Are you going to fix the PAY TO WIN?

Pay to win because you’re not entitled to Warglaives and are expected to pay huge gold for it? Keeping in mind you’re a solo unguilded player.

Yeah, makes sense… :face_with_monocle:

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While 300k seems like a lot, its not really even that bad. Lets break it down.

Dailys … ~200g /h
Prot Pally Strat Gold Farm … Raw Gold + Vendor Everything ~300g /h
Prot Pally Strat Boosts … 4 Buyers ignore gold / vendor ~500g /h
Prot Pally Hybrid Boost / Raw gold ~600g /h

So, lets say 2h per day 5 days a week … not really that big of an ask … you are getting your grind on after all and many people go harder than this.

~2k - 6k per week
~8k - 24k per month
~96k - 288k per year

so on the high end w/ some persistence … we are almost at 300k right there.

Now lets take a midpoint (96k + 288k)/2 = 192k and lets assume that you have half a brain cell and know that investing this gold is better than just letting it sit. I would say that people who work the AH tend to make at least 15% return on investments but usually its prob closer to 30% to 50% if they do a bit of research … eg buy herbs for cheap sell pots on raid day, buy mats in prep for next xpack resist gear, etc etc etc

192 * 1.3 = 249k
192 * 1.5 = 288k

So, given TBCC came out June 1st 2021 and its currently End of Jan … it has been 8mo not 12 … but some people might have saved up a bit from classic as well since we have known glaives have been an option for over 2 years now.

So, 300k … yah, not only is it possible … the math says its pretty easy if you plan ahead and put forth some effort.

I personally have been phoning it in (eg nearly zero grind, and zero dailies) … but with my knowledge of going through classic and tbc first hand when it came out the first time I was able to make some solid investments … and I am ~40k raw gold with another ~30k wrapped up in long term investments that I will prob double my money on.

Now, are there deff some people who are swiping CCs? Oh hell yes … people cry about getting suspensions from RMT all the time. And truth be told I would say that the MAJORITY of players that will be spending 300k on glaives in a GBID in the near future will have done it via swiping a CC. But, not all … and if someone actually did put forth some small amount of effort its not even unreasonable for them to be spending that much legitimately.

Its all about having a goal and following through. Some people set a goal of getting HWL or Glad, some people set a goal of hitting gold cap, some people set a goal of leading a super hardcore guild, and some people set a goal of simply having fun and forgetting about the stresses of RL for a few hours a night.

You seem to have set a goal of getting Glaives … but from your orig post, you are guildless, and broke. So it seems you have not put forth much effort into this goal. I guess you have to ask yourself … is this really something you are trying for? Or is this a fleeting want that you will give up on because you didn’t plan ahead and now it seems to be impossible?

You prob have 20 weeks left for t6, maybe 10 weeks for ZA, and another 20 weeks for Sunwell … you could still have time to achieve your goal legitimately. The question is … will you, or will you just cry on the forums because its too hard?


Folks have been printing money in-game since about week 3 of Classic.

People have 4-5 alts and can make upwards of at least 3k each character each week doing gdkp runs. Multiply that by 4 and you get 12k gold per week or more depending on drops. it’s not hard if you have the time.

Anyone who thinks people that just blow 200k gold on a warglaive are “farming it, or doing lots of gdkps” are hilarious.

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Come to terms that you will not get glaives unless youre a gold tycoon or a raid team’s top rogue who does PVP and PVE and wont log off once they get their legendary like warriors did with Thunderfury. Lots of guilds had to debate rogue glaive prio with the 2-3 rogues they have.

It’s just gonna end up like casters with getting Atiesh after TBC release: Pay for the flex and not for BiS.

And where does the majority of that gold originate? Bots. Who then sell it to the GDKP whales via credit card.

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Yes which is blizzards issue not the people who do gdkps.

Your comment is no different than blaming consumers for low pay in third world country’s. It’s not there fault for buying what’s cheap that people are paid nothing it’s there country’s laws that need to be addressed if you want change just like blizzard has to deal with bots if you want bots gone. Legal actions like gdkp is not the cause of it abs will happen even after there gone (not that they ever would be).

While stoping gdkps won’t stop the bots or even dent them.

I know it’s powerful economic forces at work. Supply and demand. But it’s not all supply side’s fault, nor is it all demand side’s fault, either. It’s all interconnected and responsibility/blame is shared. Just like in the war on drugs. Cops, dealers, and users are all part of it.

