Are you going to fix the PAY TO WIN?

Now that is funny stuff.

Indirectly mabye but that’s not buying gold. As you can’t prove he did buy gold and it’s blizzard that needs to deal with that if so. There is quite a few people that haven’t bought gold that drive prices up. As those that have been doing gdkps for awhile also have a good chunk that is not lost even if all the gold buyers are banned.

Yup just saying that you can’t tell me that someone casually uses 30k gold on a T4 token when T5 content is out and well on farm. Those people exist and are obvious goldbuyers and everyone profits from those. There might be obvious things in T5 raids too, they are not the brightest and dont hide it well… just saying how it is.

It being obv or not means exactly nothing. You cant prove it is the key point here. If you could report them and blizzard will action in fact have seen it quite often people in raid chat say they bought gold only to be banned the next day as we will even in the raid report people that admit it as have said proof.

Without that it’s only a baseless claim which is not right. It’s no different than running down the street abs calling people ashats even no they are you don’t say it. While if they did something wrong abs you can prove it you report them.

It’s blizzards problem to pick out gold buyers va others.

And no someone droping 30k on a t4 tier items when it was new esp week one don’t make them a gold buyer. In fact seen it happen quite a few times from people I know haven’t bought the gold as they have made well over that from payouts so there buying up new gear to keep there carry spots that tier comming in order to make more gold a investment to make returns on. T4 tokens don’t go for 30k in t5 now days haven’t for awhile speaking as someone that dose gdkps with good payouts.

Maybe you should read before typing then you would get my point. But I help you.

No problem. Enjoy your cheated gold from gdkps gl :smiley:

It’s not cheating to make a profit in gdkps even blizzard themselves have said that.

If people are there that bought gold that is blizzards problem. Any gold that is there that blizzard has not banned or policed is legit gold to be used unless you can prove it is not. While if you can report them as we do. The only one missing the point here is you. Gdkps are completely fine. The high prices are completely fine. As there is gold to pay them and many have earned that gold legit via gdkp. Bought gold is a issue blizzard need to address and has little to do with if the price for glaves this thread is talking about is valid or not. As even if every gold buyer was banned today the price wouldebt change as there is tons of players with that gold amount that never bought gold willing to pay it.

If you buy avocados from the store, but the store sourced them from a conflict region, are you supporting the cartels?

Unfortunately it doesn’t really make sense to blame a participant in a GDKP for gold buying. Blizzard’s inaction on the subject is the only thing to blame. If GDKP stopped happening, other deals would take their place and gold buying would continue.

The root of the problem is availability, which is in Blizzard’s wheelhouse to stop.

Gold buying is definitely a problem, but 300k is still within the realm of being potentially legitimate. There are a couple of guys in my guild with assets at or above that and they don’t even spam GDKPs.

People who boost, farm, or play the AH with most of their time will be able to get that much money easily. Back in classic I’m pretty sure my server had a mage booster who did a 100k gold in 1 month challenge by boosting in Maraudon and ZG.

Admittedly that 300k will more than likely be from gold buying, but if you expected glaives to go under 100k I’d have to say you are kind of dumb.

totally legit, im sure

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all this fuss over pixels, dumb sword pixels at that!

What is the NEET bux to gold conversion ratio over there?

Some buy gold, no doubt.

Some people are absolutely AH tycoons or offer boosts/services regularly and bring in good income that way.

Some people ran DMT summons as often as they could and were making hundreds if not thousands of gold a day doing this.

My guild plans to give them to our Rogues ceremonially…

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You mean you are not gold capped?!

Clearly you need to just get to work. Certainly nothing untoward has been happening in this game for years.

Certainly not.

You have to remember that people have been preparing to get glaives since classic. There was only ever going to be two ways to get them as a rogue, be a high ranking member of your guild or buy em.

If you haven’t put in the work since classic first started then I don’t really think you can complain about those that have.


:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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This is the equivalent of telling people it’s raining by pissing on their heads with the rest of the stuff you said in the post…

its call swiping their credit cards

Pretty gross how much dirty gold is being tossed around and people get maybe 2 week bans for getting caught.


This is when people irl go:

How can that guy afford to drive a ferrari and live in a $10m house?

I watch TV all day and I want those too. Life is so unfair!

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