Are you going to fix the PAY TO WIN?

Did I ever mentioned this was a problem to me ?

I only mentioned that finding a guild for a rogue was hard, not finding glaives in a guild run.

Sure, but if you have good logs it’ll be easier. I can’t be bothered to check, but hopefully you’re in the 80-90 overall range.

You know, you could always form a guild … we all know a bunch of guilds are going to fall apart due to not being able to clear bt / hyjal … or worse not be able to get into bt / hyjal cause they havnt killed KT and Vash yet.

Still doesn’t make me want to participate in GDKP. I prefer that the rewards in games be earned by gameplay rather than the amount of gold one possesses, which could be and probably often is purchased with a credit card. As you said, there’s no way to tell.

Just my personal preference to not participate in them.

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more like - swipe their credit card and buy gold from sellers lol don’t lie to yourself buddy

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Yea I am sure that your GDKP just lets your show up never buying gear or having to spend the gold that you make. Just because you are a ‘key role’ doesnt mean that you can get away with just having all gear from gruul/mag or maybe only a few pieces from T5. You don’t get to save all that gold - you still have to spend it to keep your spot and remain current gear wise

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Pixels are important.

In fact they do exactly that.

As mentioned earlyer in the thread I get payed on my resto sham 3k a raid for naxx to just show up pre payouts to cover that healer roll as the run is often short healers geared enough to do well.

Yes you are expected to have gear as a core member this can mean spending gold to get that gear or more likly so what most of us do abs use t5 geared alts to do t6 while mains raid with guild than swap as more geared. You don’t need to be t6 geared to do t6 would never make the whales happy doing that as it would mean they wouldent be getting said gear.

No you don’t do it with t4 gear and little t5 if doing t6 but you also don’t need to buy gear like you claimed to be geared. Those that are there mainly to make money in gdkps don’t spend much gold they get there gear mainly elsewhere or grab the odd item when it’s going cheap.

So no I almost never buy gear think total spent on gear in total over tbc for me was about 40k which is nothing vs the payouts.

No its not. You can be shoving out 99s and finding a spot as a rogue isnt easy. People are too hard stuck on the meta

No…you’re taking the guy with 99’s. He’s going to better than the meta classes you have that are parsing in the 60’s.

Wow, what is dropping in a naxx gdkp that gives u a 3000g payout? ours go for like 400, that’s with the good sapph enchants dropping too

Edit and u report people who buy gold in the same gdkp? Doubt.jpg

A whale wanting the lego. Also never said 3000g payout 3000g pay to show up as a geared resto. That is on top of payout. As they where having issues getting soild healz to clear pre that so bought one.

GDKP is a type of raid literally for pay to win players. That’s how they enjoy the game. Be like me and don’t join them if you don’t like em.

And 300k gold isn’t that hard to get if you work the auction house. I do alot of crafting for big auction aficionados and one guy just the other day told me he made 20k from his auctions just that morning.

A little over 2 weeks of that and he’s got himself a pair of warglaives.

You mean, the only option you limited yourself to, in your own mind. You chose to think that going to “pay to win” raids were your only option. You can join a guild and make friends, or find soft rez BTs and reserve warglaives.

If you don’t want to do that and only choose to go to GDKPs, that’s your own personal problem.

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The more gold you have the more you can invest in buying low selling high, therefore easy profit. If he made 20k just one morning then he must have already a chunk of gold.

2022 and people still use the phrase “pay to win” wrong…

Paying for the item that drops gives you no player power over someone else who doesn’t buy the item.

Pay to win is if Blizzard sold say a weapon on the game store that is better than all weapons you can get by playing normally, buying a regular item from a raid isn’t pay to win.

More like paying to be first 1 to loot it, the boss was killed by these raiders and the item dropped because of it and no matter how you hand out loot the item dropped and is going to someone anyway.

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Pay to win means paying real life money in order to achieve goals and progress within the game that others have to put time and effort into. For some people “winning” is getting the best gear. For some “winning” is being high rated in arena. For some “winning” is some other arbitrary metric.

You can work towards those goals above by playing the game and putting time and effort into it to eventually achieve them. OR you can just buy gold with real money. Spend that gold in a GDKP to buy whatever gear you want. Use that bought gold to get boosted in arena. Etc. THAT is pay to win. You are paying real life money to instantly achieve things within the game that you otherwise would have to put time and effort into. If the person wouldn’t have gotten those items or ‘achievments’ or ‘standings’ within the game without spending the real life money on gold and using that gold to purchase those things, then yes it is paying to win.

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Pay to win was a phrase coined from mobile games where you could buy items that were better than items you could get in the game playing naturally.

It basically meant you were paying to win over normal players.

Nothing in wow is pay to win. Even if you used gold to buy the drops you still had to be there to down the boss for them to drop the loots for you to buy. No matter the loot system you used someone would be getting glaives if they droppd.

Paying to win skips the rng of drops because you can just buy it on the shop and its better than all items you can get naturally from playing the game.

Pay to win games allow you to be much stronger in game than those who play naturally, thats literally why it was coined pay to win.

You can buy anything in WOW with gold and you are no better than someone who got it from raiding in a guild, or getting glad themselves.

There is no difference in power from the glaive youre buying and the glaive someone got in their guild.

You get no advantage from buying items over anyone else because we all have access to those same items.

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lol this guy just said buying glaives in a gdkp is not p2w

loling irl at ur mental gymnastics. Cuz u hit up the boys in beijing, instead of the blizzard shop, it’s somehow not paying and/or not winning


Wants to purchase warglaives for gold when people probably pay thousands of USD for one.

Asks to fix the pay-to-win atmosphere.
