obvious it wasn’t the same rogue

It’s nobodies fault other than your own that you can’t find a guild that wants you. Rogues have a raid spot in TBCC and if you can’t find one make one - that’s why so many GM’s and officers are rogues. You’ve left it up to the release of P3 to start demanding access to an item that you needed to be working towards with your guild for the last 7 months.

a green parsing rogue, not in a guild, with less than 10 total logged fights is complaining that a group won’t hand them glaives.

Can’t make this stuff up

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that is just one form of pay to win, p2w is a broad term that covers more than just that. whether you are buying items that are not obtainable otherwise with real money, or paying real money for a way to obtain items that you otherwise would have had to work towards in some way. it is all pay to win and shouldnt be in the game

there is no set in stone pay to win definition so i dont know where you are getting the idea that there is. I prefer to use this definition
where paying real money gives players a significant advantage over those who don’t spend any money
Buying gold and going to a GDKP to just buy whatever gear you want would definitely fall under that definition and that is what I am referring to when I say pay to win

They are literally working towards it…they KILLED THE BOSS.

It is in no shape paying to win, they literally formed a raid killed the bosses and used gold as the method to distribute loot.

The boss was dropping loot anyway because they killed it someone was getting the loot, they just used gold as the way to distribute the loot…

You can’t claim something is pay to win when they are literally killing the bosses just like you lmfao

Except that said gear can just as easily be gotten without paying for it, so no that’s not pay to win.

The definition is very clear, pay to win means that there is something that cannot reasonably be gotten without actually paying. That’s simply not the case in WoW. For example I’m sure some people will get glaives from GDKP runs, but many more will get them outside of GDKP runs.