And each person, if they so choose, can do their small part by not participating. Which is why I don’t do GDKP or buy gold and never will.

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200,000 gold if bought using the most popular site would be around $2,000.00 to buy.

That’s a decent chunk of change to throw around for 1 of the glaives that the person needed to buy so prolly isn’t in a raiding guild and Is most likely not even good at the game.

Boycotting gdkp makes as much sense as boycotting the ah. Good luck with that as it’s the only way you won’t give gold to them. Even than in the end the resources likly come from bots unless you constantly farm everything yourself. Even blizzard themselves have recognized gdkp as a legit raid type. The issue is blizzard not enforcing there rules on botting/ gold buying not a legit type of raid.

If you wanted to do your small part you would report those that admit to gold buying in your raids which we do even in our gdkp. While yes if they don’t admit we don’t report as can’t prove it none the less makes it less acceptable and as such slightly discourages. Otherwise don’t invite those know to buy gold (we don’t go this far as can’t prove a given bit of gold was bought or not).

Would make far more sense than boycotting gdkps that are a legit raid style and quite profitable even without gold buyers.

While yes supply cant exist without demand so interconnected, the solution is regulation of the illicit goods not destroying the legit market.

Blizzard allows GDKP raids because they don’t care and because it would be very difficult to police even if they did care. It’s the same reasons they don’t do more to police botting. They don’t care that much. Bots pay subs, too. And they can never be eliminated anyway, any more than the police can stop illicit drug use.

You make a good point about AH, though. Sure, it’s connected to bots and gold buyers, too. But AH is something that can’t be realistically avoided. Buying and selling mats is a core part of the game. But GDKP’s can. As a personal choice, I can simply opt not to do them, and raid normally with my guild instead. And that’s what I do.

As for reporting gold buyers, in my experience, it’s not something most people advertise. Certainly not to someone like me who frowns upon it.

Yeah, um technically you are financially. Not saying you’re responsible for anything they do, but that money is definitely supporting their criminal enterprise.

Blizzard want to find gold buyer? Check these people. 90% of them are gold buyers for sure.


They don’t police gdkp as the classic lead dev outright stated he finds them fun. Finding them fun and furthermore taking the time to try them and see what there about vary much is caring. While he can see why the can be considered a factor adding to the want to buy gold he himself blames blizzard and there lack of action on gold buying as the real issue. Only right after saying there will be harsher gold buying punishments for us shortly after to get the punishment raised from 3 days to 8 day bans.

It would not be difficult to police at all one of the main draws of gdkp is the saftey net that blizzard will ban you for scamming thou not return peoples gold just take it away in the event you don’t dish out the pot. This requires chat logs abs as such those openinn statments of the rules are key as such blizzard just needs to look for those after making gdkp not allowed to highly reduce the amount of gdkp as trust would be reduced.

Beyond that it’s hard to fully stop yes but you don’t need to fully stop anything you only need to control something to have a effect. If blizzard dint want them to happen would be easy for them to highly reduce them with such a minor change. As many carriers would no longer be interested eg I would not take part as I use it to make gold not to get banned.

Naw, thats deff not accurate. Just like video game companies w/ cash shops live off whales … so do GDKP. But just because whales exist and are hunted doesnt mean most of the people involved in the whale hunt are whales themselves.

Though you do have to ask yourself … if you knowingly participate in a GDKP that someone is buying gold for … does that make you complicit in buying gold?

From my experience half the raid is the geared core looking to make money not spend so already far of 90 percent being gold buyers.

Of the buyers norm about half again are small time buyers these norm are reasonable players that are looking to profit but are fine spending a bit for the last items they need abs have good as they take part in gdkps. Some might be gold buyers but not as common here.

These two ratios swap a bit over time abs what content you are doing to make sure enough people to clear.

The last 25 percent is the real buyers these are expected to be dead weight but have gold. Of them thou only 1-3 are whales in most gdkp that when they want something there getting it. So that 90 percent number just jumped to 25 ish if your assuming all bought gold abs that’s false. The ones that norm are gold buyers is the whales so 4-10 percent in a 25 man raid ish that’s far from 90 percent in fact it’s exactly the other way.

numbers or not … its not > 50% because gold buyers dont carry themselves.

Even if you joined a raiding guild today, you’re not going to be priority glaives. Our rogue is getting it because he’s been with us since the beginning. It’s just one of those things that you’ll need to let go of or live with the fact that you’re likely to get it last.

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